Thank You!!!

My Birthday was on December/20 and I want to thank all of you for your e-mails, cards and gifts. That truly meant a lot to me from the bottom of my heart.

I love you all!!!

God bless,


Happy Holidays and New Year

From all of us here at we would like to wish everyone a very Happy and Healthy Holidays and Great New Year!!!

All our very best to you all and God Bless,

Peter and Gigi Criss and the Web staff of

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Last Year I was on the road for Thanksgiving with the Aerosmith/KISS tour. I missed my family and home but, what got me through it was you the fans.

Through the years you have been my second family. I just wanted to say from the heart, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.

Also, say a prayer for our loved ones in the war, they won't be home for Thanksgiving.

May God Bless them all and their families.

Love from,

Peter and Gigi and the Web staff of

Today is November 9...

My wife Gigi's Birthday. Always given her love and help to those who need it, never thinking of herself first.

Her love for life and God are Undeniable.

I am so blessed to have her as a wife and a soul mate. If you know her, you are lucky .

Happy Birthday and God Bless...

Your Husband, Peter

Happy Halloween Cat Fans!!!

BOOO, To all my favorite cats...may you all have a safe, fun and scary Halloween.

Beware of the full moon...

Peter at CBGB's

This past Sunday night (Oct/10) Peter, Myself and Gigi went into NYC to see one of their friends bands play at CBGB's.

The bands name is Sheer Terror.  The band consists of the following members, Paul Bearer-vocals, Chickie-bass Mark Neuman-guitar, Pat-drums.

They started back in the mid to late '80's in NYC. They put out a bunch of indie records, then got signed to MCA in '95. Soon after the band fell apart and after not speaking to each other for almost 9 years reformed for two sold out shows at CBGB's this past Saturday and Sunday nights.

Peter and Gigi are good friends with Mark Neuman the guitarist in the band.

Now I have seen shows at CBGB's before but, this place was packed, I mean you co uld not move but, the crowd was amazing, singing the songs, mosh pit...It was really very cool to see.

Also in attendance was Marky Ramone amongst others. Marky too is good friends with Mark and came out to show his support.

The band filme d both shows and will be editing them over the next few months for a future DVD release on Thorp records sometime in early '05.

Pictured above and to your right are Peter, Mark Neuman and Marky Ramone after the show.

Where has time gone?

2 years, WOW!!! This site has gone thru a lot of ups and downs but, thanks to the fans and just cool people, We are stronger then ever!!!

We have always believed in telling you the truth.

It's a small price for the wonderful life you ha ve given me.

Remember, be who you are, follow your dreams, love God and family.

You are my superstars!!!

We thank you and God bless from

In Memory of Sept/11/2001

Our hearts go out to all the families that were affected by this tragedy.

God Bless

Fatherhood Credits

Due to an error on behalf of Nick at Night, the proper credits for Fatherhood were not used. The error has been corrected and the proper credits will be used on the re-airing of the show on Sat/July/17.

Peter Criss on KISS Books

I had nothing to do with KISStory, except for my signature on the signature page. The contents were from past interviews which are mere press quotes and not all of them are true. I had nothing to do with KISS and Make-up and I definitely had nothing to do with Behind the Mask or any other book Gene and Paul put out.

The only thing I will authorize is Ace, Gene, Paul, Peter formed KISS.

Due to the fact I was under contract during the releases of these books, I wasn't able to discuss this matter at that time. The truth is important for my reputation.

Happy Birthday Eric Carr

All our very best to Eric's family and friends and fans around the world!!!

God Bless

Peter on 'OZ' Replay on July 13

What's up Catfans! For those of you who might have missed it the first time it aired, here's your chance to see Peter's guest appearance as Inmate Martin Montgomery on HBO's OZ in episode #42: LAWS OF GRAVITY .

Pete r's episode will air on HBO Zone on July/13 at 11:00 p.m. E.S.T. Please click on the link below HBO Zone for more information... "HBO Zone"

Peter on Fatherhood Replay

If you missed it the first time it aired;

Exciting news Catfans, Peter will be guest staring on the new animated show called Fatherhood , based on Bill Cosby's best selling book, of the same name...on Nick at Nite.

Peter's ep isode #108 Won't You Be My Neighbor? will be airing on Tues/Aug/24 at 9:00 p.m. and again on Sun/Aug/29 at 10:00 p.m.

Please click on the link below Fatherhood for more information on the show...  "Fatherhood"

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Everyone here at want to wish everyone a very safe and fun 4th of July!!!

Rare Video Clip of Peter on VH1...

Hey Catfans!!! Here is a rarely seen video clip of Peter talking about a severe pryo accident that happened to his drum tech back in the '70's. This was filmed as part of the VH1 special KISS ALIVE - Ultimate Albums , about a year a nd a half or so ago, but was never aired as part of the special.

