Subject: Kiss and Break Up
Dear Peter,
Just so you know how long we've walked side by side the very first album I bought was when I was ten years old and I spent my whole allowance on 'Destroyer' when I was 10 years old in 1977. Every other Kiss album I had to shovel driveways and mow lawns to buy because my parents refused to contribute to my degeneration by letting any of their money go to my devotion to your band. Even back then I got a sense of you being a person who'd never lost touch with just plain folks like me. And my parents, God bless them both, forced me to struggle and sweat to earn money and every cent that didn't go to candy or baseball cards went to buying anything by Kiss - MY band. Me and you four were in a - 'conspiracy' is too sleazy a word - but an agreement between brothers. You kept making music and I would break my back to get it. My connection to you and Kiss is deeper than any other band by many miles. And I almost instantly felt like you were the one regular guy who I'd genuinely be able to relate to. Which leads to why I'm writing.
'Kiss From Makeup To Breakup' is so far and away the best of all the band memoirs. And when I read it, it was just like hearing you talking in my mind. And Kiss was so meaningful to me that I was laughing and crying and gasping and cheering all the way through it. Your book hit me like a cannonball. Honesty and integrity and an incredible sense of humor burn from every page. So how is it the other 3 have an audiobook and you don't? It was like it was written to be heard. No surprise your writing is just a step away from music. And it would sound ridiculous read by anyone else. Of course, I'd never want to ask you to pour all that effort into anything which wouldn't be of any benefit to you. Nobody works for free and I both get and respect that. But the joy me and other fans would get from hearing it through your voice is huge. Even Paul's maybe not entirely candid book was a thrill to hear read with his voice. Yours would be that much better. Actually, a dream come true would be to go through his book with you, comment by comment, because I swear there is an ABYSS between the two viewpoints. My natural inclination is to believe the guy who sounds least like a politician. So, there we go :-).
Anyway, it's nice to at least talk at you from across decades of love, loyalty and real kinship. I hope God continues to bless you like He has and your remaining four lives pass very slowly. You've always given us your heart and soul as well as set an example as a mature adult. I'm sorry my parents are no longer around to see you didn't corrupt me after all. Happy New Year, stay well and God bless you.
Teddy - Kiss Army Veteran, Class of 77
Subject: Birthday wishes
Hi my name is Enzo I am a 8year old fan of yours. I wanted to wish you a happy birthday and a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Subject: Happy Birthday
Hi Cat,
Happy Birthday to you! I love you and hope you are well. You are the greatest Italian rock drummer ever!!!
3 forever
Subject: Happy birthday Peter!
Just wanted to take a moment to wish you all the best on your special day. You've meant so much, and done so much, for so many of us out there - "The Faces In The Crowd".
All the best to you, Peter!
Rich Toland (fellow NJ Shore resident and fan of yours for too many decades to count)
PS - Happy Holidays to you and Gigi!
Subject: I'm a songwriter because of you
Hi Peter,
I don't expect you to respond, so please don't worry about that. I know you're busy.
My name is Rob Harris and I'm a singer-songwriter in Nashville Tennessee. I am 58 years old and I've been a kiss fan since I was 13. You were always my favorite member of the band.
I've been working as a songwriter in Nashville for over 20 years. I'm also a worship leader at my local church.
You are a huge part of why I have the career I have these days, and I just wanted to say thank you. I haven't had any big cuts as a songwriter, but I have worked steadily for the last 20 years. And I'm deeply grateful.
You had a huge impact on me as a young musician. And I will always be grateful for that. I've seen you several times in concert.
I hope you and your family are doing well. It would be a dream to meet you someday. But just in case I don't get that honor, I wanted to write this email like a kid writing to Santa Claus, hoping it finds its way to you and that it might encourage you. You have inspired several generations of musicians, and I am grateful to be among them.
Take care, I pray the upcoming holidays are a joy to you and your family. Thank you so much for inspiring this kid from Southern West Virginia to make music such a huge part of their life.
Rob Harris
Nashville, Tennessee
Subject: Thank you for being you.
Hey Peter,
I'm writing to say that I've been a life long fan. I've been watching a lot of the documentaries on KISS, its reunion tour, and personal interviews everyone gave. I know you already know this and KISS is over now but you and Ace make up what is the essential characters of Kiss. I never could understood how Gene and Paul could treat you the way they did especially knowing the reason you sold out Tiger Stadium in 40 minutes was because of you and Ace coming back. Not because the make up and stage theatricals. It was you and Ace.
It's like going to a Broadway play to see a star perform a part. Would you want to go see the star or it's understudy? Guess they never saw it that way. Guess they can simply fool everyone. Oh, well. What's done is done. It's sad but it's all done. I'm a big fan and I wish you all the best in life. Congratulations on beating cancer.
Love you!
P.S. I saw on your website that you won't or can't sign copies of Nothin' To Lose, Sealed With A KISS, or Behind the Mask.
Just out of curiosity, why won't you sign these particular items?
Subject: Greetings from Germany,
Hi Peter,
40 years ago I first came in contact with Kiss Music. I was 11 years old and just received my first two records. No Kiss Albums, it was The Police "Ghost in the machine" and Pink Floyd's "The Wall". Not too bad for a start, thanks to my neighbor friend who gave them as a birthday present (a very valuable present in these times).
Steward Copland and Nick Mason are till now two of my favorite drummers, needless to say that I instantly set up some garbage bins and started drumming.
So first it was the dynamic (Copeland) and the feeling (Mason) of drumming. When Kiss came along I felt the power and the fun of Rock Music.
But I was (and be until today) an unusual Kiss Fan. I first came in contact with the Solo Albums. And what I thought was: oh there are four guys, who do very different music. I liked Ace's and your Album best. The others didn't have a unique style. And with your Album there comes the shuffle, the Rhythm & Blues and of course your unique voice.
Later on I collected all Albums of the first Kiss era, which are still down in the basement and soon will be my wall decoration in my new Drumming Room.
Although I usually change my music preferences very often, that musical triumphrat accompanied my last 40 years.
I never saw Kiss live, because in the 80s, I was too young and later on the music changed not for the better. The series of Farewell/End of the Road/Goodbye Tours didn't set my heart on fire.
"The Elder" was my last Kiss Record. And I liked it, because it was different, it was a risk but I was one of the fans who is open for changes or would be bored by repetitions. After "The Elder" there were a lot of repetitions
For the last 30 years I play the drums as my hobby in several bands. With my 25 year old son I started playing Handpan. Handpan? Whats that? Listen here, if you like
We released an Album and play live as often as we find the time.
That's really amazing, because with the handpan, I can combine rhythm work with musical creativity.
And by all the discussions who is the best drummer all around: That is not important. You are the Kiss drummer, who defined the sound like no other, just because you did not just adopt "Rock Drumming", but kept your style. All the others are replaceable, your style is unique, like Copeland's and Mason's.
So I hope you are alright, healthy and happy!
Thanks for the inspiration and the music.
Best Regards from Munich, Germany
Subject: Just Say Thanks
Hello Mr Peter,
I’m a kiss fan, i am bigger fan of you. My favorite song is Beth and all want to sayto you is:
I live in Chile
So, thanks again for that beautiful song
I wish you my best.
Alejandro |
Subject: Integrity
Peter you stood for what you believed in and didn’t take the BS of the other two guys…. Good for you… people, and drummers are supposed to just roll over to this kind of BS. Listening to the original music of KISS, its obvious that you and Ace were the talent of the band. The band would have never have happened without you two bringing the legitimacy of real musicianship to the band.
Amazing drummer and man!
God Bless you Peter!
Alan |
Subject: Major Fan
Hello Mr. Peter Criss!
My name is Brandon.
Wow. I am such a Major Super Fan.
No idea where to begin so I do not sound stupid.
Just Love early KISS to the core with you and Ace!
Just saw Ace at the Hard Rock in Orlando in February 2020 in Orlando.
Last time was at the Lost Horizon Bar in Syracuse in 1987.
My entire school years prior to college was dominated by KISS music.
I stopped listening to KISS in 1980. Must admit that I started again in 92' with the Revenge album.
I was just devastated when you and Ace left the band but I totally understand (at last all of everyone's statements as to why).
In 1979 KISS played the Lakeland Civic Center in Florida on June 14 and 15, 1979.
I lived in Upstate New York. My best neighborhood friend, his Grandfather, owned the Lakeland Civic Center. He obtained one of your gloves and the guitar Paul smashed on stage. The Grandfather gave it to my best friend. I was so shocked to see the guitar neck was sawed almost all the way through and that is how Paul broke the guitars at the end of the show. (Now when I watch video, he hits the guitar on the side edge several times and the turns it flat to smash along with the sawing break).
Anyway, Your Glove.
I spent all the money I had to buy the glove from my friend.
That was in 1979. I still have your glove to this day. My father was so mad at me but I did not care one bit. I had a TREASURE!
I Cherished it. I have it sealed in plastic.
I became a Drummer because of you and played in Junior High and High School Bands.
Subject: Your #1 (14yo) FAN
Hi Peter “Catman”,
My 14 year old son Jordan (who happens to have Down syndrome) was an instant fan after watching a few videos of you on youtube. He begged to start drums so he could be like the “Catman”. Needless to say that was a few years ago and his love for you is still going strong and he is rocking out at weekly drum lessons. A bonus is our whole family can sing the words to Beth because he plays it nonstop, among many other songs.
Thank you for inspiring my son and giving him something that brings him so much joy and happiness. I love his passion for rock music and drums, YOU played a huge part in him finding that passion. You are a legend, thank you for sharing your light with the world. Much love.
Jordan’s mom |
Subject: Kiss
You are the best drummer in the world to me. Also the best vocals in kiss the group. Hopefully you are healthy and happy in a good place.
love you,
janel |
Subject: Knoxville
I'm really really hoping that I get to meet you when you come to Knoxville, I wish that Ace was going to be with you, Gene and Paul not so much. I've watched alot of your videos and things on YouTube with other fans and I'm just hoping that I get that experience for myself.
Jason G. |
Subject: Good for you!
Good for you not to allow Gene and Paul the rights to Beth for the Kisstory special. You and Ace both deserve to be paid for this documentary. It's still about the mighty dollar with them. Peter Criss and Ace Frehley made Kiss what Gene and Paul could never have done. A raw, great rock n roll band, stage show nobody could beat, larger than life over the top entertainment, that made millions of fans pick up a guitar or play drums because Kiss kicked ass. As a fan for 45 years plus, you and Ace cannot and will not ever be replaced in my book.
Bill H. |
Subject: A Sincere Thank You...
Greetings Peter...
I don't really believe that you personally will read this or respond for that matter, but since I've never had the honor to meet you, I wanted to reach out.
I'm Jay J., 50 years old and a life long fan (well since I was 6). Your style and technique have always fascinate and inspired me from day one and I can honestly say that you are the reason I became a drummer/musician. I am also a guitar player and singer as well.
Your talent and career have given me a lifelong joy and passion that has gotten me through the best and worst times in my life. Either by listening/watching you play or by inspiring me to play. Between those 2, you have been there for me my entire life.
So, I just wanted to send you a sincere thank you and let you know that not a day goes by that you haven't influnced me in one way or another.
Thank you so much and God bless...
Jay J. |
Subject: Brazilian Fan.
Hello Peter,
My name is Guilherme, and i am from Brazil. I am a great Kiss fan, since i am 6. Now I am 41, still loving to listen thw fisrt kiss lps. I am a surgeon, and a medicine teacher in my city, so , its very rare to have vacations. I tryed many tines in the last years go to usa and make a meet and greet with you, but it never happen. I am luccky enough to meet Ace here in Brazil, and the actual Kiss in one kiss kruise. But still missing one. The heart of kiss. The original drummer. First and only Peter.
Guilherme L. |
Subject: Hi!
Just wanted to say hi .You've been a inspiration for me to play drums at an early age. I don't play as much anymore. I saw you in the Springfield Civic Center back in 77 on the Destroyer tour. Judas Priest opened.
Tim G. |
Subject: Thank you so much
I just want to thank you so much, for not only all the music,but I met you, in Ohio, I believe it was 1994 before the reunion tour, and you took the time to sit there and just chat with me, I think it was your manager told said you had to go,and you said no this is the reason why you have a job I will stay here all night and talk to every fan if I need to. I appreciate it so much, it just shows that you're just human like the rest of us and I deeply appreciate it.
Thank you,
Bryan |
Subject: Thank you
Just a note to say thank you. I have enjoyed your drumming style from the time I started playing drums. I did get to see you at the LA Forum, Anaheim Stadium and the last reunion tour in Anaheim, CA. I appreciate your Faith as well and it’s always been important to me as well.
God Bless and hope you stay well!
Alan A. |
Subject: Thank you
I am 47 years old and am honored to say I have been a fan since I was about 2 or 3 years old.I am particularly honored to say that I also was born the same year that KISS was and am also from NY(central/upstate- about 45 mins. east of Syracuse).I can distinctly remember hearing Rock And Roll All Nite around 1975/76 when I was just 2-3 years old.The original band and band with Eric Carr will always hold a special place in my heart.As far as I am concerned,that is the only true KISS that I know and love.I never had the pleasure/privilage of seeing you live,but have many fond memories of all the great music that you made and thanks to the internet,can now see many of your concerts.I even have some dvds of past shows that I still watch from time to time.I just wanted to take the time to write you to say congratulations on now being a member of The Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame-you deserve it very much and thank you very much for all of the great music and memories that you have given me.Take care.God bless.You are the one and only Catman. |
Subject: Hope you and Gigi are well.
Good morning Peter!
I had the real pleasure of meeting you and Gigi a few years ago and just wanted to
say hello and wish you well.
Your posting of the video of you singing “Don’t you let me down” was one of the real treats in the last year. It was so wonderful to hear your fantastic voice again.
Thank you for all the great music you’ve shared with us.
Stay safe and God bless.
Peter W.
Manchester, NH |
Subject: Dear Peter
Hello Peter,
I hope you´re having an amazing day. I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for your music. You have no idea how much your music has meant for me growing up. I still remember hearing you sing Beth at 4 years old and i was blown away. Today I´m 22 years old and I´m still blown away by your talent and kindness. Thank you for being you and for being such an amazing source of inspiration for me growing up.
Keep on rockin!
Maren |
Subject: Tom Snider
Was watching The Tom Snider interview yesterday and also another interview done when you were out of KISS without makeup. I liked the way you speak from the heart and keep it real. You and Ace both the same. Honestly, I was always drawn to Gene Simmons when I was a kid in the early 70's. Now, I think I grew up finally and realize that you and Ace were always true to fans. You never tried to B.S. your way through life. Your a legend in rock history forever buddy!
Subject: I am a big fan
Dear Peter
Just wanted to write and say I am a big fan one of millions you have. Since the kiss days growing up with kiss at 12. I am now 58 and still a big fan always will be .I got my first drum kit after seeing you.
And I am still playing. Thank you so much for all the great memories I have seeing you play. Take care and God bless.
Daryl S. |
Subject: Thank You
Many years ago when I was a small girl- I got a chance to meet you.
My dad owned a towing business and helped you one night with your limo when it got stuck in Armonk, NY.
He mentioned that I was a huge KISS fan- with you as my favorite band member (I even dressed up as you for Halloween in those plastic costumes)! As a thank you for my dad helping you out and towing your limo- he brought me over to the place you were staying at to meet you- you even let me sit at your drums. You gave me one of your drum sticks and an autographed copy of the “Dynasty “album.
I will always remember this- and how wonderful you were to me. You were patient and took the time to talk to me. This experience was one that will always stay with me (even though I am much older now).
Thank you! You made a huge impact on a little girl’s life- one who stills love music, your songs and you! Please realize that you made a positive impact on my life!
I am sure you don’t remember this- but I will always cherish this experience!
Thank you! Stay safe!
Margaret C. |
Subject: "Thank You" From a Four Decades Fan
Dear Peter,
My name is Kevin Hall and I have been a fan of yours for over 40 years. I wanted to say, “Thank You” for your inspiration in playing drums. Because of you I have always had a love for music. Since retiring from the Military 7 1/2 years ago, I continue to play drums and have recently taken up guitar, your never to old to learn, and I’m currently learning some of your songs from the Peter Criss single album. Again from a long time fan, “Thank You,” for all that you do.
Kevin H.
SSG US ARMY (Retired) |
Subject: Hooligans
Peter I took my daughter(14) record shopping today and I told her to pick out a record for herself. She comes back down the isle with a copy of Love Gun. I said no Bella get what YOU want. She flips it around and points to Hooligans and says ”Daddy I love this song”! Had to tell you! You and Ace were the heart n souls of KISS. You by far have the best voice in KISS. |
Subject: Letter to Peter
Hi Peter!
My name is Ryan, I'm a 20 year old musician from Northern Michigan. I just wanted to write and thank you for all the years of inspiration. I grew up beating out Love Gun on my pots and pans, and it's still one of my favorite songs to play! I also took a lot of inspiration from your singing on songs like I Can't Stop the Rain and Don't You Let Me Down. You are such a role model to me, and I am so glad I had you to look up to as I was growing up. I hope you're well in this crazy time! Be well and take care,
Ryan C. |
Subject: Peter Criss fan since 75
At age 7 in 75 I snagged Kiss Alive on 8-track from my big sister and that was it!!
You were my hero and I started playing drums! I saw y’all live in Atlanta 77 and remember it like it was yesterday.
Bottom line is when you left the band, I was devastated and Dynasty was the last album I purchased. My days of being a drummer ended also and I switched to guitar as I couldn’t play drums without fighting back tears knowing you had left the band.
Then for the reunion in 1996, of course I was right there (Atlanta) with seats just to the side where I could keep all eyes on the drums. I might add that Ace was TOTALLY ripping it to shreds the whole time and it was phenomenal!!
Over the years I basically didn’t know the story as I never kept up with celebrity news and for the most part, I still do not
I had seen Gene and Paul on different video clips through the years and was NOT impressed.
Then out of the blue this year during quarantine with my 7 and 9 year old boys, I pulled out KISS Alive and my kids went crazy for it and now they are hooked!!
They love the stories of me getting in trouble at school while drawing KISS instead of doing my assignments!!
Anyways so I’m back on the massive KISS faze again and starting looking up different interviews til I found the Eddie Trunk interview. Seconds into it, here come the massive tears again and hearing your voice/story put me right back to being a kid driving my family crazy pounding on the drums in the basement!!
The interview made me go from sad to angry real fast and that is why I had to write to you!! Mr Catman you are a legend and an inspiration to so many and you keep getting new generations of fans. You are the bigger and greater man!! My best to you and family and I hope one day I’m fortunate enough to cross paths.
Jimmy B. |
Subject: Just a Huge Catman Fan!
Hello to the one and only Cat Man! So I am not sure if you will actually read this however, I really hope you get to. I am no one really important to the world but I was looking around on your website and it said contact Peter Criss and being one of your biggest fans I had to a least try to reach out. Like most of your fans who play drums you are the single reason I started playing drums nearly 25 years ago. I was 15 and never listened to any music other than country. My older brother was a huge KISS fan since the late 70s and I remember seeing the posters and albums at home as a kid and of course I had heard Rock 'n Roll all Nite but I didnt know the first thing about you nor the band. So of course my brother played guitar and over a few weeks of me and him hanging out as i got older (around 13-14) he started playing some KISS and Ozzy and such. At this point I just had to hear more of this KISS band and something about the cat makeup caught my interest. As I listened to and learned more about the band I ended up buying every single album on cassette and that was all I listened to for about a year. I was amazed By your playing and voice brother and visually you just seemed like a superhero. So at this point I had to do what you do and play the drums so for a year I asked for a set and would play in my head constantly until finally getting my first kit for Christmas when I was 15. I spent so much time trying to mimic your playing style and you could say I learned from you. Here I am now nearly 40 years old and I consider myself your biggest fan and I hope one day I get to meet you. You are definitely one of my childhood heroes and even today. I did get to see yall in 1996 and 2001 (I think 2001 or 2003) at the reunion tour and farewell tour in New Orleans and it was like a dream come true! Glad to see you're doing well and take care brother. Thank you for being a huge inspiration in my life. God bless you "Cat Man"!