Check it out now by clicking on the link below Peter talking about pryo accident ...

Please NOTE - You will need the Windows Media Player to view and it is also recommended that you have a high speed access to the Internet.

"Peter talking about pryo accident"...

Peter and Jeff at the Families of Freedom Benefit

This photo of Peter and your webmaster was taken back on Nov/20/2002 at the Families of Freedom benefit in NYC before Peter performed.

I have to say it was quite a thrill and an honor for me to be invited out on this night and to have the chance to see and hear Peter perform with the likes of Felica Collins, Dr.Gibbs, Scott Yahney and Dave Matos.

The night was truly memorable for me on a number of levels. I not only got the chance to see and hear Peter perform as well as Natalie Cole and other great musicians, but I also got the chance to meet Barbara Feldon (Agent 99) from the classic TV show Get Smart amongst others which was very cool.

I was also assigned the role of being Peter's personal assistant for the night and had to make sure he had his suit and whatever he needed backstage, and being such a huge fan of Peter's since I was a kid having that opportunity to work so closely with him was a dream come true for me.

Balls Of Fire Press Photo

This picture was taken in the mid '80's, When I joined a band called Balls Of Fire - Wasn't I Bad.

Eddie Trunk Interview

The interview that Peter Criss/KISS fans across the world have been talking about is now online! Eddie talked to Peter Criss live on the air on May 21, 2004 about everything going on with him and the band and much more...

This is a must hear interview for all Peter Criss/KISS fans...

Please click on link below to hear the FULL interview...
Click on here to hear the full Interview...

Back in the Day...

For a short period of time I played Sabain, I like them and the Sabain people were the best.

I am back with Zildjian now. This photo is of me and the owner of Sabain taken, back in the day.

Peter with Friends...

This photo is of Mr. Charles Kipps and his lovely girlfriend Aida and was taken backstage at M.S.G in NYC on the KISS/Aerosmith tour.

Charles is a dear friend to GiGi and I. He is a writer for the Bill Cosby shows(Fatherhood and Little Bill) and he recently won an emmy for his work on Little Bill.

Charles is also a songwriter and he's a great guy and a true New Yorker. We are very proud of him.

God Bless - Peter Criss

Back in the Day...

This photo was taken at the NAMM show, back in the day. Marc Ferrari (from Keel), Vince Neil (from Motley Crue) and I, nice guys. We had a good time together that day.

Peter's Interview with Eddie Trunk Posted Online

The interview that Peter Criss/KISS fans across the world have been talking about is now online! Eddie talked to Peter Criss live on the air on May 21, 2004 about everything going on with him and the band and much more...The first 2 of 4 parts a re now posted online on Eddie Trunk's website which you can access by clicking on the link below...

This is a must hear interview for all Peter Criss/KISS fans...

As of June/17/04 - The final 2 parts (Part 3 an d Part 4) of Peter's interview are now posted online..

Click on here to listen to the Interview...

Memorial Day
5/31/2004 wants to thank all the soldiers around the world for giving up their life's for our freedom.

Let us not forget all the great service men and woman who also help us in our day to day life.

God Bless Them -

Peter on the Eddie Trunk Show

Well the response has been incredible to the EXCLUSIVE Peter Criss interview special this past week! Please note, you can hear Peter's interview in it's entirety worldwide on this week. Days and times are listed below;

(Worldwide W eb Stream);

This Thursday (May/27) and Saturday (May/29) 10AM-1PM Eastern, 7AM-10AM Pacific.

Outside the US, please do the proper calculations to see what time to log on (Australia is 12 Noon Thursday and Saturday).

Please click on lin k below to find out more Info.

You don't want to miss this interview...

Picture is of Eddie Trunk and Peter in the Q104.3 studio on May/21/04.

Click on here to find out how to hear the Interview...

Peter with the staff of VH1

This photo was taken right before Peter sat down with the staff from VH1 to film his segment for the special When KISS Ruled The World which will air sometime in July.

From left to right;

Roulie Zouzias (music talent)
Steve Sc hulter (DP)
Sarah Girgis (producer)
Dustin Izan (audio)
Peter Criss
Stephen Totilo (Story Editor)
Jon Rubin (not actually working on our show but a segment producer at VH1)

Peter on the Eddie Trunk Show

Peter's appearance on the Eddie Trunk Show has been rescheduled for Fri/May/21...So, Catfans here is your chance to ask Peter a question and find out what he's been up to and what his future plans are...You don't want to miss this ...

To find out all the places and ways to hear the show...Please click on the link below...

Click on here to find out when and where the show will air...

VH1 - Special...

What's up Catfans!!! Peter will be recording his segment of the VH1 special When KISS Ruled The World next week.

Air date should be sometime in July.

Thank You...

I just wanted to thank all of you for your condolences. It truly meant a lot to me. Thank you so very much for all your love and support.

God Bless - Peter

Happy Anniversary !!!

Today is our 6th wedding anniversary.

We are celebrating life and love.

God Bless - Peter and Gigi

From the Staff at;

Wishing you both a Joyous anniversary, with many more to come!

Peter has to postpone the Eddie Trunk show

Due to the death of one of his good friends, Peter Criss had to cancel this weekend's scheduled appearance. Once Peter is feeling up to it, he will join us (Eddie Trunk) in the studio, probably in a week or two. Keep an eye on this site/page fo r updates. Our condolences to Peter on the passing of his friend.

On April/26/2004...

I lost the dearest and closest friend in my life, his name was Edward Mulvihill III. He had an unselfishness and love for me like no other man. If you ever are blessed to have a friend like him, be sure to tell him or her that you love them ever y chance you get.

He was my hero. I will miss him to death.

Love - Peter and Gigi

Happy Birthday Ace!

Today is the original guitarist of KISS, Ace Frehley's birthday. We would like to wish him a happy birthday and may all his hopes and dreams come true this year!

The Criss' and the staff of

PS - You're the man, Cur ly! The fans really missed you on the Aerosmith/KISS tour. Good luck with the movie.

Peter will be on the Eddie Trunk show next Friday

YOU ASKED FOR IT, YOU GOT IT! Peter Criss joins Eddie Trunk in the studio next Friday 4/30!!! Peter will be talking about his recent departure from Kiss EXCLUSIVELY for the first time anywhere!!! We will take your calls and also talk about Peter 's future plans.

To find out all the places and ways to hear the show...Please click on the link below...

Pictured above are Eddie Truck and Peter from 12/21/02.

Click on here to find out more...

Crisstory on this date in 1972...

April, 11, 1972 - Peter Criss places ad in Rolling Stone, Drummer looking for a band, willing to do anything to make it!

Happy Holidays !!!

Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all my fans, friends and family, as well as my webstaff and the rest of the wonderful world!!!

God Bless - The Criss'

Happy Birthday Jenilee !!!

April:7:1981 was the best day of my life, My daughter was born, Jenilee.

Today she is 23 and has turned into a babe, as they say. We are very proud of her and love her to death.

Happy Birthday!!!

Love, Dad and Gigi

To my fans...

Some people love hearing themselves talk, Gene Simmons is one of them. I read online what he said to the Iowa and German press. Now let me tell you what's really important. I have never been so happy in my whole life. I can finally be free to b e an Artist again.

I surround myself with people who love me and respect me. My endearing and supporting wife Gigi, True friends, and a loving family, and always God. If not for him there would be nothing. These are things that make me a ric h man, Mr. Simmons.

I sang and drummed my heart out on the Aerosmith tour, FACT. The real fans know that, END OF STORY. And I also missed Ace on the tour.

I am in excellent health, wealthy and working on being wiser. I just wanted you fan s to know that. I won't even comment on what Mr. Simmons had to say, because it's NOT TRUE, and I don't need to justify his lies.

The original band is over. And as a founding member I am not shocked at Gene and Paul turning a legendary ban d into a cover act for just plain profit, How very sad.

But the crazy thing is? The fans will still follow because they are the real heart of KISS. I was proud to be a part of something that was once great.

God Bless and Good-bye to that p art of my life.

Peter Criss

Welcome to

Thank you for visiting my new website, PeterCriss.NET. This is the only OFFICIAL site for true information regarding my past work, current projects, and many other endeavours. I look forward to sharing with you my personal and professional news, exclusive photos and especially some of my stories of life as 'The Catman'. Please check out our TALES FROM CATLAND and FAN OF THE MONTH sections as well as all the other links thruout my site and all updates on upcomi ng appearances and events.

I hope you enjoy!

Peter Criss on KISS Books

I had nothing to do with KISStory, except for my signature on the signature page. The contents were from past interviews which are mere press quotes and not all of them are true. I had nothing to do with KISS and Make-up and I definitely had nothing to do with Behind the Mask or any other book Gene and Paul put out.

The only thing I will authorize is Ace, Gene, Paul, Peter formed KISS.

Due to the fact I was under contract during the releases of these books, I wasn't able to discuss this matter at that time. The truth is important for my reputation.

To the Fans...

What have I been doing...? Still working on my book, You only write one about your life.

I just want it to be right. I'm also still working on my CD's, like the book I also want that to be right.

I'm NOT going to put shit out for the mo ney, you know me better than that.

You guys wanted the best...have patience with me I'm only a cat, and this cat really LOVES you!!!

God Bless - Peter

My Music...