Just a fan,
Darryl V. |
Subject: 8 Years Ago
Hey Peter and GiGi,
This memory just popped up on my Facebook and id love to re share it with you guys! This was from 2012 chiller expo in NJ and my 2 friends and i were waiting on your long line and we couldn’t wait to meet you, our time came and we were just all in shock and we took our picture and moved on to the door, right before i walked out i turned to Peter and asked him how he was feeling. Peter stopped the entire line and spoke to us for 15 mins explaining to us how to treat your loved ones and what they mean to you. It was a very valuable lesson and how we should always take care of ourselves and go to the doctors and we went on to tell him how we were in a band and he had told us never stop playing and if we ever made it to the garden one day “the church” he would be there to see us. And then he hugged us tight as if we were all a family. Its a day we would all never forget and GiGi thankyou so much for the sticks you gave us because you saw how happy we made peter at that moment. All 3 of us are still best friends and we still play and we ALWAYS get to brag about this amazing moment we had with Peter! Thankyou for making that a memory we will cherish forever!
Michael D. |
Subject: The Carman
Hey Peter,
You are one of the reasons I am a musician today and you are nothing short of a living legend. Thank you for all of the amazing, timeless music. You are the real catman!
Brock K. |
Subject: Rock n Roll
Hello Peter!
I hope all is well with you. I know you and I enjoy different types of music but rock and roll is my favorite because it was a huge influence on my childhood. I always love drums even as a child but never played. You have always amazed me how talented you’re not only a drummer but a on vocals as well. I love music so much .
Love you catman.
Anita M. |
Subject: Amazing Hi Peter,
Just wanted to say hello and thank you for the amazing music you filled my life with. You inspired me to play drums at a young age. I had your album on the wall of my bedroom and dressed up like you on several occasions. I hope you are well. I appreciate you. Thank you.
Tom S.
Subject: Winterland
Hello Peter:
You are still an influence on my heart. Black Diamond...what can I say other than you rocked hard and were the most sexiest man in Kiss.
Although I was only 8 in '75, I grew up on Kiss and the Kiss Army. By far, you had the best vocal ability than anyone in the band. Your raspy voice, so powerful, yet never out of breath while hitting the drums. Truly an inspiration!
I hope you and your family are doing well in these crazy times we live in.
Jersey gets cold--come to Florida (Pompano Beach) for the winter. You & your wife will love it!
With much respect and love, God Bless you and yours!
Respectfully & with true sincerity,
Subject: From a fan
Hello Peter,
I just wanted to say hello and say that I have been a fan for forty years and no matter how many times I have seen the band and whoever they have in the current band the is and will only be 1 Catman.
Thank you,
Scott M.
Subject: Hi Peter
I had a poster of you singing Beth above my bed when I was a kid.
Thanks for being a huge part of my childhood.
Peter W. |
Subject: Paisan Drummer
Hello Peter,
You have had an exciting life full of ups and downs. Your highs have been higher than mine, and your lows have been lower.
I didn’t realize what a solid drummer you are until my band and I learned a few KISS songs. I practiced Love Her All I Can for days to get it tight. I also learned She which is so out of the ordinary. I gained a whole new respect for your skills. It’s a shame that your musicianship is overshadowed by all the hoopla.
Thank you for your contribution to rock and roll drums.
By the way, I live in central Connecticut, and I am half Italian. My ancestors are from Potenza, Italy. I’m not sure where yours are from. However, you always have that edge. Keep it up man!
Subject: Peter Criss and Solo Album
Hi Mr Criss,
I’ve recently dusted off my Peter Criss solo cassette. It was a great tour down memory lane as I recalled “air drumming”, at 10 years old, every one of those songs until I learned them all. I remember, even at that age, thinking that this album was so much better than any of the KISS albums because I could relate to the music.
Throughout 5th grade, two of my friends and I took on the pretend personas of Ace, Paul, and you (I was you) and followed you guys' every move through the teen magazines and newspapers. We were intent on finding what you looked like without the makeup.
I kept the drumming going eventually transitioning to a real set and performing to get myself through college.
I wanted to let you know that you made a positive difference in my life despite the fact that you had no idea who I was or where I lived. Your music is still some of my favorite and I thank you for it—music critics be damned.
I wish you the best and thank you for the memories.
Dave K. |
Subject: Fantastic Book - please read
I hope this email truly finds you. I want you to know I’m 43 and been a kiss fan all my life and was really drawn to the Love Gun album when I was 4 and ever since been a Kiss fanatic. I also a Catman fanatic! I’m an amateur drummer and love your charisma and feel. You, in my opinion were the heartbeat of Kiss and without you, that intangible was never replaced. I have read your book 3 times now and love your stories. I really can relate to you. As an Italian myself I can see your passion, your anger and hurt in all the circumstances that you discussed and let me tell you, you were never out of line with those feelings. You are a passionate human being whose soul is so pure and that’s why you get hurt easy. Much like myself. I’m also glad that you found your faith stronger. God does love you and your career/life has been an inspiration to many. I just wanted to pass my thoughts on as even though I don’t know you, I feel like I know exactly who you are.
Keep rocking Peter and God bless
Marco |
Subject: A Fan for Life
I just want to say thank you for the years of great music and enjoyment of watching your performances that I was so lucky to see several times. To me, there is not a better drummer in the rock world today that could even compare. I am just sorry that I never had the pleasure of meeting you in person. I share the memories and photos of how my bedroom walls and ceiling was covered with your pictures, posters, and every doll of you that could be purchased. Not to mention every album that you were on. My poor mother and father were so wonderful and very understanding with the music blaring and just would shake their heads. My kid loves the stories and I try to be just like my parents with his music selection. Again, Thank You, Thank You and many years of happy memories and wonderful times with your family.
A fan for life,
Robin R. |
Subject: After all these years
Sent from my iPhone Just wanted to drop you an email to let you know I have always been a fan of your drumming. As a young kid in the 70’s KISS was my favorite band and watching you on the drums inspired me to begin playing. All the years I have played and even to this day, I have only played for myself, never in a band.
Thanks for all the years of enjoyment.
Shaun C. |
Subject: Talent, success, and Kiss books
I never write anyone but after reading all the books by members of Kiss twice I feel like I wanted to say something to you.
You get pummeled in Pauls book over and over. At one point he said you didn’t know enough about song structure to know what to do if he said “start at the second verse”.
You played in the same way as Bill Ward or some other great rock drummers in the 70s. You play drums as if they were a melodic instrument putting rolls and accents behind parts to enhance them and even make hooks occur in some basic bland structures. It’s instinctual and the sign of true talent. Average drummers would just play it straight with no hooks or emotional additions. You made a song like Deuce a bit of a journey through the parts adding feel and raw connection with the listener.
If someone says “start at the second verse” it may not be obvious what to play immediately because the journey and evolution of parts took you there.
Duh, guess Paul does not understand that.
After reading all the books from Kiss members twice I feel like yours is the most accurate, in that I felt like I was reading an account of the band experience from someone normal with no agenda other than being honest. Ace was 2nd.
I used to play lead guitar in a band that was at one point on Casablanca before I was a member. The Godz from Columbus Ohio. I lived in Queens through the 80s and can relate to many of the stories in your book, other than success!
The era of all of this is gone, but what a wonderful thing it was !
Just wanted you to know there are people with ears out here that recognize your parts were brilliant, and not because Ezrin taught you !!!!
Best regards,
Eric M. |
Subject: I was 6 Years Old
I was 6 years old when destroyer came out my favorite then and to this day was and is Peter Criss. Kiss was never the same after Peter was gone. When they reunited in the 2000s I went to spac in saratoga to see what would be my last time seeing the original line up ever perform. I will never forget that and will never forget what a great performer you were and are. Thanks Peter for the memories. Peace and god bless
Jeff M. |
Subject: Happy Anniversary Peter and Gigi.
Dear Peter and Gigi.
I greet you from Ecuador. I want to send you a big hug and many blessings on your anniversary. May God bless you in your beautiful marriage.
Peter you are the best and I admire you very much.
Fhernando L. |
Subject: Thank you
Just happened to come across your web page & wanted to say THANK YOU!!! You and KISS were a major part of my Childhood, ( I'm 56 today). I used to argue with my friends on who the best band was at the time. I put you guys up against Led Zeppelin & Black Sabbath and a host of others! Always felt bad when You Left, didn't purchase any more albums after that & hated hearing someone else sing your songs.
Hope Life Finds You Well!
Thanks Again for the Great memories!
Rob |
Subject: Be Safe
Sup bud,
Hope your doing well! Fan since 4th grade.
I'm 53...
Michael K.
Be safe!!! |
Subject: Such talent.
Hi Peter,
I listened to a lot of your audiobook recently, Think I’ve got one more chapter and hated it to end. You definitely were in my opinion, The most talented of group. I started to get weepy when you were talking about your mother, just knowing the fact she got a chance to see you at the Garden. I pissed myself almost when you talked about riding the back roads of some bum fuck city afraid of the locals might rape the band. I didn’t want to make this too long but hey man if you ever get upstate New York again I know a great coffee place.
Bill M. from Troy, NY |
Subject: #1 Drummer
Dear Peter,
I have been a big fan since 1973. I saw the band play in the bar a friend took me.
You have such talent you been blessed with.
Keith M. |
Subject: Thank you
You and Kiss are one of the reasons I focused on music.
Gin R. |
Subject: Blessings
Good to see a recent photo. You look like you are doing great! Hope you are happy and healthy! You sure look it. Crossing my fingers that I can catch at an appearance out and about this year.
God Bless,
Chris |
Subject: Thanks for the inspiration
Hello Mr. Criss,
My name is Matt and even though I'm a guitarist by trade now I started my musical journey as a drummer. And it's all because of you. I even did a cover of Mainline on my band Hüligan's first album as I loved the way you performed that song. So I wanted to try my best at copying your style. I would love to send you a copy and get your opinion on my cover of it. I just wanted to let you know how much of an influence you were to me. Thanks for all the music.
Matt F. |
Subject: Reflections
Dear Mr. Criss,
I just wanted to send you a quick message and say that you are and will always be KISS to me. As reflect on my life, I can not tell you how much you mean to me and I want to thank you for all the wonderful memories that I have as a teenager growing up in the 70’s. I feel that I gravitated toward you more than any other member of kiss because you always were genuine. What you saw is what you got. And even though sometimes the edges are not that smooth they still are the most honest. I think back to your many interviews and I remember how blessed you felt at what you had achieved. You truly were the working class man of the group. I’d like to think that my work ethic was inspired by you. I don’t think you get enough credit for also being the only proud Catholic rockstar of the 70s. God bless you for always remembering the Lord and all the gifts that he gave you. Your faith has also been a connection that I feel still till this day. Don’t ever lament what could have been. Take pride in that we love you very much and you have reached so many people over the years through the gift of your music. God bless you and your family.
Russ L. |
Subject: Merry Christmas, Thank You, and Appearance\Autograph Question Peter,
First, thank you for all of the joy you have given to so many, including my daughter, my brother, and myself. My daughter, Landry, is only 7, but is a rabid KISS fan. Her favorite KISS song is Beth, she begs me to play "Beth I hear you callin'" every time we get in the car and makes her mother and I laugh as she tries to emulate your voice and inflections while she is singing every word. I have been fortunate this year to meet Paul, Gene, and Ace at different events and have been able to tell them in person how much the past two years of memories that my daughter and I have shared surrounding our love for KISS has meant to me. Our crazy KISS obsession is the thing that has brought us closer these past couple of years and its something I hope we will always share. Anyway, I wanted to say thanks.
Also, I was wondering, if you were planning any new appearances this year. Hopefully, there will be one that is close enough for us to attend and get a photo with you as well. In fact, I spoke to the organizers of our local Comic Con Geek'd Con and expressed that having you would make it an EPIC event! In the meantime, I would love to be able to purchase an autographed drum head to go with my guitars from Paul, Gene, and Ace. As it stands, my KISS wall shrine is missing this very important item. I noticed that were sold out on the website and was wondering, if there would be more posted any time soon. I was also wondering, if you accepted item submissions for signature. I currently have two comics (one is the blood comic) and two albums (Destroyer and a sealed copy of ALIVE!) that won't be complete without your signature. If any of this is possible, please let me know the price and
In any event, THANK YOU again and MERRY KISSMAS to the Catman!
Chris (and Landry) B. |
Subject: Thank you
You made my childhood great. Thank you.
Scott K. |
Subject: Mi idolo
Hola Peter soy uno de tus seguidores yo te e admiro de hecho KISS a sido mi banda favorita de toda mi vida mi mayor sueño es conocerte. Cómo seguidor tuyo debo decir que fuiste y serás el mejor baterista que KISS a tenido en su historia mis temas favoritos es BLACK DIAMOND, DIRTY LIVING, BETH & BABY DRIVER. Eres una gran persona espero tu respuesta gran señor PÉTER CRISS de parte de tu fan MIKE CARR un gran abrazo y saludos desde PUEBLA - MÉXICO
atte MIKE C. |
Subject: Thank You from Dr. M.
I just want to thank you for inspiring me as a young NYC boy to play drums. People had superheroes in the 70s, I I had you. In 6th grade,I was able to get my first pair of drumsticks, I went on to greater things in drumming, endorsements etc...after that, bad decisions led me to almost dying. nonetheless, today I am a pastor. I help hundreds of people weekly. Sometimes we don't stop in life to say thank you. I wanted to tell you Thank you for your influence on making me practice more and be more.
I don't expect to hear back from you, but I read your book and maybe one day I will meet you.
John 3:16-18
Thanks so much!
God is bigger!
Dr. Gary M. |
Subject: Hero
Thank You for being the best drummer ever.
I’m forever thankful.
Ralph S. |
Subject: Huge Fan
You were my first influence in music and today I am a music teacher. Thank you!
Gary W. S.
District Music Director |
Subject: From a fan...
In 1976 I was given the album Destroyer for Christmas....I wore it out! Today, I'm 56 years old, and just wanted to reach out to thank you for years of enjoyment...I absolutely love(d) that record....and I still do. It really held up well over the years....well done.
And....I know it's been played to death, but I still put "Beth" in the top 5 rock ballads of all time.....no, make that the top 3!
Glenn C. |
Subject: Hey Peter
Thanks for th memories man you inspired millions of drummers world wide and I will never forget what you said. “In or out of makeup I will always be the Cayman” you are!
Alex M. |
Subject: Hi
First, let's get this out of the way....I am a HUGE fan!!!! Yup, my favorite Kiss man, and drummer all around!!! And one other thing....I am 2 years remission for stage 3 Breast cancer. I just saw the "rumor" that u and Ace were invited to join in on the last concert. I live in Pittsburgh, and I wanna see you here!!! My first rock concert was you guys..... just wanted to say that you are awesome, all around!!!!
HippyChick34 |
Subject: What's up
Hi Peter,
My name is Doug an of course have always been a fan mostly of the true back bone of the greatest stage show of all time.
Anywho I was wondering if you were familiar with astrology at all because I have always felt drawn to your energy (no I'm not gay not that there's anything wrong with that ) an the drums.
My grandmother god rest her soul was a music teacher an we all had to play an instrument I chose drums which to a classically trained concert pianist might of been a bit much but she was the best.
So as I got older I regained interest in kiss when u made a return which re sparked my interest in u.
So come to find out we share the same birthday although my due date was supposed to be Paul Stanley birthday of Jan 20th.
So I had asked earlier if u were much into astrology because great things are beginning to happen for us since Jupiter has made his way back to sagittarius an since we are on the cusp so to speak thing should continue to be great in the coming year.
Now I don't assume to know who you are but if you are anything like me the last 3 years before this 1 have been rough. I won't go into detail because that is not what this is about.......so back to you.
Basically wanted to let you know that you not kiss played a role in my upbringing an I love an respect you for the gifts you have given the world. Cause let's face it without u the 1 true Musician In a prop band who knows what would of became of kiss.
Definitely not knocking anyone in the group...Group Genes first name should be Genius btw.
Also I think a sitcom of the beginning days of kiss would be crazy cool but Gene probably already trade marked it.
Thanks for your time bro peace out an rock on.
Doug |
Subject: Treasured Memories
Dear Peter,
First let me thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope this message finds you well. I am working to share memories of my life with my children and grandson, many of which include you and KISS. I was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer in January 2018. Been a tough road, but I am in remission. The long term prognosis however is not great, which leads me to my current project of capturing memories of the things that had the most profound impact on my life so they may be shared with those I love and those who know me best.
My memories of KISS started in 1978 at the age of 8 when is saw you play in Phoenix, Arizona. I begged my father to take me for weeks, and despite all of his objections, he took me. The addiction had begun and remained my entire life. What stood out most to me was watching you and Ace play. You taking center stage to sing Beth, and Ace playing the guitar are memories which have remained the strongest throughout my life. I was so inspired by you, I dressed as Peter Criss and Ace for several years afterward in a wonderful costumes my mother spent weeks putting together.
Yes I have seen Kiss many times since, and without knocking those who came after you, there just was not the same impact.
I wanted to thank you for everything and let you know that you touched lives and created memories which will be shared. I have tried to meet you several times, but fate has always intervened. The conference in October will not be a trip I can make due to ongoing chemo sessions, but I do hope to make it to see you soon.
As a last thank you, I appreciate all you do for cancer awareness and fundraising. Please keep up the work, it is so important to those who understand the cost.
God Bless,
Doug C.
Subject: Read your book
I purchased and read your book. Thank you so much for opening up about your life.
I admire how you have always managed to weather the storms of life and come back stronger than before. I wish you the very best.
Burrisbo |
Subject: Thanks for the Hugs!
Hey Peter and Gigi…
Just wanted to give a whole hearted shout out to Peter Criss and Gigi for the treatment we received in Charlotte NC. It’s been a couple years back now…but I finally got around to messaging you guys about our experience.
We came to the “Mad Monster Party” in Charlotte, NC…specifically to meet Peter. I came to the event to get a Picture with Peter…which I did. I also came to the event to get my Peter Criss “Solo Album” signed”.
I came to the event with my wife and my younger son. We all waited in line for quite a while to get my album signed. When I finally got up and got my chance to have Peter sign my album…it was an experience that was quite unexpected. I figured it would just be me allowed in to get the album signed and meet Peter. Unexpectedly, Peter insisted that we ALL come in to the room. Peter greeted not only me but also my wife and my son.
Peter invited us all into the “autograph” room. Peter signed my album and then he got up, came around the table and insisted that he give us all a full on “Italian hug”….cause that what Italians do. It was completed unexpected. He gave me, then my wife and my son a full on Hug…and thanked us all.
My wife loved it (being Italian herself). And…my son has never forgotten it.
Thank you Peter for being such a straight up and awesome guy…and making memories for not only me (huge KISS fan) but also for my wife and son. We will never forget you.
With the most favored regards…
Dick B.
“Keep rockin’ and kickin’ brother” |
Subject: The Best
You are the Best Drummer the Rock Band KISS ever! No one beats the Catman!
God Bless,
Eric M. |
Subject: 0340am And Being Thankful for KISS and Peter
Hello Mr. Criss,
I have been a fan since 1977, not that that really matters--or maybe it does--and I know you have received praise from people all over the world, so I'm not gonna do that tonight.
I just wanted to say I am having a hard time sleeping tonight, and decided to watch some old videos of KISS on YouTube, and was deeply reminded of how glad I am to have this band in my life.
I have loved every incarnation of it, but nothing compares to the original guys. I have weathered the ups and downs with this band for about 42 years straight, and could not think of what my life would be without your music and your shows. The original 4 are still MAGIC to me, even though I forget that once in awhile.
Well, tonight (today now?) I remembered. So I just wanted give a real, heartfelt Thank You for the Happiness, Excitement, and sometimes even tears you have given me.
P.S. By tears, I mean in a good way. I Can't Stop the Rain still hits me deep every time I listen to it.
P.P.S. You and I have actually met one time (at Mark St.John's house in California), and I've always wanted to thank you properly for putting up with a star struck kid, answering my questions, and signing autographs. Sorry if that was awkward for you ( but I gotta admit it was pretty darned awesome for me).
And GOD bless, Sir
Douglas T. |
Subject: Fan
Just to let you know you are one of the best drummers in the world!!! Rock on !!!
Kevin W.
Manchester, NH |
Subject: Dustin L.
Mr. Criss I just wanted to tell you how much you really influence my life and I wouldn't be the dad son of man I am today without you I really hope you're doing well thank you for all you've done for all of us.
Dusty |
Subject: Short and Sweet
This is going to be short and sweet.
Peter....your true fans still love you !!!! You have been treated badly and you have been wronged. You are kiss and Ace is kiss. You are missed more than you will ever know. I'm 50 yes old and in my computer room I have your solo album poster still hanging with pride. Out of control is still played in my home. Keep on keeping on. My wife and kids are all fans. I also have a floor to ceiling size poster of the Destroyer album cover. We love brother, be safe.
Fan for life, thanks for the memories.
Shawn B. |
Subject: Music
Just one word from a drummer who you inspired to pick up the sticks , and never put them down .......
Thanks !!!
Mike E. |
Subject: Hey Pete
Hey Pete...
just wanted to say hello from NJ. I'm a big kiss fan,and your my favorite from the bunch...kiss just ain't the same with out the original catman. People say I look like you as well. ...I take that as a huge compliment.
peace and love,
Omar V. |
Subject: Your solo lp helps my PTSD
Hello Sir,
My name is Kevin. I suffer from severe PTSD from my years of service in Fire/EMS. Throughout the phases I go through, when the "Demons" hit, I listen to your KISS solo Lp. It calms me down and helps ground me. Its beautiful, melodic tones have become my favorite LP. You are really amazing and I wanted to say thank you.
Kevin H. |
Subject: Thanks
Hello Mr. Criss,
I am in the middle of reading your bio, and after reading all the other bios of your bandmates, I can still say with confidence that you are still my favorite member of Kiss.
I started playing music because of you, which not only led to a music school education and numerous bands, but also a career in the MI industry (I currently work for Sweetwater). I consider it a privilege to be able to make a good living with music in some fashion, and it all started with you and your bandmates.
And while I am eventually moved from drums to bass (I am a huge Geddy fan), I never forgot what Kiss and you meant to my formation as a musician. I am grateful for the experiences that Kiss set in motion in my life.
Thank you and bless you and your family!
Chris F. |
Subject: CATMAN
Greetings Peter Criss!
Your feel on drums has been a huge influence for me. You gave Kiss music the classic glam party feel no one else could have. I've been really on a mission to listen to anything and everything Kiss related. The solo 1978 albums showed everyone's personalities and I thought yours was so crazy and cool! It had the best album cover art as well (I rock the shirt all the time). Then Cat #1 caught my attention, what a solid album! I'm 30 now and play every instrument I can think of, what I look for in music is ideas, and you have a ton of great ideas. You are a true icon, thanks for all the inspiration.
Sean P. |
Subject: Mr Criss
I'm a young female drummer in the UK play with a all female heavy metal screamo death metal band . Your the first drummer I heard and for many young drummers male or female your a great influence on us be the drummer in any style .Kiss would never be the same without you Mr criss .To us your the one true catman .
Keep rocking Mr Criss.
Scarlett. |
Subject: Hello from Brazil!
Hello, Peter! My name is Daniel, I’m a 22 years old. At the moment, I’m living in Brazil and studying to be a doctor.
Catman, I’ve read your biography and you tell about your fight and activism against the male breast cancer. I really loved your courage and thinking to do a study in university about it.
That’s all, man. I love you and your art.
Dani P. |
Subject: I Drum Because of You
Hello Peter. My name is Tyler i am 26 years old, live in New Jersey and I am a hardcore KISS Fan. Kiss is a huge part of my life, I’ve been to the shows, signings etc etc. I have always wanted to reach out to you personally and say thank you. Thank you for making me the drummer I am today. When I first heard the drums on Detroit Rock City when I was 7 years old I knew that day I wanted to be a drummer. You are my biggest influence when it comes to the drums. I want to say thank you again for being my biggest inspiration to play drums! Thanks Peter!
Tyler E. |
Subject: Your A Kick Ass Drummer
Hey Peter!
I’m 14 years old and absolutely love rock, I play guitar and love KISS and any thing Rock N Roll. I just want to say thank you for such an impact you’ve had on my life. God Bless You Peter Criss. You’re Forever Catman!
Aidan K. |
Subject: Drumming
Hello Peter, I’m sorry to bother you again but I just wanted to tell you that I finally got my own drum kit on Monday. It’s an electric kit and I’m so in love with it and I think I’m really progressing. I thought you’d like to know that I have worked out how to play Strutter, Rock and roll all night, Love Gun, I was made for loving you and I love it loud. I can also play some of your solo stuff, The Cat, Bad Attitude, Tears (my favourite of your solo songs) and most of the Out Of Control album. I’d like to thank you for being one of the greatest drummers ever, without you I never would have taken up drums or been a fan of KISS. Thank you Peter. God bless you.
Cameron |
Subject: Just reaching out
Dear Peter,
just wanted to say hello.miss you very much.your songs are very much a big part of my life.I listen to your stories how you helped build a band that once ruled the rock n roll world.I'm not sorry you are not part of this mockery they call kiss today.I just wish I could see you perform one more time .I'm just a die hard Peter criss fan .be safe stay strong.your number one fan since 1976.
Charles W. |
Hi Pete,
I just want to thank you for making me want to be a drummer and now almost 40 years later I still love hearing you and seeing videos of your performances . You are now and will always be THE ONLY CAT-MAN ! ! I was just listening to You Matter To Me and remember hearing it for the first time and thinking how cool it was and still is . You will always be my favorite drummer and just wanted to let you know that even when I play now I have a picture of you taped on the top batter edge of my
green sparkle bass so you’re always keepin’ a cat’s-eye on me .
Thanks again, much love to you and yours,
Dave Y. |
Subject: Hey Peter Hey Peter,
I just wanted to say what an inspiration you are to so many. Including me. Back in the day, the first Kiss record I ever got was Love Gun. On 8 track, no less! I then bought Alive 2 and I remember opening the sleeve and gravitated right towards that huge black Pearl drum set with the gong, and said, I want to do that! Your drumming was the reason I picked up the sticks. I loved your book, and as a fellow cancer survivor and Saved Thru His Grace, I feel a kinship with you and so many others!
Shane G.
Subject: Happy birthday!!
Happy birthday Peter!!
We hope you have a great day!!
Love, Tristan Jack & Sara |
Subject: Fan Letter
Hey Peter!!
My name is Kit H. I am 26 years old and have been a KISS fan my whole life. I play in a band called Pressed In Black. We tour around and write our own music. I play guitar and sing in the band. Your songs are some my favorites in KISS. I really love your solo records through the 80s and Blue Moon Over Brooklyn is fantastic! I hope you can make it to Indianapolis one of these days ! I never got the chance to see you play with KISS because my parents worried about me getting hurt at Market Square Arena in 1998. I was just a kid and had to stay at grandma's during that show. I was pretty sad. Oh well life goes on. Anyways I hope you are well and wish you nothing but the best!! Keep rocking
Kit |
Hello Peter,
Please keep doing your incredible meet and greet autograph signings in 2019! These events are so memorable and important to your countless fans who truly enjoy meeting you! Thank you for your priceless contributions to Kiss and I will definitely attend any meet and greet sessions you have in the future!
Joe J.
Louisville, KY |
Subject: Thanks!
Hey Pete!
Just wanted to say thanks for the original KISS music! Just wanted to say that as a fan of the true KISS, I can’t stoop to paying money to see the current KISS line up do an “End of the Road” tour. I haven’t seen them since you and Ace were there and as far as I’m concerned, the Farewell Tour has already been done.
Again, thanks for the music!
Mike T. |
Subject: An inspiration and blessing....
Sir…I was brought up in a musical family where my Mom played piano in church and I was blessed enough to hear her practice at home nightly. Music was and is in my blood. But it was the Paul Lynde Halloween Special that changed my life. Seeing KISS come down in that cage and ripping Detroit Rock City seriously blew me away. At the time my Mom was trying to find an instrument for me to play. She tried to teach me piano but I would have none of it. Same for guitar lessons…ain’t gonna happen. But when I saw you…everything changed. God smiled on me that night and my life has never been the same.
I was blessed to see you perform several times. Impressed does not even come close. You sir have been and continue to be an inspiration to me and drummers worldwide. I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for all your work, creativity, sacrifice, and inspiration. And on another note…not to speak ill of anyone, but the current KISS line up is a huge letdown. Eric Singer is a phenomenal drummer…but he’s not you. He’s wearing a mask in the form of your makeup. Tommy is a amazing guitarist…but he’s not Ace. And I am offended as a fan. And unless you are making an appearance on the farewell tour…I won’t be attending. However I do plan to meet you at a personal appearance in 2019.
God bless you Sir…congrats to beating cancer. It took my Mom but it didn’t get you. Thank you again for being my inspiration. And I keep you and your family in my prayers.
God bless…
Chris T
Subject: Hi Peter
Hi Peter,
Just felt the need to tell you how incredible your singing is. You have an amazing voice. Just listened to Hard Luck Woman and I'm just blown away...again! Wore the vinyl out on that album as a kid. Wish you'd have sang more in the band. Anyhoo, just sayi'. Thanks for sharing you music with me all these years.
J |
Subject: Thank you Peter
I've been a loyal fan of yours since I was 11 years old. I'm now 50.
I want to thank you for inspiring me... giving me a sense of purpose and for being a rock hero.
My single biggest regret is never seeing you live and not meeting you in person.
You are quite literally amazing and a one off.
Rock on brother.
Thank you
AL |
Subject: Book - From a Cancer Survivor
Dear Catman,
I loved your book. It was honest, refreshing, humbling (yes, for this reader) and most importantly funny as fuck! You’ve got a way with words. You were definitely the soul of KISS.
The past year, the love of my life died, my dad died and I had open-heart surgery. I’m also a cancer survivor (testicular). Your book reminded me how important the man upstairs is in times of sorrow. Thank you.
God bless you and your family, Mr. Criss. Much respect.
Former KISS fan and always a fan of the ONLY Catman |
Subject: Solo Album 1978
40 years ago today I was 11 years old and I bought your first solo album.
Your album was an honest Peter Criss album and it reflected who you are, your heart and style.
After all this time I still enjoy the music.
David J. |
Subject: Kiss
Dear Mr.Criss,
I just want to say hello,and thank you so much for sharing your talent with the world.I wish you the best of health and happiness now and in the future, you will always be the Catman in my mind and heart,I dont care what Paul or Gene says.I only hope that someday they will admit to the errors that they made.Again,thank you,and God bless!
Richard M. |
Subject: Peter Criss and Cancer
Dear Peter,
The very first concert I ever saw was the Kiss destroyer tour at the Buffalo Memorial Auditorium in Buffalo New York. I am 55 years old after seeing that concert it ruined it for every band I was to see after that no one could come close to you guys.I played the kiss alive 100,000 years drum solo till I had it down beat for beat at 14 years of age and aspired to be as good as you. Something that needs to be said Peter you are and will always be one of the worlds finest drummers.I was recently diagnosed with stage four carcinoma cancer and currently attending roswell cancer institute for treatments. In case I don't make it I just wanted you to know if you don't already that you are loved the world over and I for one appreciate and have to say thank you for all those years of pouring your heart out on those records and concerts.
Holly G. |
Subject: Hello Mr. Criss
Hello Mr. Criss
I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. I decided to reach out to today simply because I'm sitting home and watching old footage of various interviews from the 70s & 80s. As a kid, like most of the world, I was exposed to you and your music because of your involvement with KISS. But as so often happens in life, sometimes the things we love as a child fall to the wayside as we grow up. About four years ago, I rediscovered KISS music..not the current band, but the real band, and fell in love all over again.
At 45, I've begun the slow trip to realizing that there are more birthdays behind me than are likely to be ahead of me, and begun to look back. I've struggled with various addictions and health concerns.
I found your site because honestly you've always been my favorite member of the band, and honestly I knew very little about the man behind the cat. After reading about you here, I came to understand some of what you've endured and wanted to tell you that it inspired me. In many ways the Catman was a hero like any comic action star put out by Marvel..almost larger than life, and to read about the man himself and the trials and tribulations of his life made him, not the character more of a hero.
I was saddened to read you had retired and that seeing you perform was no longer an option, but I still hope to meet you in person one day.
In closing, I'd like to wish you well and to thank you for giving me some of the best memories of my childhood.
God bless you Mr. Criss.
Your fan,
Michal |
Subject: My gratitude
Just wanted to say thank you for all the years of joy you've gave me with your music! Your drumming and vocals are absolutely one of a kind.
Much Love,
Bob R. |
Subject: THANK YOU PETE !!!
Subject: Feelings on KISS and You
Hi Peter,
I grew up listening and watching kiss over the years ever since the late 70's. And I was listening to so.e of your interviews with Eddie Trunk. I have to agree with you that the original band was one of a kind. There cannot be another Catman or Another Space Ace. Yes they wear the Makeup but they are not u guys. They shouldn't in my mind be trying to impersonate you guys by wearing the makeup and playing your riffs and licks. Also as much as a fan as I am of KISS, I feel that the new music of the band lacks what it once had. There isn't anything as good as the original sound. I've heard Paul talking about you in the negative and I feel that is shallow of him to do. Clearly trying to push you guys out of the light so to speak. I think the wealth and the fame went to their heads and they forget how you all got there and what made it work. I hate the politics involved in the industry. You are great as well as Ace and they shouldn't be bashing u guys that way. The train is gonna end someday for them and hopefully they will see the light one day. Take care Peter and keep rocking.
Frank M. |
Hi Peter,
It was a total blast to meet you last night in London. You surpassed my expectations with your kindness and patience in dealing with all the fans. I hope you remember me, haha. I was near the end. Your wife Gigi was extremely nice to me as well as all the other fans. Thanks for the pizza again! I had to drive back and be home the next day otherwise I would have seen you again throughout the weekend. Til next time…
James S.
Subject: NJ Horror Con/Thank You!
Dear Peter,
I just wanted to again thank you for taking time to travel and meet with your fans. As I told you during the meet and greet at NJ Horror Con, discovering the music of KISS was life-changing for me and had an incredible impact on inspiring me to become the musician I am today.
Though dominantly a guitar player throughout my career, I’ve always loved drums and played drums as well in several bands. When I started as a young teen, the first time I pieced together a kit I remember I HAD to have Zildjian cymbals because “that’s what Peter plays!”. I HAD to have a set of Pearls because (before DW), “that’s what Peter plays!”
Hell...I even had the Ahead signature Peter Criss sticks! If it was what the Catman played, it had to be the best and I wanted to be as rock and roll as you!
Anyway...I’m rambling. My point is it really was an incredible experience to finally shake hands with the one and only Catman and to be able to share that experience with my wife and kids as well. Thank you for taking time to speak with all of us and for encouraging the kids to take their education seriously...we all just really had such an incredible experience meeting you and it was a true pleasure!
Thanks for all the great music and for everything. God bless!
Brandon R. |
Subject: Great to See you Sir !!
Your appearance at the NY Gene Vault experience proves you are simply a “Class Act” Sir. You told the fans what to expect, and did exactly that. Nothing but Love and Respect for that Sir. Hoping to meet you one day. When are you doing a book signing in Virginia Beach?
A Fan since 1974 (Only because that’s when my Parents let me buy that “creepy” album cover (LOL).
1 CAT MAN = Mr. Peter Criss!!!
Very Respectfully,
Tim T.
Subject: Thank you to Peter & Gigi
Hey Peter,
This is Eric Z…You probably don’t remember me, but I have played in many Kiss tribute bands impersonating Paul off and on over the years since 1995… Anyway, the reason why I am reaching out to you is because; some of my friends & I were at the Horror Con in NJ last week & we were so blown away by the hospitality that you and Gigi showed us.. I was so touched by Gigi’s kindness that I’m not even sure that I properly thanked her…So please, tell Gigi “Thank you” for me from the bottom of my heart…
I told my friends on the way home that the award for “Bitchen-est Kiss Wife” goes to Gigi Criss” – Ha! Ha!!
Your Gigi is a beautiful & amazing person…It’s easy for me to understand why you married her…I love you both so much!! …Kiss Rules!!...until I see you again…
Eric Z
Subject: Horror Con
Hello Peter and Gigi
I want to tell you that it was an amazing experience meeting you and takling to the both of you a few weeks ago. You were very kind to me and I still find it amazing that you live so close to me. After meeting all members and being a fan for almost 40 years every time I see Peter I get treated like a friend.
The rest of the group treats you like your just a pocket full of cash and mean nothing to their life. Actions speak louder than words with me. You were always my favorite singer and musician in Kiss. I told one of my friends how cool you guys were and he says well they live a half an hour away I should invite you guys over for a BBQ in the summer. You both have an open invite for any BBQ I have.
I’d love to show you some of the Kiss Paintings Ive done over the years and give a tour of my museum. I know you are busy doing the expos and probably don’t have the time.
Just putting it out there.
Wishing you both continued good health, good fortune and all my love.
Steve Z |
Subject: Greetings from North Carolina
Hi Peter and GiGi!
It was so nice to finally meet you guys in person! I've waited for more than 30 years and it was well worth the wait! You guys are so very kind and loving. Although I didn't to say what I really wanted to because I was so overwhelmed by your presence I completely forgot . I always wished to me Peter one day and prayed it would happen and it did! I hope to meet you again someday and talk to you about Peters career. Again thank you for all you do for the fans we love You!
Forever grateful
Anita M. |
Subject: Hey Peter! Just a note of thanks from a fan...
Hey Peter!
I just wanted to take a minute to write to you in hopes that you would get the chance to read this. I met you this past weekend at New Jersey Horror Con, I was the one who brought those old polariod shots of you guys from the December 1977 show at the Garden (if you remember me!) that my dad took when he was a kid. I have been looking at those pictures since I was 5 years old when my dad first started getting me into Kiss, and to be able to share that with you and watch you look at them was surreal!
I just wanted to quickly thank you for everything you have contributed to the world of music, you have inspired me and so many others to pick up a pair of drum sticks and just play our hearts out. I grew up admiring you and I will always continue to do so!
I will be going to Gene's Vault event in NYC in a few months, and I heard through the grape vine that you were invited to join... I think I speak for myself and all of the other fans attending when I say that it would be a true honor to have you there!
Thank you for everything you have done, you are truly an inspiration in my life and the lives of so many others!
Matthew H.
Subject: HorrorCon
Hi Peter,
It was great seeing you yesterday at HorrorCon.
I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to talk w/ my son, Daniel and I. At the show. He was so excited to meet you!
You, along w/ the staff working the event were all very courteous and accommodating and really helped to make it a special day for us both.
For me, one of the joys of being a father is sharing some of my best memories w/ my son and watching him enjoy them as well. You, along w/ KISS are certainly a big part of that.
Thank you again for everything! We hope to see you again soon at future events.
All my best,
Chris C.
Subject: NJ Signing event
Who knows if you read these or if your people read these, but it was great to meet you, take a photo and have you sign my guitar alongside Ace. The few minutes were memorable, and I for one appreciate you being in such good spirits for all the fans who came to see you this weekend. Hope the time was as enjoyable for you; it has to be fulfilling to meet so many people who remain forever fans.
Jay L.
Subject: Thank you!
Thank you so much for signing my guitar today..thank you to both of you for being so nice..it was one of the best days of my life..being a fan for over 40 years,it was unbelievable to meet you..hope I can meet you again in the future...
Thanks again for everything...
Kev |
Subject: Joe & Scott - NJ Horror Con
Hi Gigi,
So good to see you today...!...You guys are right "Everyday Above Ground is a Good Day' Your story about the other Father & Son friends/fans reminded us to
appreciate everyday.
And today was a great day.....Till we meet again...
God Bless
Joseph & Scott D. |
Subject: Thank you!
Good evening Peter and Gigi,
Thank you both so very much for today...what an honor to see you both again!! Truly enjoyed talking with you both! So glad you liked the flowers and rosary!Gigi thank you for endless support for our family and daughter Kristin...thank you for always making sure Peter is well taken care of he is our hero!!Peter thank you for all your blessings, powerful Hail Mary's and prayers for our daughter by the grace of God and prayer she is healed just like you have been! We will continue to pray for you as well as Gigi!Our friend's daughter Brynne was delighted and honored to have met you today...she still had an ear to ear grin when we took her home a few moments ago!We cannot wait to hang our picture up as a reminder of how awesome God is to have blessed us with you!Thank you for everything!!
God bless and keep you!Love and
prayers,Kelli (and Scott too) |
Subject: Fan looking forward to seeing you in Charlotte
Hi Peter,
It was an absolute pleasure to finally have the opportunity to meet you in Charlotte recently. You and Gigi were absolute sweethearts! Thanks for being willing to sign me. I have decided to make the drive with me teen daughters to see you in New Jersey this coming weekend. We will see you for a photo, not sure I can swing more autographs but I know they are so looking forward to meeting The Catman!