My music has taken a turn. I have been going thru my music archives and found some great rock stuff, also writing new songs. So the Jazz is on hold, but not for long.

Great Surprises coming? Also doing my acting and art.

God Bless - Peter Criss

My Book is on Extension...

My book is on extension till next year. You won't be sorry for the time, I want to give you the real truth as always.

God Bless - Peter Criss

Dear Fans...

You blow my mind, I can't love you or thank you enough for your love and support when I needed it the most. I have written letter after letter trying to find the words to express all my appreciation. I am so overwhelmed by your love for me. Rig ht now I just don't know what to say? But this I will say, No other band is so blessed to have fans like you! I truly love you and thank you!

God Bless,
Peter Criss

Happy Birthday Mom

This year my mothers been gone 13 years, it seems like yesterday. She bestowed in me honor, loyalty, integrity and to find goodness in even the bad and to love God. She was my pal, mentor and just plain mom. If it wasn't for her belief in my ta lent I would not be who I am today. No one made Christmas better than my mom. I know your always looking over me. Happy Birthday Mom, I miss ya so much.

God Bless,

The Criscuolas

To the fans...

I have been receiving thousands of fan mail as to what is going on with KISS. Today, my contract ran out. No one, again no one has called me, or my attorney about an extension for future touring. As a founding member I find this to be disrespect ful to me, and to the fans that have made us one of the biggest bands in the world. You will always get the truth from me, I have no reason to lie to the people that gave me such a wonderful life. And that’s the God’s honest truth.

God bless,

Peter Criss

P.S. This is the stuff that breaks my heart.

The Cat is on the Prowl !!!

The Cat is answering his e-mails - Randomly. You may be one of the lucky ones.

Q&A with Peter Criss!!!

Hey CatFans!!! Please click on the link below - To view some of the answers to your questions from the Q&A with Peter Criss Feb/04.

Click on here for Q&A with Peter

27 Years Ago Today...

27 years ago, I got a Peoples Choice Award for the song BETH . KISS' biggest hit till today. It's my favorite award, because you the people voted. I was proud than and 27 years later, I am even prouder.

Thank you and God Bless,

Peter Criss

Peter on OZ Replay

What's up Catfans! For those of you who might have missed it the first time it aired, here's your chance to see Peter's guest appearance as Inmate Martin Montgomery on HBO's OZ in episode #41 Visitation . It will be ai ring on HBO 2 this Fri. Feb/13 at 10:00 p.m.

Please click on the link below for more info.

Peter on OZ Info...

Peter's Sketchings circa '75 - '76

Hey CatFans!!! Please click on the below "Sketchings" to see a collection of Peter's Sketchings circa '75 - '76. These have not been seen in years! Click on the thumbnail photos in this link to enlarge and then use your back button on your computer to see more of "Peter's Sketchings". Please note that;   © All of the sketchings/photos in this link are copyrighted and can not be reproduced in any matter with-out the permission of the Webstaff for - 2002 - 2005. All Rights Reserved. Enjoy...


Happy Birthday Paul Stanley

Happy Birthday Paul. Hope its a Happy and Healthy one.

God Bless,
The CatMan

A Message to all my Fans

Dear Fans,

Sorry for the delay on what's up on our net. Coming home during my birthday and the holidays and being on tour and just being home again is good. The new year is here. First I want to thank all the fans that made 2003 a keeper. I love you guys! I will get to the drum page, I hope you know I do that personally. Coming up, We are going to have a Q&A, Back to my CD and DVD, Acting School and finally getting that book done.

It's going to be a great year!

God Bless, Love - The CatMan

In Memory of Mr. Francesco Scavullo

I was fortunate enough to have had my picture taken by him for the 1979 Dynasty album cover. He was one of the great photographers of the century. Our condolences go out to all his family and friends. He will be missed.

God Bless

Peter at the Sea in the '80's

This photo was taken back in the '80's when Peter was living in LA.

Peter showing his love for western movies

This photo was taken back in the 80's at Peter's house in Ct. Here Peter shows that he'd be a natural in the old western type movies, think The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

Peter and Lenny Kravitz

Lenny Kravitz has to be the sweetest guy I've ever met in a long time and one of the great guitarist today! I would love to jam with him someday. He wanted to hear Hooligan. Thanks for coming to see me and the band. The medal on my chest was given to me by the United States Navy. WOW !!!

God Bless - Peter Criss

Peter with Marky Ramone

This is Marky Ramone and in the background a picture of John Lennon, WOW !!! Marky is a true New York Musician, right from the heart, NO bullshit. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you liked Black Diamond. The pin on my chest was given to me by a New York Policeman for 9/11. I wore it on my costume for the whole tour. I am proud to be a New Yorker/New Jersey.

God Bless - Peter Criss

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