Thanks for doing another one of these events Peter, wished I could have made the NY Expo in June.
Eric A. |
Subject: Thanks Peter & Gigi - Mad Monster
Hi Peter,
Thanks so much for an amazing experience meeting you again at Mad Monster Charlotte. SO cool to be able to meet you again and all the time you spent with me. Of all the celebs I’ve met, you are definitely one of the most sincere I’ve ever met. One of the highlights of our weekend was Gigi stopping by our table at the restaurant and sitting down and sharing stories. Just an amazing surreal time. Thank you both again for the music and for the wonderful souls that both of you are!
Chuck C.
Mad Monster 2018
Hi Peter
This is Joseph. I met you at Mad Monster Party in Charlotte. I just wanted to say thanks for having the chance to see you for the second time! You're my number one idol in the drumming world! Keep rocking out on the drums! I hope to see you again next time!
Thank you very much!
Joseph H. |
Subject: Thank you Peter, for all the great jamz.
Sending love, best wishes, and thanks to Peter for all the great music/art he has shared with the world.
Kelly B |
Subject: Thank you
Hey man,
I just want you to know how inspiring you are too me. As a 13 year old boy, not many people my age could agree that kiss is the greatest rock band on earth, and that you and john bonham are the greatest drummers to ever play. I drum myself and I want to you to know that sometimes I just listen to your music and try out the so many beats you somehow manage to master.
Thanks man, keep on rockin.
Grady A. |
Subject: Hello Peter! Can't wait to meet you
Hey Peter!
I was so delighted to hear that you were coming to Charlotte NC for the Mad Monster Party in February. Other than an email or two over the years, I've never had the opportunity to meet you. So, this is something I can't wait for!
It's been a dream of mine to meet you. You always struck me as the most personable, down to earth member of KISS and I've been a fan of not only your music over the years, but for your work as an advocate for Breast Cancer research, and how firmly you've always stood for your religion. I am a Christian, and a guitarist in a Praise and Worship band in my home church in Virginia, so seeing someone like you keep God first in your life always means a good deal to me.
Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks. Just want to thank you for all the great music memories and I finally can't wait to say hello to you in person.
God Bless!
Your friend
Kameron D |
Subject: A 52 year old who feels like it is back in the 70’s
Hi happy birthday.
Last month I heard Beth on a radio station and boy the memories it brought back. I was one of the unfortunate ones that never got to see kiss in concert when you and ace were in the band. I would not go now because without you guys it isn’t kiss. Hey the 70’s were a great time and yes I can understand how drugs, drinking ,girls all come into play. You were flying high on stardom and why shouldn’t you. I just read your book last month for the first time and everything that happened was there and you told the truth about the scene in the 70’s. But you also got help. I am so sick of watching u tube videos of Paul and gene putting you down and one time Paul made a video imitating you which was not funny. I have read a little of Paul’s book he talked about being teased and talked about his right ear. Then he should know it is not cool and stop. To me kiss would not be what it is if it weren’t for the four original members starting something. Boy I tell you how fast people forget who helped you get where you are and just drop you like nothing. Then to read Paul and gene made you out to be employees you and ace and not one of the 4 that made kiss what it is today. It makes me sick. I am so thankful for you. I love the saying forgive to live and since I read your book I take that saying to heart. I will not buy or watch anything from kiss that you are not in because to me it is just money for Paul and gene and not the fans. You have made a 52 year old teenager happy I will always be listening on the radio “Beth I hear you calling” and the right voice singing it. You did not sell out your makeup they sold you out.
Lots of love and many more birthdays !!!!!
Jackie G. |
Subject: My favorite
Everything you sang during your time with Kiss was the best. I was lucky enough to see you perform Beth in Detroit for the first show of the reunion tour. Definitely a highlight of my concert going experiences.
I seen you last in Grand Rapids for the Psycho Circus tour.
You are my favorite Kiss member. I love every song you sang and the solo album was incredible.
Thanks for sharing your voice and talent.
Jerry P. |
Subject: Life outside KISS
Dear Peter,
As Jazz and soul lover myself, I hope that you will follow your routes and give your funs a taste of the music you really love and show your true skills by means of making new music/new album, which is honest and true to these routes and without any connection whatsoever to your KISS legacy.
Take Care,
J. Yoram |
Subject: An absolute dream come true!
Hi Peter,
Growing up a millennial compared to the gen. X-ers, you wouldn’t expect me to be a mega KISS fan. I’ll never forget the time I was handed Alive! and Alive II; the covers and pictures instantly blew me away. I remember staring for hours at your endless drum kit, while listening to some gem such as Makin’ Love, and thinking, “this is what I want to do!” The way you approached the drums was second to none.
From that point forward my life became drums and KISS. I started begging my parents for as much KISS footage, memorabilia, and albums I could get my hands on. I was even dressed as the Catman for Halloween a few times. As I grew older, I started to learn more about you. I’ll never forget when I came home from school, and came home to a crappy drum kit. It was a three piece with awful hardware and stock cymbals, but to me it was a Ferrari. You couldn’t get me off of that thing.
The first songs I learned to play weren’t the hits, however they were the songs that seven year olds in 2004 don’t listen to. I was playing Hotter than Hell, Deuce, Rocket Ride (attempting that insane drum fill at the end), and mastering your flawless performance of God of Thunder and 100,000 years on both Alive! and Alive II. It is because of you Peter that I found joy in drums, jazz, and hard rock music.
In years to come I earned the privilege to meet Ace, Gene, and Paul, but there was a big hole in my heart... I never met you. Well, in June of 2017 in NYC that all changed. My mother and I drove an hour to NYC, and we both met you. You were everything opposite of the other guys. You took the time to answer everyone of my questions, and we could have sat there all night talking drums, KISS, Gene Krupa, and touring. You had some amazing stories, especially how you survived cancer. The one thing that stood out to me was when I handed you my Alive! Album (which was my dad’s from the ‘70s) signed by the rest of the guys, and I said “Peter, will you complete this album?” And you looked at me and said “I’d be honored.” For a 21 year old, diehard fan, that made my year.
Peter, I want to thank you and Gigi (who was also an angel) for everything. From the long time you spent with me, to the compliments you gave my mother and I, and for telling me stories I always wanted to hear directly from you. Peter, you are my Gene Krupa, and this picture means as much to me as yours with him. Congratulations on your retirement, it is much deserved!
Thanks Cat, for everything,
Stephen B. |
Subject: Many thanks
Just wanted to let you know that I picked up sticks as a kid because of you. Thank you for all your years of enjoyment for myself and other fans.
David P. |
Subject: The Sugar Papa Likes, Can't stop the Rain.
Hey Pete.
I'm a piano player. I have always been a huge fan. I've seen you in makeup, 96, Greensboro NC. Beth is the best track on all of Destroyer. Even as a hardcore rocker, as a muscician, Beth is am iconic achievement. I have performed Beth, Can't stop the Rain (great tune!) and The Sugar Papa likes. Just wanted to congratulate you on a great career, and for retiring from Kiss with class. My life has been better because of your music. I only ever painted my face like yours on Halloween. Your the best, the one and only, Catman.
Matthew F. |
Subject: Final shows
Didn't get to go to the Melbourne show as I live on the other side of the country but have seen the highlights on YouTube plus the cutting room show. You certainly went out in style. What a great way to end a live career and a lot a balls to put on a show with songs you have never played live before. You pulled it off big time & proved what a legend you are. Hope we haven't heard the last of you new music wise. Still waiting for the rock album you have talked about many times and in your book. I am also a cancer survivor & had a huge Kiss collection but sold it all to pay for treatment and bills because I couldn't work for five years. The only thing I kept was the MTV Unplugged poster with all six of you on stage & made it a goal to meet all six of you guys and get the poster signed. I have meet the other five and tryed hard to meet you on the reunion tour in Australia but wasn't meant to be I guess. Was thinking about posting the poster over for you to sign but too risky I think. Anyway God bless and thanks for the many years of enjoyment you have given me.
Terry :) |
Subject: Thank you
I’d just like to say thank you for all you have contributed to the rock and roll world and the world of drumming. You were my inspiration for picking up the sticks and starting my path to learning drums. It was a day in the life of a 10 year old boy who had just finished a violin lesson, and while in the car with my mom driving home, I got up the nerve to say to her, “Mom, I don’t want to play the violin anymore. I want to play the drums like Peter Criss from Kiss.” After avoiding her trying to swat at me for delivering this news, my parents never once tried to persuade me from not following my passion. From that 10 year old boy and a Premier snare drum to present day playing in my own original rock band, I’ve had many influences and heros, but none will match my original inspiration for wanting to be onstage doing what I love to do, play and make people happy listening to music.
Thank you again for all that you do!
Much love and peace,
Alan H. |
Subject: All-Time Favorite
Dear Peter,
I'm 18 years old and KISS is my all-time favorite band!! I wish that I grew up in the 70's so I could experience the original group in all its glory. Thissummer, I got the chance to meet Gene Simmons in Knoxville, TN, and I really would like to meet the rest of the members, including you and Ace. It was very sad at how the both of you were treated in your exiting of the band. Nothing can compare to the original lineup!!!
Weston H. |
Subject: Thanks from Australia!
Hi Peter,
how are you? My name's Dan, musician from Melbourne. I was at your Melbourne farewell show and want to say thanks for the many years you've given to us fans, you've been a great musical inspiration in my life with your drumming and vocals. Like you, I've been into big band, jazz and all sorts of music for a long time. I feel like so many people are unaware of the all time greats, Sinatra, Bennet & Martin to name a few, especially in the rock world. It was great to see your show, looking forward to hearing the rock album that you've been planning & thanks again for all the years! To a happy retirement!
- Dan |
Subject: Thank you
I learned to play drums and guitar because of you. I later went in to the Marines. I retired from the Corps and again play drums and guitar. You made my childhood perfect. Thank you.
Scott K. |
Subject: Thank You Peter Criss
Dear Peter Criss,
You are an inspiration to many people around the world including me and I thank you for that! Thank you for all the wonderful songs you have given us all these years! You were our one and only Catman! Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you Peter Criss!
Angelo C. |
Subject: 1975 Drumstick
I have been a huge fan since the beginning. Sad to see you ending your career. Wish you the best! I still have my 1975 drum stick from your live show in San Diego with Rush. You threw it out when it broke, and I was the lucky guy that got it. I sat in the front row right in front of Gene with my girl friend from high school, who is now my wife of 40 years! I also have Genes blood still on it and it is still bright red! Y'all brought me and my wife many years of happiness and great memories. The good old days .
Love you!
Art D.
PS would love to meet you some day. If your ever in Texas |
Subject: Thank You Dear Peter,
I came across your website and I felt compelled to reach out to express my gratitude and to say “thank you” for your inspiration.
I grew up in Cleveland (late 70’s) listening to Kiss records and particularly your drumming. My favourite record is the band’s debut album but I also really enjoy the drum track on “It’s not smoke” which I don’t think was officially released. You inspired me to pickup the drum sticks as a teenager and I still practice drums (I use Yamaha Maple Custom Absolutes and Paiste 2002s) today.
I live in Calgary these days and being that today is July 1st, I wanted to wish you and your family a Happy Canada Day.
Very best,
Tom J. |
Subject: Loved Your Book
Hi Peter,
I wanted to say hello and I hope you are feeling well.
I just got done with your book and I have to say, I thought it was well written. I really enjoyed your stories and wished that it kept going.
I ran into an experience in the last month that left me with grief and disappointment and your last chapter where you discuss your take on religion really got to me in a positive way.
Thank you so much for all you did and for all you do.
May successes come one after the other for you and your family.
Thank you so much,
Michael D. |
Subject: Cool Website, Peter!
Just chilling out this Sunday afternoon, being big time lazy and nostalgic. Been surfing and found your site and especially liked "The Cats Meow".... Very cool. Saw you in the late 70's play the old Chicago Stadium. I think I was 12. It was my first concert. Man I feel old sometimes! Dude, you were my favorite member and when you left, so did I. Anyway, you're looking good and sounding super positive. That's good inspiration.
Peace, and thanks for sharing.
Ken F. |
Subject: Congratulations !!!
Good day Mr. Críss !
I am Omar Rosas, from Guadalajara, Jalisco México.
I just want to say, that you are for me the best artist on the world.
I am a 43 years old man, when I have 7 years old I hear your Peter Crisis Solo album, Special the Don't you let me down song, I now in that time, that you are a very Special man.
Thank you for made that álbum.
Best regards,
Omar R. |
Subject: Thank you! Peter,
I just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for finally performing some of your solo tunes. Seeing video of you singing Words and You Matter to Me makes me feel really good. Those are some of my favorite songs. Thank you!
God bless you,
Geoff |
Subject: I WILL ALWAYS LOVE THE SONG "BETH" Dear Peter Criss:
I am a huge fan of your song “BETH”. Every time I hear it I have to stop and listen to it. It makes me happyJ.
Keep on Rocking & Rolling!!!
Mary B
Subject: Hey
Just wanted to say I am 50yrs old and you have been my favorite drummer my whole life. Was a big KISS fan as a kid and all I wanted to do was meet you in person. Well a lot of time has passed and that never happened and just thought I would write you this email. Just want to thank you for being a great drummer and person and wish you the best.
Thanks Jeff
Subject: Fan Mail to Pete
Dear Peter,
I startet to listen to Kiss when I was 6 Years old. I was allone at home and found Destroyer on Vinyl at my Brothers Room. Loved this Cover and my Fantasie was out of Control! 4 Heroes standing on Rocks and the Intro of Detroit Rock City was Mindblowing!!! I realy listen only to the A Side for 2 Years because I was afraid that the B Side maybee is not that good. As i tournd the Vinyl over the first Time I thout , Yes thats the Best Band ever! So I became a Crazy Fan who collect every Snipped!!!
The First motion Pictures of Kiss was on a VHS. It was Phantom of the Park and I was kind of desapointed because you Guys where Humans lol. 2 Years later I buyed a real bad over and over Copy of the Concerts at Tokio 76 and then I feeled the Power again! Well no good start to see Heroes in Motion at Phantom of the Parl because the Film is Bad as Hell hehehe.
I didnt have that much Contact to People in my Age and no Friends so Kiss and specialy You and Ace became my imagin Friends and yes , kind of Familie. I allways listen to Kiss what ever i was doing and it was my erverything! On a Second Hand Store i was founding a Backpatch in the late 80s , first Time without Make up and I was shoked! I mean years and years as a Fan , you imagine what would the look without Makeup and then You see em and its not what You expect to see.I was born 74 and i was allways behind.When You live on a lost Place far from the City and you only got 3 Chanels on TV and Mom dont want You to read Musicpapers , you are far off.
So the Time without Makeup was allready but new to me.
I took a While to Check that this Guys on the Backpatch wasnt You or Ace because You left Years ago.
As I found that out , i was crying soooo bad and my World was destroyed. It was inpossible to find Pictures of You Both without Makeup but as I found em in the City at a Musikstore on the Wall , I thout:Yes , thats Ace and Pete! My Brothers , my Familie. I was happy because you both looked like I allways imagine. With that , the old Love to Kiss came back and I found out that Eric Carr was a good Guy too! Realy sad that He died so young...
Then later came the Unpugged Gig on MTV and again I was totaly in Tears because my Familie was back together. The best Moment in Live!!!
I saw every Gig in Germany at the Reunion Tour. A Great Time!
Sadfully Gene and Paul have only Money in there Heads and You and Ace gone again.
But this Time i was happy because Time was right. I am still disapointed ofer Gene and Pauls Acting and I never listen to one of my Albums again since you Both left. Kiss died for me but You and Ace are still im my Heart and you Both will allways be because I love You Guys more than everything!
Keep you Head up Pete , You are still my Heroe. Just wanted to tell you this little Story of a German Boy who was lonly till he found the best Record of all Times!
Sorry for my bad English.
Keep on rocking!!!!
Love , Robert
PS: You Soloalbum was the Best of those 4 ;-) |
Subject: Drumming
Dear peter im a 46 year old fan and guitar player. I always loved your drumming you play with such melody and rhythm.alot of drummers just hit hard ,but you play with a lot of skill which Created that kiss sound.looking forward to seeing you at nyc kiss convention.
Your friend Jeff.
God bless. |
Subject: Just a word
Mr. Criss,
Your music with Kiss was a huge influence in my life, and I have always loved the musicianship of the band. I came to Christ back in 1988 and was on fire for a few years. I fell away from Christ and eventually found my way back again. I have always been a fan, and someone was telling me about another band who had their original drummer, Steve Smith, on tour with them again. I said that it should be that way, like KISS playing without Peter Criss. It just isn't KISS. So that got me to looking you up. I came across your webpage and was blown away that your heart has turned to Christ too. It warms my heart that you and I will finally meet. Be it here on Earth, or in our Father's land in Heaven. I truly want to say God Bless you sir. You are an inspiration to me, from the early days when I heard Beth for the first time, to now where you profess the love of Christ on your personal webpage. It is awesome what you are doing now.
Have a wonderful day and I wish you all the success and love you can possibly receive.
In Christ,
Joe W.
I am a strong yet humble, compassionate and loving man of God, who walks side by side with his Lord. |
Subject: Fan letter
Dear Peter,
My name is Liz and I just wanted to say how impressed I am with your work and contributions to KISS. I find it amazing how you and Ace who almost died from alcohol and drugs, have found your faith in God. Also wanted to say how much I LOVE your book. God bless you and happy Easter.
Liz |
Subject: Ryan
Hi peter my name is Ryan O. I am 20 years old an I live in Winnipeg Manitoba.I just heard about your last ever live shows an as sad as I am I also want to thank you I am a huge kiss fan An also a drummer I have a long list of favourites but you are my number 1 if I Haden's herd your playing I never would have picked up drum sticks. I own your book an read it twice you are my hero An congratulations on being male Brest cancer free much love an respect from one of your biggest fans in Canada. Also if u you are doing a drum solo at one of your shows please put it up on YouTube or your website again love your playing much love an respect An most of all thank you mr Catman ❤
Rayn O. |
Subject: Thank you Peter
Hello Mr Criss,
I just wanted to drop an email to you and thank you for being there when I was a child and are still here today. I'm grateful to have had your music to get me through the tough times. I sincerely appreciate all you.
Jacob F |
Subject: Hi Peter...A greeting from Madrid - Spain..!! Hi Peter,
You cannot imagine the emotion, pleasure and honor of being able to write to you and to show you my great respect & admiration as a person, a drummer and an artist ... in that order. I have been a drummer since I was a teenager, although today I have about half a century stepping the ground and more than 33 years beating and playing drums and cymbals (all listening Kiss and your works). You were one of the best inspirations as a drummer that I had in my youth (as well as Gene Krupa, Ian Page, Neil Peart, Louie Bellson Alan White, Eric Carr and many others) but you were very special for my musical training and study.
I would love to have the pleasure and honor to meet you inviting you to come to Spain (Madrid) where I have been living for 20 years. Although I was born in Venezuela, I lived in Seattle and New York I finally reside in Europe.
I know that you can remember have been coming to Spain on other occasions, however, my invitation is for you: a special person I´d always admired and I know that you would like to take advantage of your quiet time with Gigi, to know just a little more serenely about other lands without the bother or intervention of the paparazzi press or importunate press ... rather a time to relax and enjoy the Mediterranean diet.. ha ha
If you fancy, take it as a Anniversary supplement or suggestion for you and Gigi. Both deserve it.
Well Peter, it's a real pleasure for me to send you my sincere words, I hope it do not falls on a broken bag, maybe because of lot of emails you receive, I have a hope of get meet you and my little boy have a strong desire to get to know you too.
God bless you.
Antonio T |
Subject: Peter
Peter you are an outstanding drummer, KISS would not be what they are without you... The four of you are my rock & roll heros... I have gone to the concerts since 1976, no band could touch the original four. Rock on brother !!!
Andrew E. |
Subject: Best drummer on KISS
bonjour , i never forget you the catman. french Fan
Franck J. |
Subject: Not the same
Hey, Pete.
Hope all is well with you. I was looking up old KISS footage on YouTube and came across some old concerts from the Destroyer era. Man, that stuff is gold. I really miss you and Ace. Without you 2, KISS is a quasi tribute band at best. My opinion is if the current line up wants to continue, then Tommy and Eric need to come up with their own alter egos or just take off the makeup. It ain't the same and never will be. Thank you for a ton of great music and being the ONLY Catman that matters.
God Bless!
Mike |
Subject: Welcome Home
As a young girl growing up in a Catholic household in Detroit, your music was everywhere, except in our home. My mother saw your band as an instrument of Satan that lead people away from Christ (she had good reason to hate rock - my brother was a talented musician, singer, songwriter who played rock music, got addicted to drugs and eventually it killed him). At 13 I saw your band as music to sneak and play. Over the years I have enjoyed watching the videos and reminiscing over my rock conversations with my now deceased brother - he loved Detroit Rock City, and sang a beautiful rendition of Beth - and he had played with Alice Cooper, Iggy Pop, and other Detroit rockers in the 60's and early 70's. He was my own rock history course. I could listen to my brother Donnie sing forever. His poetry was beautiful. He was a storyteller - like you.
I was reading about the original Kiss band member's lives and stumbled on your website. Your love of Christ was apparent and my heart swelled with joy. As a little sister who loved her rock and roll brother unconditionally, but always prayed for him to come back to Christ, I know your love of Christ has made many members of your own family happy. The peace in your heart is so evident in your posts. As your fan, I just wanted to let you know how happy I am that you have the blessing of a wonderful wife, beautiful children, and the love of your family. You will always be a part of my prayers for continued faith in Christ, continued health and a long, happy life. Because my rocker brother fought addiction his entire life, I've always been happy when I've read about rockers who have overcome addiction and resumed their relationship with God. Before my brother passed away, he had come home to Christ. My prayers and my mother's prayers were answered.
Your witness has not gone unnoticed. Have a blessed rest of your life. And I pray you will continue to be an amazing example to young rockers who don't know that it's the rock lifestyle that is harmful and against God's wish for a wonderful life for us - not the music.
Patricia L.
Donnie's Little Sister |
Subject: Amazing drummer
I just wanted to let you know what an inspiration you are as a drummer and person. Your music has recently become some of my favorite. And reading your book was incredible. It's truly amazing to read about how someone can overcome so much.
Thanks your for your time.
~Jena |
Subject: LA Expo experience and big THANKS to Peter and Gigi!!
Hello Peter and Gigi!
I apologize that this message is being sent later than I wanted it to but had to recover from the exhilerating LA KISS Expo weekend and try to get back into some sort of work-mode!!
I just wanted to thank both of you for such an incredible experience the whole weekend as I took part in all 3 events- the VIP experience, another autograph meeting with Peter on Sat and the absolutely incredible Bus Tour on Sunday!!! I can't express my gratitude to Peter for making the whole weekend one of the best experiences ever of meeting one of my heroes! His genuine sincerity and kindness made the meet and greets so special, I can't thank him enough for making us fans feel so appreciated. And his stories about the events connected to the bus tour landmarks (among other tidbits) was so interesting to hear and heartfelt by Peter (plus his impersonation of a conversion between Ace and Gene was priceless!!). So again, I want to pass on to Peter my complete gratitude to him and Gigi (and all others that had an impact on the event) for creating one memorable weekend!
I have included three pictures, of course my prized picture with Peter but also two other pictures which include my two close friends who unfortunately couldn't make the trip but you two still affected so positively.I hope you will recall that a mentioned that I had a special needs friend who has loved KISS all his life and even with his disability was so influenced by Peter that he became a drummer at a young age. I told you two this and it was so nice that both of you were touched by his story. And an extra special hug and Kiss to Gigi for giving one of Peter's cool 8x10 pictures he had at the table and having Peter sign it to Dave in addition to the Dynasty tour book that I had brought for him-thanks again GIGI as that was so kind and generous of you! So I included a picture of my friend Dave Lavoie with both his signed items and of course a big grin on his face. (Definitely a FAN to the utmost degree!)
The other picture is of my KISS Brethren and co-pilot to so many things KISS related that I've lost count! His name is Mike Lavoie and yes that is Dave's older brother. He and I have been trying to bring Dave to as much KISS related events we can in the last 25 years we've known each other. And not sure if you remember but I had Peter sign the first KISS album saying "Happy 50th Birthday". I had this done as it seems it was fate that Mike and I met half our lifetime ago and we found out we were born on the exact same day (Feb. 11/1967)! Combine this with our fascination with KISS, similar likes in other music and TV shows/movies and both Boston Bruins hockey fans, it was just fitting that I had Peter provide us with such a great 50th birthday item and Mike was sure surprised when I showed him. So thanks again to Peter for doing that.
So I don't want to take up too much of your time but I just had to let you both know how incredible it was to meet you both and what a wonderful experience at the whole LA Expo weekend.(and maybe you are making use of the two "Kenny the Cat" Catnip T-Shirts that my friend made up in homage to Catman that I gave you?)
Yours truly,
Gary G.
Ontario, CANADA
PS. I talked to Gigi at the end of the Bus Tour (and gave her my "Comix Plus/Music Exchange" business card) and mentioned how I know Dave and Mike were so disappointed they could not make the LA expo but of course want to meet Peter and Gigi so I mentioned if there is any chance of arranging a similar event like "Peter Day" that had taken place in the past where fans go to lunch with Peter (and of course Gigi) and have a personal experience in that capacity, we would be interested in such an event. If a amicable time could be set up and a fee arranged for you two to take part in such an event, please let me know as that would be such a great thing to have Dave partake in and of course Mike and myself too! (and just to let you know Dave is a special needs person but is fairly high functioning and can do very well on his own so it wouldn't be difficult to have this "Peter Day" happen). I wish you both the best! |
Subject: Respect I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you I thank you for being such a great part of my life even though we have never met Please stay in the spot light it's ment to be it's your calling maybe God helps Uther people threw you and your music I thank you for being such a magical power simply thanks.
James R. |
Just finish Make up to breakup.
My wife is completely elated I finished your book, it put me in a bit of a funk. I have read both Paul's and Gene's books I have watched all the documentary's and even Gene's reality show. All I can say is I never felt like I was getting the whole story, and I knew there had to be something more to it. I was absolutely floored with your honesty, and can honestly relate with being screwed over and mischaracterized. But the whole time reading the book I saw a lot of dots connecting in my own life and the history of kiss. Thanks for bearing your soul and totally kicking ass in Atlanta during the reunion and farewell tour!! If is ever meet Paul or Gene I will slap the the shit out of them for ya.
Grant L. |
Subject: Heavenly influence
Hey Catman....
Rudy in Houston here....thanks for all my memories of you and KISS.....you guys really influenced my life....and to think, my mom thought I chose my confirmation name after St. PETER!!!!!!......
Rudy "Rudedog" G. |
Subject: One of the most honest biographies
Hi to the 1 and only catman.
Like the millions of fans out there, I have just finished reading your book. A little late i know but better late than never right.
Just wanted to say thank you for being brutally honest in your book was a awesome read.
Lastly great job on spreading the word on male breast cancer
God bless
Arif |
Subject: LA Peter Criss Expo
Thanks again to Peter for a great event. My smile says it all, and the memories I'll cherish!
Julian G.
Subject: Meeting Mr Peter Criss at the LA Kiss Expo in Hollywood
Dear Mr Criss,
Hi My name is George I wanted to personally tell you that I was so honored to meet you on Saturday January 28th 2017 at the LA Kiss Expo at Raleigh Studios in Hollywood at around 6:30pm. I also wanted to tell you that you are such a wonderful and caring human being your kindness was so amazing and what was even more amazing is that you are a World known Rock Super Star and you still was so humble to all of your fans, I have been a Kiss Fan since September 1975 the day that Kiss Alive album came out in the stores and you have always been my favorite, and when Halloween came around I would dress up in your costume and makeup and I even tought myself how to play drums with your inspiration I wanted to be just like you my SuperHero and now I am 53 years old and I finally got to met you, I had the privilege to meet Paul, Gene and Ace and now I finally met you, I made a decision when I was 12 years old that I would meet all of the original Kiss Members and it has been a life long goal to meet all of you before I am no longer here on earth so when I found out you were the Special Rock Super Star guest at the LA Kiss Expo I didn't care what I had to pay to get this once in a life time to meet my life long Super Hero Rock Star "You" Mr Peter Criss and when I meet you you were so incredible and that's why I wanted to send this email to you, I hope this email personally finds you. Thank you so much Mr Peter Criss for listening to my story. You are truly one of God's gift to the World.
PS: Just incase you dont remember me from so many of your fans that you have met at the LA KISS EXPO I am the person who has the big KISS TATTOO on my Back.
God Bless You and Your Family
Best Wishes
George H. |
Subject: LA KISS Expo
I just wanted to say thank you for the time you spent with each of your guests at the expo. It wasn't a normal meet and greet, it was saying hi and having a few minutes with you. I appreciate your kindness and look forward to whatever you do in the future. Although I hope it's a new album.
Thanks again for KISS!!!
Subject: LA Experience
Thank you Peter, Thank you GiGi, for the wonderfull opportunity to enjoy your company, and hear Peter’s stories at the LA Kiss Expo events. You both went out of your way to make us feel welcome and engage in meaningful conversations. As I stated, personally I have really missed Peter. He is like a part of our “family”. Hearing his voice and seeing him is reuniting with a cherished relative you have not seen for awhile. God bless you both. I look forward to the next possibility to see you again. I need to bring my daughter with me next time.
Dan S.
San Diego, CA |
Subject: Hero
Hi Peter,
im not a famous rock star but i play drum because of you, i Just wanna say thanks you for all, you didnt know me but you change my life. I saw you for sure with Kiss but two times on your solo tour And Montreal 1992 Will always be in my memory... What a show.... A Dreams come True. I would like to show you my tattoo of you cause you Will always rock my world...... Thanks you for all....
Your the Best
Eric M.
Subject: Your inspiring drums
I watched you every chance I got wished a thousand times I could play like that. But that's why there are bands and fans. Just think you are amazing on the drums.
Thanks for the music.
Robert B. |
Subject: Thank You Peter & Gigi
Peter & Gigi: Thank You! today was a special day! we appreciate gigi's kindness & thoughtfulness to ask us to go on stage to talk about thomas' drumming & shows...we were shocked - but what a thrill!! so sorry if i took too long, but just hoped to put it into perspective, yet off the cuff....im sure everyone saw first- hand that thomas is all heart. thomas will be telling his grandkids someday about what happened today. when thomas is in his 70s, long after we are gone, thomas will pass on stories about how cool Peter Criss was....that's rock n roll!
Thank you! be safe,
Dan L. |
Subject: Thank you
Just wanted to say thank you for all of the years of great music you've given everyone. You have always been, and always will be, the best of the best. I grew up listening to you, and now my kids have the pleasure of knowing you as the one and only Catman. My 1st tattoo was of your 3, lightning bolt and drum that you have on your arm. And many more followed.
Rhik B. |
Subject: Thank You!
Mr. Peter Criss,
I've been a KISS fan my whole life(I'm only 23 so I missed out on the early years). The music you guys made saved my life more times than I can count, and through middle school and high school you guys seemed to be the only ones who understood me. I figured it was time to thank you for that. I can't put into words everything I feel because words just can't describe it all. But know that you have a huge place in my heart and soul that I will never forget. My son was born in April of 2015 and I continue to push on the importance of you to him. Nothing gets him going more than your Alive! Drum Solo. I don't want to waste your time with a crazy long email, so I'll end it short.
Thank you for everything you've done for me. Everything you will do for my kid. And for making the music world a better place. You will never be forgotten.
Thank you Catman,
Vincent E. |
Subject: Acknowledgement and Thank You
I have been a lifelong fan of KISS dating back to the beginning. I literally have all KISS Albums and CD's in my collection. My son and my daughter grew up listening to me play your music, and although they criticized me at the time, they are both big fans now.
I grew up poor in rural Alabama, but would always save my money to purchase the very next KISS album. My first concert to see KISS was the Dynasty tour that landed in Birmingham Alabama and my second was the reunion tour in the same venue.
Long story short, thank you and all the original members for all the years, memories, and great music you provided!
God bless you and your family!
Tom M. |
Subject: Happy Birthday Peter!
Hi Peter, the one and ONLY Catman, and Gigi,
Just wanted to write and wish you a Happy Birthday!
Hope you had a good one!
Subject: Birthday
Dear Peter,
As a lifelong KISS fan, I want to wish you a very heartfelt Happy Birthday. Your music has brought much joy to my life, and has been a friend in rough times. I wish you happiness, luck, and health in 2017.
Jennifer S.
Mills, Wyoming |
Subject: Happy birthday wishes from your November 2014 Fan Of The Month !!
Happy Birthday Peter !!
I wish you an absolutely wonderful day with your friends and family. Meeting you a couple of years ago is still very much a highlight in my life. You are the one and ONLY Catman and true gentleman.
God bless,
Gerry M. |
Subject: Happy Birthday!
Mr. Criss,
Ordinarily, when I see it's a celebrity's birthday online, I make a mental "Hmmm... How about that?" and move to the next thing. However, when I saw that today was YOUR birthday (on Facebook, naturally), I wanted to say "Happy Birthday" and "Thanks".
I'm sure you hear it a lot (given your success), but my first album EVER was Love Gun. I can still remember the paper gun that came inside the album sleeve. Of course my parents were none to happy that I was listening to KISS which, by today's standards, was pretty tame.
Anyway, happy birthday, God Bless, and I hope you have many, many more birthdays.
Brent J.
Glenmoore, PA
Subject: Thank you
Hey Pete..
Hope you are doing well man.i just wanted to take a minute to wish you a very happy birthday. You are one of a kind man,grew up listening to your drumming and i have always had a ton of respect for you. I hope that you and your family have a great christmas,HAPPY birthday catman..you are one of the best.
All the best
Chris L. |
Thank you
Hi Peter,
I just wanted to thank you for so many years of great music. I'm 16 years old, and I've been a KISS fan since I was 6. You're the reason why I started playing drums, man! There will never be another one like you.
Greetings from Argentina.
Be safe!
Federico P.
Thanks for the inspiration!!!
Hi Peter.....
I've been following since 78'. Love all the kiss albums you were on and also the solo albums........ can you release another? Ha ha...... can't wait man..... much respect and take care!!!!!!!
Brad W.
Subject: Thank You
Hello Peter,
I’ve never tried to reach out to you before.
My daughter happened to send me a photo today of what she was doing for Halloween and her make-up was a Cat. Looked very similar to your face paint! She’s in 8th grade. It struck me that when I was in 8th grade (many years ago) I dressed up to look just like you for Halloween. I even borrowed my Mom’s platform shoes that had silver glitter all over them and I found a wig somewhere that looked just like your hair at the time. I had the whole get up. Looking back, we were pretty poor at the time living with a single mother and yet, I pulled together this awesome costume to look just like you. I started listening to you heavily when I was in 4th grade and yes had all the KISS posters all over my bedroom walls. You had such an influence on me. Your playing style, your stage presence, your overall image, you had it all. And I wanted to be just like you.
In any event, I went on to start playing in Hollywood clubs on the Sunset Strip when I was about 16 years old. Playing with guys in their mid 20s. They always snuck me in the back with roadies because I was too young to be in the clubs at the time. I played all the clubs in Hollywood while living in Orange County CA (Tustin). During this time I was also working to pay the bills and happened to work with guy who became a good friend of mine by the name of Dean Deleo who later became the guitarist for Stone Temple Pilots. I ended up getting a record deal with Enigma Records (Capitol) when I was about 21 years old and recorded my album at Sound City a couple of years later. I toured and our band did pretty well. My band was called Guardian. Oz Fox from the band Stryper produced the record. Interestingly enough, I met Gene and talked with him a while around the time I was touring in 1988 / 1989. He knew about us and had already heard the record. Said we had a lot of potential and he liked what we were doing. I spoke with many other guys in the Biz about life on the road and what that life would have to offer and decided I didn’t want to spend the next 20 years on the road living out of a suitcase. Looking back, I should have stuck it out for a few records at least. It was my passion. I was young and stupid though. But we can’t go back unfortunately. I never gave up drumming though as its part of me and always was since age of 4 when I got my first drum set. After I left Guardian, I eventually looked for some guys that played at my level that wanted to do it for fun “only” and NOT tour for a living. I was unable to do so. In any case, I wanted to thank you for the impact you’ve had on my life. You were the driving force for me as a young kid aspiring to be a rock star one day. I went on to achieve a small level of success in part because of you and your work in Kiss. I of course wanted to play Pearl drums as you did but ended up getting a deal with Tama so for me it was a nice custom set of extended toms and bass drums in bright red sparkle (or lipstick red as they called it). I can’t thank you enough Peter for your hard work and the positive impact it had on my life. I was a young boy living with a single Mom that had nothing but a dream to hold on to and that was to someday be a rock star. You ignited that dream in me. And to be honest, no matter how old you get, I think that dream still burns on in our hearts in some fashion… Thank you…
All the very best to you,
Rikk |
Subject: Hi
Just wanted to say, I was born in '73 and my sister connected me with KISS through "Columbia House Records" where you would supposedly pay "a penny" for a record which was total bullshit, but luckily it allowed me to acquire Detroit Rock City and Rock and Roll Over in '78. The Cat was where it was at. You made me want to be a drummer. I took my wife to see you when you guys reunited in the 2000's and what KISS is right now, isn't KISS. It makes me sad to see two others portray Space Ace and the Cat. I hope you are doing well. Black Diamond baby!
Subject: Just a fan
Just read your book and enjoyed it very much. Just saw kiss for the first time in September. Not going to lie it was a good time. But I wanted you to know that when they played Beth a majority of the crowd and myself included were yelling out Peter. I'm sure it was heard on stage. So please remember you are not forgotten by the kiss army.
From a forty year fan,
Chris |
Subject: Greetings from the UK
Hi Peter.
Just wanted send you love and admiration from the UK. Over the years I've been a fan many different genres of music, but the one constant as been early KISS, ever since I bought a copy of alive 2 nearly 40 years ago. You're the original member who's always presented their side of the story with the most humility (& you were always the best singer in the band). So anyway, don't want to babble on too long but did just want to let you know how much you are loved over here. I hope you make it to our shores again one day soon.
Peace & happiness to you.
God bless catman.
X A.T. |
Subject: Un fan de Argentina
Hola Peter !!!
Quiero pedirle que venga de nuevo a mi país Argentina.
Lo quiero mucho.
Cesar S. |
Subject: Hello from NJTP exit 10!
I just wanted to thank you for being you! I have been a fan of both your bands, and more specifically YOU, since before my age hit double digits!
I have to admit, "Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park" scared the hell out of me as a kid - I woke up seeing Gene's face in the trees outside my bedroom haha! Before I appreciated rock & roll, I was enamored with the look of your band, and always loved you and Ace the most. Now, at age 45, I feel the same way. You inspired me to want to play the drums, and I'll always be grateful.
Even thought the world seems a little smaller as we get older, I'm still a teen who rocks out to Strange Ways, Tossing & Turning, Beth, Hooligan, Black Diamond, and Baby Driver! Your voice was so....classic rock!
Thanks for being a stand up guy, mistakes and all, wearing your Christianity on your sleeve along with your heart, and for giving me such great memories. It's a gift to be able to make others happy. For those special people who's gift inspires millions, and generations, it's also a legacy. Thank you!
I hope you get this, are that you and your family are well and enjoying every day on God's green earth!
Sean F. |
Subject: Keeping the Fire Burning
Hi, Peter:
Its been a long time since I pulled out my old KISS records to give them a listen. I’m a 47 year-old lawyer by day who works to protect vulnerable children and adults from dangerous situations and get them someplace safe. At night I come home to my wife of nearly 15 years and our 6 kids. My 12 year-old son, David, and 8 year-old son, Austin, have discovered my old album collection and, of course, have gravitated to the KISS records. David is learning to play the bass, and Austin wants to be a drummer, he says, like you. We’ve had a blast listening to you and your old bandmates, and the music you made together has brought me even closer to my boys. I can’t thank you enough for that. I had the great privilege of seeing you in Milwaukee on the reunion tour in 1996. It was one of the greatest shows I’ve ever seen. Sadly, I fear, my boys won’t get the same chance. But be that as it may, we still have the music…and no matter what, nobody can take that away.
Take Care, Catman! You’re still the real deal…and one of the all time greats!
Brad S.
Subject: Thanks!
Hi Peter,
As a former member of Kiss Army, I want to say thank you for your influence and kick ass drumming. My first independent rebellious memory of being a kid was getting that makeup kit and putting on your trademark cat face and cruising around my neighborhood looking like the catman.
Be well Mr. Criss,
Scott B. |
Subject: Greetings
Mr Criss,
I turned 50 two months ago and have been reevaluating my life. Recently, I have started playing in a Blues-Rock cover band because I realized I haven't played near as much as I wanted to. I haven't actually played the traps for a long time. When I was younger, I played in the pit for some musicals, sat in for some local bands here and there but mostly, I taught. I taught High School Marching bands, College drumlines, and Drum and Bugle Corps. I have spent most of my life influencing students ans creating musicians.....all because of the influence you had in my life. Thank you for all the great music you have given us through the years but mostly. Thank you for being my roll model.
Gary S. |
Subject: Brooklyn's finest
I was a native Greenpoint boy. I go back to visit sometimes, and Brooklyn has changed so much. I know you grew up in Williamsburg, but your parents had an antique store in Greenpoint, no? I always thought you should've sang lead more frequently during your tenure with Kiss. Your voice was always that signature Brooklyn style of raspy meets rock, meets jazz, meets soul! I loved it!! I grew up on Hausman Street. It was a great neighborhood back in the 80's.
God bless you, Catman!!
Patrick M. |
Subject: Congratulations
Hi Peter
I am a South African, 54 years young and grew up with Kiss music. Followed the Kiss band from 1976 to date. Your book is brilliantly written. You have told your story well "no holds barred" and this is respected.
I wish you nothing more than for the best in your life.
Your journey was hard bitter, sweet and never forgotten.
Peace and love.
Mark C. |
Subject: Your Awesome
Dear Peter Criss
Peter Criss, you have inspired me for the last year, that is when I saw Kiss at Auckland, At first I liked Eric Singer, but then I saw the makeup thing,( I'm pretty sure it's not Eric's fault, because Paul and Gene control Kiss) and now I like you, your drumming is unique, and singing is amazing, Beth, Black Diamond, Nothin to lose and Hard Luck woman are my favourite songs, all mainly sang by you, if you had any tips for my drumming what would it be, and also, what was the most exciting and most disappointing moment in Kiss?
Dathan B.
Subject: Hi Peter
Hi Peter,
thank you for all the years of your music. I also thank you for the use of the words God bless. That in itself is very encouraging for Hope and life beyond this one. May God Bless you and your family greatly. That you will continue to share your music and Talent with us now and on the other side.
Best and God Bless...
Ernie James P. |
Subject: Hey Peter
Hello Sir,
Just wanted to say hello and hope your doing well. You have been a great inspiration in my life and I wanted to say Thank You! You Rock!
Kevin G. |
Subject: Thanks
Thanks for making great music for so many years! When I think of my younger years the music you helped create brings back a lot of great memories.
Mike J. |
Subject: Hello Catman Hello Peter, I am still a fan of yours, It all started by watching THE MIKE DOUGLAS SHOW, My parents were shocked by you guys as I watched KISS sing Firehouse!!! I was hooked and still am by THE 4 ORIGINAL MEMBERS!!! NOT the FAKE KISS TODAY!!
Subject: greatings from a big fan
Hi Peter,
I started to listen to Kiss at eage of 16 and now I'm 45 and still there each and every day. especially Alive!. I just want to thank you very very much for what you gave you guys for my entirely life. your music is the soundtrack of my life.
Roberto S. |
Subject: The best
Dear Mr. Criss,
I wanted to let you know that you're an enormous inspiration in my life, I know you probably get this a lot, but hey I just wanted to thank you for everything, you've gotten me through tough times in my life and I really can't thank you enough!
-Evan K. |
Subject: Post, don't post, this is up to you
Jesus, Peter, You drummed your ass off on Detroit Rock City, the 1998 version…that IS KISS!! For fuck’s sake, they didn’t think that was worthy of the record?
That’s what sets you apart, you can hear, in your studio takes, that you are going balls to the wall…fuck those precision drummers, they sound like they are on auto pilot most of the time…YOU ARE KISS!!
Shannon M. |
Subject: Your vocals
I have been doing some reminiscing listening to the old Kiss songs from the 70's, you don't get the credit that you deserve. You sang a lot of songs in the 70's and your voice is great. Beth, Hard Luck Woman, Strange Ways, Mainline, Hooligan, Baby Driver, Nothing to lose and Black Diamond is so much better with you and that is a great song. My point is you really gave a lot to Kiss big time. Thank you Peter for all the memories, I miss seeing you play. I wish Kiss would play at least one more concert with the originals at Yankee Stadium and play the old songs and have the fans hear you sing Beth one more time, imagine the ovation. Anyway thanks Peter, your drumming is awesome but we fans always knew that. Marc from San Diego originally from Staten Island. Grazie!
MC |
Subject: Fans Speak Out
I wanted to tell you that you are the best. We miss you in kiss. I had the pleasure meeting you in NY at Guitar Center last year. The nicest guy I ever met it was a good time. I am one of your big fans I was the one that told you about my face book group Peter Criss Catmans Lair well it is now growing by the day. I do hope to meet you at the next event couldn't make it to Texas but I hope to make the next event my face book group shows how much you are an inspiration to me and your fans. I also have a surprise to tell you about it. Please come out with your new CD we all miss your singing and will support you on it. Glad you are well
We all love you
Louise M. |
Subject: Peter
Hi Peter,
I'm a huge fan since I was 8 and your music may have saved my life through some hard
times when my family moved from Chatham NJ to Sydney.
I wanted to reach out and say hi. Keep up the good fight and glad you beat cancer.
I lost both parents to cancer and recently my mother in law.
Unfortunately, we have one life, not 9!
I read your book and would love a signed copy if possible.
Take care. Love and compassion always wins brother!
Scott R. |
Subject: Hey Peter
Hey Pete you and Ace are my faves. Missed you and Ace at Zafod Beeblbrocks in Ottawa years ago.Still regret it. Saw you guys on the reunion tour 4 times. THE best....
Laurel M. |
Love You Man
Hi Peter!
Just wanted to let you know that I love the way you played in kiss...I still find your fills to the point and not overdone...live your timing too...I started playing when I was a bit older and always wanted to play like you...my source of inspiration...
Love you man,
Ries |
Hi Peter
Hi Peter
I read your book and I couldn't put it down. It was great.I loved it. I've been a KISS fan for 42 yrs now..I miss you! Take care and be safe the one and ONLY Catman.
Cindy. :-) Kissrulz |
Subject: Robby Fr: Texas Frightmare--Hair Donation
Hi Peter
I had talked to you 2 about where to donate hair for cancer patients that wouldn't "charge" people like Locks Of Love does. I was told to contact through here and hope this gets to ya'll(haha--TheTEXAN in me!! :-) ) I have been wanting to donate it but want to find a place that will truly HELP the ones' in need for free. I also want to let you know that meeting you was one of my Biggest Dreams Come True(Bucket List "check")!!! I have been a Catman Fan for 40 years now...since I was 6 when my mom bought Destroyer because of Beth!! So, Thank you for being such a Cool Cat too & taking time to talk to us all. I hope this might happen again one day and I can get a couple more personal items' signed to me & talk more!! :-)
Thanks Again,
God Bless & You Take Care Bud---Robby I. |
Subject: Dallas- Frightmare Weekend
Dear Peter& Gigi,It waswonderful to meet you both in Dallas this past weekend. You are both such warm and kind people. The three of us met you Friday evening for pictures andautographs. Peter, you were always my favorite KISS member and meeting you inperson just cemented the reasons why. I especially wanted to thank you for the giant hug you gave our friend Kathy. She has been going through a rough timeover the last several months and I wasn’t sure she would even go on the tripeven though she is a true fan. Monday was her birthday (4/25) and meeting youwas the perfect ending to her “birthday week.” It is safe to say your hug madeher year and we really want to thank you for making her feel special.
May Godbless you both.
Love Joe & Diane D. |
Subject: Tattoo

This past weekend in Dallas!
Jorge |
Subject: Fun Times at The Frightmare
Hey guys, Mike Parker here..words can not express the time myself and my friends had..HUGE hugs to GIGI and Peter for making this big kids dreams come true each and every time. :) Please see the pics attached, we hope to make the collage :)
love you guys,
Mike P.
Subject: Arm Signature Tattoo Dallas 4-30-16
Attached is a finished photo of my tattoo.
My wife Gena (another Jersey Girl) and I are heading back to Boston and we're thrilled to see you and Gigi again.
God Bless You and Yours..
Ricky |
Subject: Thanks!!
Peter & Gigi,
I just wanted to say Thank You!! It was awesome to meet both of you on Friday. Thank you for taking the time to talk with us, listening to our stories, taking pictures, and signing all our stuff!! Peter, we are so grateful for the memories you have provided us and helped us create. You have helped many of us on this journey called life. I am glad you fought to still be here with us!! Thank you for your sacrifices and thank your family for sharing you with us. I attached a better picture of the signed cow bell picture I was talking with guys about. It is one of my favorite pieces. I always love the big silver cross you wore back in the day.
God Bless,
Eric & Michelle S.
Don't forget about us here in Texas!! We love seeing you. |
Subject: Dallas Frightmare Weekend Convention
I had the pleasure of meeting you on Saturday, in Dallas. Out of all the concerts and conventions I have attended, you were the nicest, kindest and most sincere celebrity I have ever met. I have waited 40 years (and 6 hours in line) to tell you that you were my Gene Krupa and I meant every word. Now, I have shaken the hand of Peter Criss and Ringo. My drum circle is complete. Life is good.
Thank you and Gigi for coming to Dallas.
Thank you,
John G. |
Subject: Love and thanks to Peter and Gigi
Hey Peter and Gigi! Its Josh Bennett, my girlfriend Crystal and I were the last people in line on Sunday at frightmare . We hope you got home safe and we want to thank you for being so cool and generous to us. That was truly a dream come true for us and a life changing event. We couldn't have had a better experience. We would love to see you guys again if you ever come out to California or to another convention. And if your ever looking for young cats to jam with hit me up man. But thanks again Peter and Gigi meeting you both was one of the best things to happen in our lives you're beautiful people with hearts of gold God bless you guys man.
Josh B.
Subject: Saying hello. To the cat and...
Thanking you for many years of the best drumming!!!
You know life comes full circle when you grow up listening to the best drummer, and now my son appreciates the same music as I did at his age.
from Neil.
a loyal fan from day one!!! |
Subject: Prince died today. I think about my heroes. Thanks...
Prince died today. I think about my heroes. Thanks for being an incredible person who never gave up. You inspire with my Mom!
Dan G.
Subject: Thank you
I just wanted to say thank you for helping create the most influential band in my lifetime. I will never forget being 5 years old and begging my mother to buy my first Kiss album. I was born in 75, so it was The Double Platinum album. WOW! I was obsessed from that point on and eventually obtained the entire collection. My family had some rough beginnings and Kiss gave me a fantasy world that no doubt helped me through some hard times. It inspired my brother and I to play music, which no doubt plays a big role in our current lives. My brother is a strings teacher and has an instrument repair shop. Music isn't my profession, but a big part of my life. Also, I am so glad you are cancer free! Way to go!! I just finished listening to Ace's new album, Origins Vol. 1 and it rocks! I was glad that Paul sang on Fire and Water. I hope that you are available for Origins 2 and that it happens soon! Of course, like all Kiss fans I hope that it could lead to one more reunion. I was too young to see you during the first run, but I was there for the reunion through the farewell. Either way, thanks for being the Catman and making such iconic music and performances.
God Bless,
Josh G.
Subject: Wishing you well
I have just about finished reading your book. Thanks for sharing your story. Parts of it have helped me through some recent rough patches. Anyway, hope life is finding you well - and congrats on your happiness with GiGI!
You're still the spoiler!
God bless,
Subject: I found love
Hello Mr Criss,
Followed you your whole career. You are the best! Just now getting in to older tracks like 'I found love'. Great stuff!! Thank you!!!
God Bless,
Bob O.
Subject: I love you Peter!
Hi Peter I'm a young drummer you are the best!! You are my Hero! I love you forever!
Flaming P. |
Subject: Hi Peter
Hi peter greetings from dundee scotland.I was a fan of kiss not as this lineup is so and ripping there fans off.Plus there will be only one catman thats you.
Brian S. |
Subject: My idol
As an aging fan of yours (just turned 58 on April fools) i would like to tell you that you are still the coolest rocker around. Your book is wonderful. The beauty of life is that my 18 year old son listens to classic rock and will be attending Monmouth university for music industry which will guide him through the rock/jazz world. Stay strong!!!
Neil Sandler.
A fan till the end!
Subject: Founding member of KISS/ My favorite!
I am now 50 years old and have listened to KISS since they started. I always listen to music and lyrics in depth and take it very seriously. I write lyrics myself and hear the music in my head, though I have never taken the time, or felt I had the time to learn to play anything for real. I did play a few songs on guitar when I was stationed in Germany before the wall came down. I know I have never been directly involved with KISS, nor do I personally know any of them; however, I have seen them in concert and have all of their albums and DVD sets! With this being said and probably not too earth shaking in itsself-- I have always liked Peter Criss the most, while Gene is cool, he just doesn't give me the soul touching feeling that I get from Peter! Secondary to this is Ace Frehley; once he left KISS, I still looked for and bought all of his albums! So Peter and Ace have always been my favorites much to the shock of Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons I'm sure! Many of my friends and aquaintances feel the same way! So here's to you Peter, and to Ace as I love ya'll the most...Rock on and know that everything in the music magazine isn't true!
Love a true fan!
SFC Casey B. D. (Ret.)
Subject: Hello from Sweden!
Hello Peter!
My name is Morgan and I live in Arlandastad in Sweden. I was born in oct 14 1971 and I have been loving the music which you did take part in creating together with KISS since around summer 1976. I just wanted to say thank you for making the world a better place to live in thanks to the wonderful rock 'n roll music played by you. I cannot thank you enough for all the joy and fun I have had, listening to and making me feel good when times where bad or harsh. Nothing brings my spirit up as easily as when listening to the music that you made.
Love and peace always!
Morgan K.
Frejgatan 28
Subject: Peter, just wanted to say God Bless...
As a lifelong KISS fan, I have recently begun listening to the Gene/Paul one sided
attack fest towards you and Ace and I wanted to let you know that there are fans that have more respect for you and Ace, and the fact that you guys have never jumped the shark to make a buck. You will always be the True CATMAN!!!!!
God Bless You!
Jeff T.
Stow, OH |
Subject: Thank You
Just wanted to thank you for inspiring me to be a drummer. |
Subject:Thanks Peter
Just wanted to thank you for all the music over the years. I've been listening to Alive and love your solo and just wanted to tell you how much you appreciated.
Thanks Catman#1
Subect: From Panama , latin america
Hey Peter,
just want to say im a fan of Kiss, and fan of the original lineup. You guys had a unique chemistry, and your soulful style of drumming definitely made a difference in the Kiss sound. I just hope they gave you more songs to sing, since you have a great voice too!.
Good luck in your future!
Juan |
Subject: Thank you letter for Peter
In my life there has only been a hand full of artists that music I had listened to over and over many of times. A huge favorite of mine your solo albums inspired many of my writings an my life. I've really enjoyed all that you have done my earliest memory was Halloween dressed as Cat man from KISS I was headed out for trick or treating when I heard you on T.V. Playing Beth. You inspired me to pick up the sticks and play drums a few years later. Your an amazing man an I would like to thank you for being such an amazing part of my life.
Thank you,
David W S
I have attached a picture of a business card from the hotel diplomat. I have been a fan of yours since the beginning. No one will EVER be you by wearing your makeup. I wish you and your family health and happiness. God Bless.
John M
Subject: Drummer
Hi Peter
I'm a really big fan and I'm also a girl drummer. I got into KISS only two years ago and I know pretty much every thing about you guys. But besides the point. I wanted to ask you when you were in Kiss how many times a day did you practice? I practice probably only 2 times a day.. Should I be practicing more if I want to be just like you? I started drumming when I was 5 but quit after I was 7 because I wouldn't practice enough, I picked it back up when I was 16 and I'm 18 now. By the way I love your solo albums ! There really good. I listen to them a lot my favorite song is probably "you Matter to me" . So anyway I hope you are having a really good day, and I would mean a lot to me if you could respond. Your one of my Idols ! You don't have to if you don't want to . keep up the DRUM-Tastic Work Peter !
~ Neon
(Ps. God Bless you and all that you have done for the world of Music cat man ) |
Subject: You
i know this is wierd but i love you all till i die |
Subject: Hi Pete
Hi Pete. Just a fan from Winnipeg,Manitoba,Canada, wanting 2 text and tell you - THANK - YOU 4 - BABY DRIVER,HOOLIGAN, and all your fantastic vocal work on BLACK DIAMOND,NOTHIN' TO LOSE, and STRANGE WAYS. - Thank - You 4 being u and being a killer drummer.
Allan M |
Subject: Tribute
Hello peter my name is fir I am from mexico city... I want to thank for your music you are an amazing drummer and singer.... I just want to inform you that im preparing a tribute for you here in mexico and ill be playing some of your songs at different places... the reason im doing this is to show ppl how talented the real catman is.... thanks peter God bless
Subject: Help needed ...
Hello Peter,
How are you doing today?
I would like to tell you how much I appreciate all of the happiness and joy that you have given me throughout the years.
You sir, are the one and only reason that I got into KISS ... and when you left, I stopped buying and listening (every time you left).
I brought my daughters to see YOU in 2003 when you played at Comerica Park in Detroit Michigan. They were absolutely thrilled to see you "in real life", because they grew up getting to know you very well! ;)
Also, your book was fabulous; you did a fantastic job Peter ... I loved it and will always treasure it, along with your CDs and photos. I have two beautiful, large hard-covered photo albums that I put actual photos of you in.
Thank you again Peter. You have made me very happy. I hope you do another CD ... I loved "One for All".
Very Sincerely,
Jody S.
Subject: Makeup To Breakup
I just spent the last month reading each of the four members of KISS' books. I have been a life-long KISS fan. I saw KISS in concert in '79 in Duluth, MINN. John Cougar and The Zones (Mellencamp) opened for you guys. I think I was 15 then....lol, I'm 50 now. I was always a Gene Simmons fan, I think because he was the one in the press all the time. I am so glad I read these books, yours in particular, and I want to tell you why ...
We, as fans, are always given superficial information to base out opinions on...I honestly had no earthly idea drugs were such a part of daily life for you and Ace. I did read Ace's book, but I never saw any remorse in his accounts...especially didn't seem to have true connections to people? Which is really very sad, if that's true. Maybe the substance abuse was a major factor in that. Ace is never malicious in his writing. I think he has true affection for you and his time in KISS. Gene is all hype and Paul Stanley just shocks me with his contempt for everyone and everything. You would think that he would have some gratitude for the life God gave him. I don't know, it was hard to read these books and see a side of people that I idolized being so narrow-minded and petty. I guess, as an adolescent from the Midwest, and a very small community, it just never crossed my mind. Also, I was shocked at the sex...and it was a revelation to read about Gene's behaviors and habits...ick. lol. Really...
Your book seems to be the most candid. You own the mistakes that you made. I also appreciate the sentiment you express regarding your family. I liked reading about your experience in rehab and I really like the way you share your faith. I think I really got to know a little bit about Peter Criss the man, instead of the public persona. I think I like you! I enjoyed reading about your childhood as much as reading about you after fame had hit. You were very vulnerable and personable in your retelling of your history and you allowed yourself to come through.
In closing, I just wanted to say I enjoyed your book very much and I wish you all the best going forward. I am very happy you have Gigi in your life. I will always remember my youth and the way I idolized Kiss. I will definitely remember Peter Criss' story, and how he turned out to be such a great guy!
Kathryn |
Subject: Thank you
I have been a fan since the mid-70's. KISS Destroyer was my first concert. Have followed your career and have since introduced my sons to your music. Just wanted to say thank you for making your music and being a memorable part of my formative years and really inspiring me to want to play drums. I'm in my 50's now, but still love to listen to your stuff. It may have been 40 years, but it still feels like yesterday. It's been a helluva ride. Thank you.
Roger W |
Subject: Thank you
Well Pete I have never written anything ..... But I am compelled to write this ... I've been a fan since the beginning ... I'm sure you heard this before. Growing up close to Nyc kiss was an amazing influence on me growing up ..but me and u have been through the good times and the great times.. There were no bad times ... As I got older and wiser your music was always there ... High school ... College got married had a kid ... Made her into big kiss fan so now as I share your music with my daughters generation she's 18 now and we cruise down ocean parkway jones beach with my classic mustang and my family and kiss thumping from its radio .... I'm just saying thanks Pete for the wonderful ride ..... Your an amazing talent and an icon.you touched my life and thousands of others ......
Thank you Pete ... With love and much respect ....
John L |
Subject: Hello Pete
Just wanted to say hello huge kiss fan your a hell of a guy I love your drum style.
Dave from NJ |
Subject: Mark
I get so pissed off when people say you are an average drummer! Especially Gene, and Paul. As far as I am concerned you are the only one who had any talent! The drummer is the backbeat for all music! You carried them! Your song, ”Beth”, was their biggest hit! They are so ungrateful, and unappreciative! Thanks for the memories buddy, you always were, and always will be my favorite!
P.s I loved the Criss The Cat lp!
Hi Peter.
Just wanted to say Thank you for all the great music and inspiring me to be a drummer. Saw KISS 11 times as original ( real ) lineup. I appreciate many drummers but without a doubt you have always been my favorite drummer of all time.
Again, Thank you.
Martin P.
Have a terrific day ! |
growing up I was and still am a huge kiss fan and in particular a Peter Criss fan. So much so that I named my daughter Beth. Well she turned 30 today and it made me think about how much your music has meant to me over the years. I just wanted to say thank you and God Bless.
Lee |
Thank you Peter
Dear Peter
I would like to start by saying happy new year I hope this email finds you in the greatest of health and spirits. I can still see myself as an 8 year old drummer in Graves end Brooklyn playing along to Beatles and Kiss songs with headphones .. Your groves Peter, made me want to live at my drum kit. Now, 44 years old and a working singer who still considers himself a drummer first .. I get to jam and share that magic with my children .. My 14 year old amazing drummer / musician son and my 12 year old singing daughter .. Thank you for the inspiration and for all the songs that you set the beat for .. I just watched the Volkswagen commercial featuring "Beth" ... I pray that you are compensated for that commercial .. It made me smile and it made me want to say to you .. I'm a big fan of your drumming and you character ..
All the best cat man
John V. |
Autograph From "THE MAN"
Hello! My name is Bryan Taylor and let me just say that if you are reading this I am humbled with that alone!
As you probably hear all the time, I am such a Kiss Fan and have been for many years, the REAL KISS, let me just say. I became a drummer when I was 14 because of you! You, in my eyes, were always the most amazing drummer/singer and you inspired me to be just that. From the first Kiss album to your last solo album I loved every minute of it! Unfortunately, at 21 had to start raising a family so I got away from playing, and now am 45, but never stopped being your fan and admirer! You will always be my super hero for your drumming and above and beyond your courageous fight and defeat of male breast cancer! You are the MAN.....the CAT MAN! Not some rip off they put on stage every night to try and fill your shoes. Not trying to be mean to the other drummers, because I do respect them, but they just imitate nightly a standard you set as an artist! Even as talented as they are...they will never be YOU!!!!
Anyway, do not want to continue to bore you. So, the question I have is, Ive been to your website and seen where you sell autograph materials. I was wondering if I sent an item would you be able to autograph it for me. I will be willing to pay whatever your asking price would be but just have never had the funds to attend one of the conventions you were at! If that is something that you cannot do I completely understand and I thank you for your time!
Always remember, you ARE the Cat Man and more than that a true, amazing musician in or out of the band Kiss! Thank you for being the wonderful hero to me and keeping me behind the drums and out of trouble! ;) God Bless you and your family!!!!
Yours truly,
Bryan K. T. |
Subject: Hi
I just want to thank you for getting me into rock and roll.
much love giving thanks
Jay N. |
Subject: Jeff, fan, and drummer
Thank you for being the main inspiration for me to pick up the drum sticks 38 years ago! Also, at the same time I was listening to my mother's Gene Krupa records as I was learning to play kiss music as well. I didn't find out too much later that you actually took lessons from the legend himself! I still enjoy playing to this day, mostly jazz and a few rock gigs now and then. I wish you the best for the new year.
God bless and a loyal fanalways,
Jeff W. |
VW commercial
I just watched the VW commercial with your song "Beth". Awesome commercial!!
I hope you were part of this amazing commercial.
Congratulations. A song you wrote 40 years ago is being used in a commercial.
This puts you in the same category as John Lennon, "Timeless song writer/singer."
Mike |
Subject: Hey Peter
Hey Peter just want you to know if it wasn't for you I never would have started playing drums you the best.
Subject: happy birthday peter
hello peter, the one and only cat man.
theres two drummers in the world i would love to thank one is peter criss hes the one that got me hooked on playing i have always loved peter and the next is the late eric carr which he took kiss to another level,they both was different drummers but with out these two guys i wouldn't been playing at all,but it was peter the one that got me to pick up the sticks...he was my idol.. i love u peter, and thank you..........
i dont even listen to kiss anymore if i do its classic kiss
i dont think its right how there doing you and ace its wrong and thats the
reason i dont listen to kiss today...and if you and ace wouldn't play with kiss i don't blame you. thank you for your time and god bless.
Michael |
Subject: Anniversary
Hi Peter,
Just a note (of course wondering if you really read these) that growing up, kiss was my favorite band. Until this day, I enjoy vintage kiss and believe the original kiss is the best. Anyway....it was 38 years ago yesterday that I went to my first kiss concert at Madison square garden. I was 13 years old and still fond memories of that night and even the ticket stub as well!
Thanks for what you have created!
Mike S
Stamford, Ct. |
Subject: Thank you
Hi Peter, I just wanted to thank you for all you have done. I'm a retired police officer from Holland,Ohio for almost a year now. ( 2 heart attacks in 2014) I have tried never tried to contact a BIG STAR until now. When the days were long and full of misery, I would put on my I pod and listen to your music. Somehow, that would make things better. Thanks again, and good luck!!!
Dan |
Subject: Book
Just wanted to say loved the book you wrote.
Subject: Hello
Hey Peter just want to give you a hello you know you and ace were Kiss with you two
gone the band is dead only one cat man you rock long time fan.
Jay |
Subject: My greatest inspiration
Dear peter,
I´ve been playing drums for over 25 years now, you have been,still are and always will be my greatest inspiration.thank you behond forever and thank you for who you are.
Eric |
Subject: I`m gonna love you cover
Dear Peter. hope you are doing well
I have been a kiss fan since 1980, when i was five years old. I have always loved Your drumming and singing :)
I play the drums because of you, and also the guitar because of Ace
My hobby is to make my own Versions off kiss tunes, and i have recorded Your own " I`m gonna love you" from Your 78 solo album.
if you want to you can listen to it god bless, you and kiss have helped me thru some pretty rough times, i will always remember that
Your Fan,
Bjarne Andre J.
Norway |
Subject: Hey Peter
Hey Peter Criss,
I just wanted to let you know how much your music in and out of KISS means to me. I am a 14 year old drummer and since i started drumming i have loved you. You are probably my biggest influence i love jazz as well as rock and you do such an amazing job of blending the two almost seamless you are such a big influence and you inspired me to learn to play and sing you inspired me in many other ways and your music helped me smile again after fighting a pretty bad depression. it was you that helped me drum again and for that i am forever grateful. Because of you i learned to love Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich and all the great jazz drummers. I envy your hand speed and i just love you ghost notes and the way you do double stroke rolls your voice is also still wonderful and inspiring hearing you play and sing makes me very happy and i love playing and singing along with my headphones on. i modeled my 1984 11 piece pearl professional series kit after the kit you recorded alive with concert toms and all. I was just writing to see if THE Peter Criss would write me back. Thanks so much for you time.
-Maxwell J. of Fountainhead.
P.S you're the ONLY catman |
Subject: You Rock
Your Awesome !! My kids love you ! the old kiss is all they want to hear in my
truck and loud too! lol
The Only Kiss was with you and Ace !! TRUTH BROTHER!!
Spidey's Painting |
Subject: I'm a huge FAN!!!
Hey there MR. Peter Criss AKA my hero I just wanted to let you know that you and Ace Frehley inspired me to play the drums and guitar I'm very excited to actually write you I've been a fan of you since I was 7 I'm only 23 but my dad turned me on to kiss it was the first album i met my wife through the music of kiss we are expecting are first son April 12 2016 i am a huge fan I can't believe that I'm email you its such a honor to be able to do this I'm a hard working American in moses lake wa a small town that isn't much your music help me get through the bullies you helped me out a lot I know you here this a lot but its true I'm honestly a true friend and fan and I consider you my family
Take care Peter and beat the hell out of the drums.
Love always your fan Isaiah F. |
Subject: Catman @ Monmouth Mall today !!
Hi Peter,
My name is Mike, I ran into you today (12/1) in the Monmouth Mall. I can't begin to tell you what a real pleasure it was to meet my drum hero, and the guy responsible for me picking up the sticks (yeah, I know, you've heard it a thousand times before, but it's true dude).
Thank you so much for stopping and taking the time to talk to me, it was a moment that I will never forget. Please forgive me if I squeezed your hand too hard while shaking it, I don't know my own strength.
Once again, thanks a million for the conversation ..... you are the best (and let me tell you, us old school, original KISS fans know you're the real deal, not that tribute act that's out there now).
Congrats on the R&R HOF, best wishes to you, and continued good health to you too.
Signed, a long time fan,
Mike B.
Eatontown, NJ
P.S. If you're interested in that KISS tribute CD I mentioned to you that I did a cover of "I Stole Your Love" on, I'd be glad to send you a copy. If you send me a contact address, I'll send it right away. If not, please ignore the ramblings of a starstruck fan who just wants to show you how much love there is for you & the original band ..... love ya Catman !! |
Subject: Thanks a ton
Dear Peter,
Hi! My name is Brynn and I’m 14 years old, I hope this doesn’t sound extremely cheesy, but I wanted to thank you for being a huge inspiration to me, I’ve always been very, very shy and I started playing the drums around two years ago, in and out of my school band (and I also play the keyboard), just a few months ago my friend (also a huge fan of yours) and I put out a flier for a band, we got calls back within no time and we now have a “complete” band (drums, keyboard, guitar, bass) and I really do think, and hope, it’s going somewhere, still being the very shy person I am, I have doubts and am exceedingly anxious and nervous, but I’m also very excited and passionate about playing and I wanted to let you know that I wouldn’t have even debated on starting to play in front of people if I hadn’t heard Cat #1, Let Me Rock You, Out Of Control, your Kiss solo album, and your songs with Kiss, Mainline, Black Diamond, Beth, Strange Ways, Baby Driver… you get the gist, so once again thank you times a million! I hope you get a chance to read this and know how much I appreciate you and your music, sorry if this was horribly sappy, thank you for everything.
All of the best,
Brynn |
Subject: Peter Criss
Hello Peter Criss,
I ve seen Kiss on you tube.
The original Band with you on Drums is only the right band.
thank you for so many super times in my life. kiss Music is in my heart
Happy greats out of Germany
Berti |
Subject: Aussie fans!
Dear Mr Criss
My name is Alex and I'm a huge fan of your work. I really hope you can make it to Australia some time for some appearances, I'm sure you know how happy that would make your Aussie fans!
I sincerely hope you are well and happy, I very much enjoyed your book.
Alex |
Subject: Big fan
Hey mr criss I'm a huge fan of yours not just from your kiss days but your solo work as well I'm also a musician and I Listen to a ton of rock and blues and I have to say your catman "Peter criss" album you did under kiss is easily in my top 10 albums of all time I just wanted to contact to let you know you're on of my favorite musicians and thanks for your solo work and work with kiss.
Nicole C. |
Subject: Greetings from Hungary
Hi, Peter!
I am a 46 years woman, I have 2 children.
I live in Budapest. My husband showed the KISS band to me in 1994.
So since time I am a big KISS fan.
Many years later I was 2 KISS concert (one of was in 1997 with you) in Budapest, another in 2010.
It was my biggest concert experience in my life!
And many years ago we bought KISS Solo CDs.
I listened so many times but yours was my favourite!
We love your songs so much!
Oh, Peter, you are so great! Your voice is so touched for me. Sorry, my English is so bad. I am Hungarian like Gene :D
So Thank you for your songs! Lately I am listening your all Solo CD-s, it is amazing!
In Hungary have a famous KISS Forever Band, I think you know it.
It is a tribute band. I have an autistic daughter, she is 13 years and loves KISS music so much! But now KISS is not in Hungary unfortunately so we went to KISS Forever Band concert. It was amazing, too.
They have a Catman drummer, who is not Hungarian. Amazing Cat, too!
He sings the song "BETH" perfect, too.
Peter, these 2 songs: I can't stop the rain and Beth touched me so much!
I think I am so proud of you, because I can listen Peter Criss. You are a new John Lennon for me! I can't stop the rain song is so Lennon song. It is good!
Thank you for your drumming, thank you all!
I know in December you will be 70th birthday. I know that day I will listen whole day songs from you!
Greetings and hugs to you!
You gave me so many nice hours!
Zita |
Subject: People Love The Catman!
HEY Peter!
I painted my face up like you on a whim for Halloween and the reaction I got was AMAZING. I've always been a fan, and the reaction I got from other fans damn near had them and myself in tears - it meant that much to us. Drummers were walking up to me and telling me how much they liked you and were going right home to put your solo album on and listen to it. They were grinnin' from ear to ear! I'd never experienced the passion fans have for KISS and you, in particular. That night turned out nothing like I thought it would. So emotional! I just wanted to share that with you and. Oh - I got your book. Love it! Read it cover to cover. Write another plz. :)
Thanks for all you did and all you do. God bless,
Jp C.
ps: If this gets posted, don’t show my email. Gene or Paul might write something nasty to me. |
Subject: Thanks for ALL Peter
Hi Peter!
Sorry but my english is not fantastic because i’m from Geneva and my language is frensh. First i want to tell you how many "Good times“ i had in my life to listen Kiss and your solos albums. You was for me and John Bonham the best exemple of excellence on the drum. (i’m a drummer too. i can’t remember how many times i have listening the 100’000 years drums solo on the amazing Kiss alive. The first time i was on the ass. i’m even now on the ass when i ear this song. the sound off the snare drum is amazing. Another good moments in my existenceare when i listening your solos albums. The songs, the sound, and the Voice, your voice. i really like it.
i read your book with attention. I think you have a great character to work with guys like Gene and Paul. At your place i don’t know if their will be in life again. To me you are and you’ll be the own drummer of Kiss at all. I ‘am happy to see you well in your life now. I know you have millions of fans thinking the same than me. Dear Peter. i really thank you again for the amazing moments you gave me this last forty five years and for the futur years. Life is well and i hope to have the chance to listen your next album. God bless you Peter and many thanks for every GOOD TIMES you gave me. Thanks for your drums lessons (on Records)
Gooby |
Subject: Huge Fan from Brooklyn, NY
Hi Peter,
I wanted to take a moment to tell you how much your music and musical contributions to KISS have meant to me over the years. Your drumming and vocals are iconic and you more than deserve your rightful place in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Thanks again for helping to bring joy to myself and millions of other people around the world.
Michael Z. |
Subject: G'day Peter
Hope you are well.
A quick heart felt thank you for the enjoyment and inspiration that your music has given to me over many, many years.
God bless,
Nick D.
Subject: Hi
Hi Peter
I just want to say thanks for all the Great music you have put out after you left Kiss I was done with them I am now 50 and remember all 8 shows I went to my first concert was Kiss 1977 from that point on I was hooked on rock and roll
Number 1 fan
Jay N. |
Subject: Sweden
Hi Peter
Please come back to sweden. We want to see you and hear you play.
Best wishes,
Jörgen H. a cat fan since 1976 |
Subject: Thank you.
I'm sure you get emails like this all the time but, I just finished your book and I wanted to say thank you. I have been a kiss can my while life. I'm 45 now and I never knew what you went through as a member of Kiss. As a fan I would like to say thank you. Words can not express my gratitude for going through everything you did for me as a fan.
I would also just like to tell you that even though Gene and Paul hired somebody to imitate you. You are the one and only Cat man in my book. Everybody else is must an imposter. A person riding on what somebody else accomplished. Without you that person wouldn't even have a job. I know you will never be with Kiss again. After reading your book I wouldn't want you to go through that again. But to me and all of the real Kiss fans it's not Kiss without you and Ace. It's a cheap imitation of greatness. So thank you, and I hope you have a great life. You've more than earned it. I thank you and appreciate everything you did for me.
Ted R. |
Subject: CATMAN DO
Have a good day CATMAN. |
Subject: Ultimate fan
Dear Mr.Criss,
Well I'll start off by saying if you read this and respond it would make my life. You are the number one reason why I started playing drums and became a huge kiss fan! Although I unfortunately had to sell my beautiful petal export drum set which crushed me to have to do so, I still pretend my drum set is still in front of me listening to the kiss albums you played on. Kiss was the first band I ever saw in concert back in 2003 for the world domination tour in Hartford, CT and when you played Beth and on your drum solo seeing that crowd go crazy just made me want to be up on a stage an experience that one day hopefully I'll be able to get a drum set again and get back to playing everyday like I used to. But I just wanted to say how much of an inspiration you were to me when I was a little kid and still are today and how I wish one day you and the original 3 members of kiss would get together for one last tour, thank you for also showing me the way to a drumset.
Michael L. |
Subject: solo 78
hello peter
fan from 1974 I’m 50 and i just listened to your first solo album! Genius !!!!!!!!
get out there and tour that album you have tons of fans that don’t do the kiss shows anymore but a big club tour of that album . OMG would hit everyone like a brick! god bless and thank you for a great childhood…
Phil M. |
Subject: Gratitude
Hello Peter,
I’m Eric Fawcett, a drummer since, well, when my parents finally allowed me to purchase Destroyer when I was 8 years old. The album, and your drumming, seized me. You alone inspired me to become a musician. And for that, THANK YOU.
After nearly becoming a professor after college, I instead pursued music. (Whew!) I’m very glad I did. I was Pharrell Williams’ drummer for a number of years. And my own band, Spymob, spent time on a few major labels, riding the the crazy roller coaster ride of the music industry. And more recently I traveled throughout China playing stadiums as the drummer for the Chinese pop star Wang Lee Hom. I’ve seen the WORLD, and all thanks to YOU.
One of my friends and more recent collaborators is Dee Snider of Twisted Sister. I was inspired to write to you tonight after watching Ace open for Twisted in Minnesota. I was too young to attend a KISS concert when you and Ace were in the band, and it was a thrill to watch him. Even so, I it was you who got me into this crazy business, as I know you’ve done for tens of thousands of other players.
All of which is to say, thanks, Peter. I hope all’s well with you.
In gratitude,
Eric F. |
I just wanted to say, that you're one of the greatest Rock Drummers of all-time. Anyone, who would dare dispute that claim, needs to listen to the drumming on: God Of Thunder, for example. Granted, there are, a lot of proficient drummers, yet, few, actually bring such a sense of style and panache to percussion. You truly created a sense of epic grandeur, as well as a dance-able, rhythmic sensibility, that no other drummer, neither: Rich, Krupa, Bonham nor even Peart could capture.
Perhaps, it's in poor taste to bring this up, however; Eric Carr, God rest his sweet soul, (and it pains me to say this) his playing was limited, not by lack of ability, or skill mind you, but rather, by...lack of style. Furthermore; what today's drummers need to learn from the old-school, is that, merely keeping time, is generic, no matter how precisely it's executed. Yet, they just keep pounding away, like a child banging their spoon on a table, while occasionally, meandering into an out of place blast-beat, such is hitting, not drumming, per se.
Thank you, for sharing your gift with the world.
Feel free, to post this correspondence. However; please, don't reveal my e-mail address. Thank you so much.
Debbie S.
Subject: You are one of the best drummers ever!
Hello mr. criss, my name is dane. I have been a kiss fan since I have been 12 years old, I am 51 now and still get a chill when I hear kiss alive, I also play the drums, I started playing because of you, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are one of the best drummers ever!!!
dane h. |
Subject: Rock and Roll
Dear Mr Criss,
I have been listening to the older Kiss songs, your drumming blew me away. In a theatrical group like Kiss, I never stopped to listen to your playing. You are amazing, I am going to get your solo work to listen to.
I am a kid from Brooklyn too (bensonhurst)!
An old and new fan,
Dary K |
Subject: Music
Dear peter, i just wanted to say how great your drum solo is on alive,its top notch.ive been a major fan since 78.im a guitar player because of kiss.your music got me through the hard times.i also wanted to say how upsetting it is to hear paul and gene put you ,ace ,eric carr,vinnie,and mark down.its a shame how there putting down all the special things the band created by putting past members down.
It seems like all gene and paul cares about is opening resteraunts,owning football teams and the brand not the band.it seems more important to them anymore to set off fireworks than to play more songs and have a differant set list.
God bless
Your friend jeff |
Subject: ur the greatest drummer ever
I’d just like to say ,thanks for all ur hard work though-out the years for us fans ,I first heard of kiss when I was 9yrs old that was in 1979 t my older cousins home ,he had one of ur albuns ...I saw u with the others and I picked u for my hero ,and u did a great job..thank u...ur still myfavorite ..ur my friend peter ,,love the kiss=army....rock on brother,have a great year to come....ur friend berryman..................thx catman |
Subject: KISS
Hi Peter!
Sorry but my english is not fantastic because i’m from Geneva and my language is frensh.
First i want to tell you how many "Good times“ i had in my life to listen Kiss and your solos albums. You was for me and John Bonham the best exemple of excellence on the drum. (i’m a drummer too. i can’t remember how many times i have listening the 100’000 years drums solo on the amazing Kiss alive.
The first time i was on the ass. i’m even now on the ass when i ear this song. the sound off the snare drum is amazing. Another good moments in my existence are when i listening your solos albums. The songs, the sound, and the Voice, your voice. i really like it. i read your book with attention. I think you have a great character to work with guys like Gene and Paul. At your place i don’t know if their will be in life again. To me you are and you’ll be the own drummer of Kiss at all.
I have happy to see you well in your life now. I know you have millions of fans thinking the same than me.
Dear Peter. i really thank you for the amazing moments you gave me this last forty five years and for the futur years. Life is well and i hope to have the chance to listen your next album.
God bless you Peter and many thanks for every GOOD TIMES you gave me.
Thanks for your drums lessons (on Records)
Love Gooby
Marc G |
Subject: Just finished your book
Great read, hope all is well in your world. You were the reason I started to play drums.
Thx for the inspiration!
Marty |
Subject: Out with the bad in with the good
Peter you are the only catman! Eric is an accomplished drummer but he is not the catman. Your legend is secure. I am sure there were some real tensions in dealing with Gene and Paul but regardless of contract or payment we the fans can't thank you enough for being up there.
I saw " the real kiss" three times with you on drums in the 1990's during the reunion and Psycho Circus. Loved the concerts you all sounded great. My sister gave me free tickets to this modern version in 2012 and 2013, walked out twice. Not the same energy when you are not behind the kit.
If you ever do a reunion or true farewell tour please do it for your fans no matter what the deal pays and know we the fans are always with you!
God Bless!
George L |
Subject: Hi
Hey Peter long time fan (almost 40 years by this point). Just wanted to say hi and thanks for all the great times my friends & I have had thanks to you. Of course you inspired me to be a drummer & I used to don the make up after school every day! lol Nowadays I am a Special Ed teacher for mentally ill kids but I still like to rock out to KISS as it was back in the day. I don't care much for the imposters. Oddly, another thing we share in common was that I had a lump removed from my left chest a few years ago and my grandfather died of male breast cancer. So thank you for raising awareness there too. You'e the best!
Dave L. |
Subject: book
i could not put it down . you truly have nine lives. thank you for the putting youre self through torture for us .
(KISS changed my life)
Afar |
Subject: Hey peter,just want to let you know you were my favorite in the band
Hey peter,
just to let you know , you were my favorite in the band. And my sister got oil paint or whatever and did a great job of replicating your face paint. Also, i like the fact that you believe in God and the trinity and the number 3 tattoo.
Alex from brooklyn. |
Subject: Thanks from New Mexico
Hi my name is Thomas. Im 28 years old and I live in Albuquerque New Mexico. I recently met you and your wife at the mad monster party in phoenix with my cousin Richard. I would like to tell you thank you so much for being so nice to us and that we I really appreciated the courteous gestures and wonderful attitudes you displayed! God bless you both and may the blood of Christ be on you!
Your friend,
Thomas S. JR
Subject: Upcoming Appearance
I'm not sure this reaches you,but I'm a lifelong kiss fan since 77. Through my life I have been fortunate to get photos with Ace, Gene, and Paul, but have yet to get to meet you. I visited the Chiller Expo in Parsippany New Jersey last October. It was an awesome event. Ace was there. You would be a huge draw. Wondering if you would be there this year? Or appearing anywhere this year where I could get a photo with you and meet one of my lifelong heros? Thanks for your time.
Ps- no one drummer has ever matched your solo and snare sound of 100,000 years on alive
Highest regards,
Bob J. |
Subject: Hello Peter
Hi. I have been a Kiss fan for a long long time now. And I have just finished reading your book and I must say that it has been AWESOME.
Your story with all the ups and downs is really something that must inspire everybody. Even though life was really kicking your ass, you still have managed to live through it. And be a better man.
It has been enlighting to read what a bunch of A-holes Paul and Gene have been. There is no other KISS, than the 4 original members. Luckily I have seen the original 4 in Helsinki 2 times, 1997 and 1999. Especially hearing Beth singed by You, were the highlights in both gigs.
Without you and Ace, Kiss isn´t the Kiss I know. Hope you and Ace have made peace and get along nowadays.
Tomorrow show with Tom Snyder is so hilarious to watch when you and Ace take control :)
Hope everything is ok for you now, and why wouldn´t it be. You have beaten cancer and have found your soulmate, Gigi.
Your fan,
Jari K., Finland
Subject: You are the cats meow !
Greetings Catman!
Hope all well your end.
You totally rock my brotha!
Your book was off the planet !
Pissed my self laughin and it was like I was there
Great story told!
One of the best reads ever. I couldn't put it down !
Your my fav drummer from way back.
I grew up in TO a teenager in the 70s
And you had a great impact on me
As a drummer and performer
I've been a huge fan since then
I've been living in Melbourne OZ
For the last 30 odd years
The Kiss army was huge down here as you know
And still is !
Just wanna wish you and your family all the best
Keep on rockin Peter !
Cheers Andy :) |
Subject: Your biography
Hi Peter,
I have just read your autobiography and wow really enjoyed it, it shed a new light on the truth of kiss. I knew there must be more to it than the Simmons/Stanley version as you were the only proper musician (ok ace was good too) in the band,and you have come out with at the least respect and adulation of the fans.
Many thanks for the great music Beth is one of my all time favourite tracks Always reminds me of a special time in life.
David B.
United Kingdom |
Subject: Hello from long time fan
I know you get messages from fans all of the time. However, I some things I want to say to you.
I have been a fan of yours for over 35 years. Not just your career in KISS but your solo career as well. I have every album you have done. I have seen you perform live dozens of times. I'm even in a KISS Tribute Band called "Phantom Kiss".
I simply want to say thank you for being the soundtrack to my life. Your music has been there for the best of times and helped me through the worst.
So thank you Peter Criss and GOD bless you.
Trevor D. |
Subject: Pete!
My name is Jason N. and I'm 45 and live in Northern California. You are my idol! I've played drums for 25 years and you inspired me to be the man I am today.
Jason N. |
Subject: Greetings
Wow ..hay Cat l have followed you for 20 plus years.Just want to let you know you have always been the most talented member of Kiss and you inspired me to pick up my sticks all those years ago.
Eric S. |
Subject: Take Care Hi
I just wanna say I am a massive fan been listening to u for years , I loved your solo work I listen to the let me rock u album a lot , the best track is let it go, I just saw ace preform here in melbourne the other night and it got me thinking of u , if u toured Australia with afew kiss song and your solo stuff fans would be die to c u. u know down here we a massive kiss fans and when u guys individually perform the shows are greeted with lot of fans , I have seen kiss perform so many times since 2001 my first show , it's just not the same without u , the energy u showed in the kiss symphony was amazing black diamond almost brought down the Telstra dome , I just wanted to share my thoughts take care Catman
Your fan and friend
David S.
Melbourne Australia
Subject: Thank You!
Hi Peter. My name is Russell J. and i live in Augusta, GA. I am 44 years old and a drummer. You are the reason that i started playing the drums. I have been a Kiss fan since the day my father gave me Destroyer. I am now a father myself and cannot wait to introduce my son to Kiss. U are and will always be my FAVORITE drummer!! Thank you for all the great playing and music that you have given me and for inspiring me to play an instrument that i love so much. You are the BEST! Thank you for taking the time to read this. Take Care
Russell J.
Subject: Mad Monster Party
Hi Peter
This is Joseph. I met you at Mad Monster Party in Charlotte. I just wanted to say thanks again for having the chance to meet you! You're my number one idol in the drumming world! Keep rocking out on the drums! I hope to see you again next time!
Thank you very much! |
Subject: Thank you Catman
Sent from my iPhone;..just want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the years of great music since I was 10 I listened to kiss and loved all the songs and that's been over 38 years and was fortunate to finally see you play in St. Paul Minnesota on the 1996 reunion tour it was amazing the greatest show to ever witness I live in Thunder Bay Ontario Canada and hope someday I can meet you in person take care Peter and again thank you for everything;
best regards
Mike P. |
Subject: You're a Star!
Hi Peter,
I just wanted to brighten up your day and tell you from a fan that your legacy will live on and though they keep on with the tribute act every one knows when they see it whats missing; and it's you. I still think it's brilliant that you had their biggest hit, which was a solo showcase of your hugely underrated, inherent talent as a vocalist. You should also be proud of your solo work particularly your 78 and 94 efforts for following your musical tastes. An expert at soft (Solo) and hard music (Kiss) as you stated in your original ad in Rolling Stone back in 1972. Lets not forget you helped forge the image and vision of this great band and also I love your book it's honesty and the inspiring rags to riches tale of true dedication. The spirit of rock n roll will always be with you and look forward to hearing more solo work, keep sticking it to them Peter!
Take a bow,
London, UK |
Subject: Peace brother, Love You
Hey Peter !
Im an old fan of you and Ace . Thanks to you ive started to play drums when i was 10 year old (1984). I want to thank you for dont given up and for all you have done for me .i was at all your shows 1996/97 when you were i stockholm and Göteborg . I was in heaven . Peter , Ace back in Kiss. This is the biggest moment for me. When i was 12 ive playd your drumsolo from alive like 12 ours every day. When ive herd that your inspiration was Gene Krupa i had to cheek up who he was.All i can say , i can hear your inspiration and now you inspired me to play like you in my Pro tools studio. I have just read your book. After the last page i had to put on "one for all" and i must say : you did great. Its a real good album . I did what you espekted and listning when i read the lyrics. It fu××ing great. Ok take care and be yourself. There is only one catman for me and hes name is Peter Criss . ( exept my cat her name is Criss and look like your makeup)
Peace brother , love you
Morgan from Sweden. |
Subject: Thank you
Hi Peter,
I wanted to thank you and Gigi for your hospitality this past weekend at Mad Monster in Charlotte - it was such a pleasure to talk with you both. Finally meeting one of my heroes and getting a hug from the Catman himself will always be one of my most treasured memories. I hope you enjoyed the Love Gun stuff! To say you and the rest of KISS had an impact on me and my bandmates would truly be an understatement! KISS has long said it has the greatest fans in the world and that's true only because you gave us the greatest band in the world for a fan to look up to! Again, my thanks for your kindness and generosity with your time - you made this lifelong fan very happy! Until next time, take care and God bless!
Pensacola, FL |
Subject: All Things Rock
Hey Peter,
I have no idea if you will read this or not but I figured I would write anyway. I met you back in November in Philadelphia. I have worked with and met many big names in the music business and I have to say that meeting you was the best. You were so down to earth and so nice that I was absolutely blown away. The fact that you took time to chat with me really meant a lot to me. I have been a fan since probably 1977 and saw my first Kiss show in 1979 at the age of 9. I hope that I get the honor of meeting you again. There are so many things I would love to ask you about your
Take Care,
Tommy |
Subject: What it means...
I know many people are fans of the song Beth, but perhaps not to the depth I am. I was hooked on it before I could actually talk. But I think your biggest fan is my 11 year old son. Beth is a song that has always soothed me, so when I was pregnant and he was restless, I'd sing it and he'd calm right down. Even after he was born, it was his lullabye. He could sing along before he could speak sentences. He's too old for lullabies now, but sometimes he puts it on and comes over for a cuddle. That's an awesome time for me. Just 3 months after he was born, just before you left the band I got to see and hear Beth in person. It's a treasure I'll never forget, even if I WAS crying too hard to sing along! :) (post baby hormones!)
Thank you for joining first my mother and I, then my son and I with your music.
Much love.
~Kayley M. |
Subject: I love you, Peter
I love you Peter. Thank you. Thank you for all. Kiss without you is not Kiss.
Just one Catman PETER !!!!!
Christophe M. |
Subject: A lifetime of thanks!!!!
I would like to thank you from the bottom Of my heart for being "the one" to make Me want to be a drummer. As a small boy, My brother and I bought the first Kiss Album. The rest is history. You will always Be the cat man but most importantly...... A true musician
Rick D.
Rotterdam, NY |
Subject: Regards from Germany and keep going on your way
Dear Peter,
how are you doing ? This is more or less the pretty first time I drop a line that way, but after reading your book and listening to your ballad album " all for one" I would kindly express
my feelings. Thank you very much for letting me participate on the life and the attitude, feelings and emotionns of the catman. And there is just only ONE Catman on this planet.
I am pretty familiar with KISS since the end of the seventies and I followed KISS until "creatures of the night". Even I bought your first 2 solo albums. Then I lost KISS and cam back as the Reunion Tour started and we saw you playing at your birthday at the 20.12.1996 at the Schleyer-hall in Stuttgart - Germany. You all 4 have had been in great form and condition at this night. Great !
Coming back to your Music, I just noticed now..many years after the release.your solo album "all for one" and i have clearly to say, that this is a great album - with great songs and a fantastic voice.
Keep going on Peter..the one and only catman.
Best personal Regards
Subject: Thanks Peter (from Australia!)
Hi Peter
I just finished reading your amazing book. Thanks for taking the time to write it -- I have been a fan of yours for many years, and it was cool to read your life story (so far!) The book has made me want to get in touch more with my family -- as an adult I have become a little detached from them, but your words have brought things back to basics for me, especially the last few chapters.They were written from the soul. Thanks for inspiring kids (like I was in 1978) to want to grow up & become musicians. I teach guitar to junior school kids these days, and do gigs on the weekends. All the best to you Peter - may you continue to lead a meaningful life.
Cheers from Down Under
Ken C.
Adelaide South Australia
Subject: Male Breast Cancer
Hello Mr. Criss,
I'm a fellow male breast cancer survivor. Thank you for helping spread the word. I was diagnosed in 2001. I'm still trying to get people to understand, men can get breast caner too. I advocate every where I go.
Ambrose K.
Subject: Dear Peter
Hey there. I am one of your biggest fans. I am a girl from Michigan with a love for the drums, Rock and Roll, and Kiss. Youre my biggest inspiration. Because of you i fell inlove with music and the drums. I want to just say thank you for everything. You do not know me but youre my idol.
Montana S. |
Subject: Hola
Hola peter sos un grande y quisiera algun dia poder conoserte ya q sos mi maximo
idolo del rock.
Jorgelina T.
Subject: Makeup To Breakup
Just now finished reading your book, it was great. I really enjoyed every bit. It's nice to actually get to know the man behind the makeup. I'm 48 now but still remember play acting Kiss when we were kids. Believe it or not I was always Peter Criss, oh yeah, The Cat Man. My mom's orange ottoman would be my drum and I would beat on it relentlessly. And when Kiss Alive II came out we wore it out listening to it everyday after school. Needless to say your book brought back a lot of great memories. I just wish I would of had the opportunity to see you play on stage. I saw Kiss play in Memphis Tennessee in 1986, the animalize tour, but I believe it was Eric Carr on drums. I read his book just before reading yours and you could feel a lot of the same frustrations he went through dealing with Ace and Paul and always being treated as an employee or hired hand and never really having a say in things. It hurt to read about how you were treated at the end. You were a founding member and Kiss will always be you, Ace, Paul and Gene. Great job again on the book and I am so happy that you were able to make it through all the shit you had to deal with and put up with and still come out on top. You are the Cat Man and you will live forever through the fans who love you!
Larry M.
P.S. Hard Luck Woman is still and always will my favorite song both behind the drums or just kicking it on a warm summer day.
Subject: Hi
You are great drummer. I'm a BIG and proud fan of you and Ace.
Michelle P. |
Subject: Hi Peter!
My name is Jeremy B. and I'm from New Orleans, LA. I just wanted to let you know how big of a fan I am of yours and that KISS has impacted my life so much! I just got done reading your book 'Makeup To Breakup' and it was such a good read! Some great stories in there.. My favorite is the story you said about Ace becoming Godzilla! Hilarious haha. I just wanted to stop in and set hello! And that one day I'd like to meet you in person!
Thanks again Peter!
-Jeremy |
Subject: Hi
I just read your book Makeup to Breakup, and at first it was confusing because I read Paul’s book before, but I thought your book was better and I thought you were right to get mad at them. I want to be a guitarist when I grow up and I hope to be half as famous as you are.
Adam W. |
Subject: Hello Peter
Hello Peter, I'm from Brazil and I just wanted to say that Kiss changed my life forever, since I was a little boy I love listening to that band.....YOU ROCK PETER! Thanks for the music and God bless you!
Ryck S. |
Subject: We rode bikes in Redondo beach Hermosa on the strand
Hey catman,
I just watched the rock n roll hall of fame induction, praise God, thank you for inspiring me 2 play, I was in 5th grade 1976 when I bought kiss alive ,then went on 2 buy only pearl drums and paint my face as the cat. After years of practice I moved 2 LA to pursue Hollywood, at 19 a small town kid from billings mt. Armed with all my Peter criss tommy lee and Alex van Halen influence I did really well and had a lot of fun. It all started with you,thanks,. Then one faithful day god put me directly in your path at the horseshoe pier in Redondo. I was standing in line for ice cream you were 2,right in front of me ,I was blown away recognizing your tattoos. You were so cool we talked 4 a minute then I went off riding my bike only 2 meet up with you again on your bike we ride bikes 2 Manhattan pier on the strand, you were currently playing with a band and a actually played me a tape in your suv ,anyway it was 1990 maybe 89 and I remembered telling you kiss couldn't make it big again with out you and ace. I was right,you know the history, congrats on the induction. Well deserved for one of the most ground breaking drummers of all time,God bless you Peter sincerely ,Matt Nybo thanks for hanging out with me that day,you're the shit oh ya there probably wouldn't be a tommy lee without a Peter Criss you and Ace have a kick ass legacy.
Marc N. |
Subject: Hey man
Hello Mr. Criss
Just a guy here from obscurity, wishing you continued success in health and life......I think I was about 13-14 when I picked up Kiss Alive 2...and was blessed with the sound of rock and roll...that you helped create......
Life time fan
Kevin B. age 47 |
Subject: One For All
Dear Peter,
My name is Daan, I'm from the Netherlands and I'm 20 years young, I just wanted to say that your record One For All helped me through a difficult time in my childhood when I was about 14/15.
Especially the songs Last Night and Hope are true classics to me, the record spins around my turntable very often.
Thank you for making One For All and all those other beautiful records, I'm looking forward to your next album!
Be well! kind regards,
Daan |
Subject: Best
To me you were the best part of Kiss. I haven't listened to them since you left. Beth, Hard luck woman, Black Diamond are their best songs.
Donny W. |
Subject: Happy BIrthday Happy Birthday Peter,
I am 45 in a couple of weeks and am proud to say your are the reason I started
playing the drums back in 1978.
God bless Cat Man
Stephen S. |
Subject: Happy Birthday from 'Kississippi'!
Hello Peter,
Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday and many more! Me and some friends made a 3 hour drive to come meet you last year (Sept. 2013) in New Orleans, LA at the Mad Monster Party expo. It was a thrill to finally meet you and thanks for taking your time and being so kind and gracious to us! I've been a fan of you and your music for nearly 30 years now and hope to be able to hear some new music from you soon.
I've included a custom photo collage I made a while back with my photo taken with you in the middle.
Take care and again, Happy Birthday!!!
Robert K. - Pearl, MS. |
Subject: Happy Birthday From Jeremy
Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday, I hope you have a good one!
God Bless!
Jeremy (fan of the month - November).
PS- my tattoo looks great! |
Subject: Happy birthday Peter
Hi Peter
My name is Robert M., from Montreal, Québec, Canada.
I would like to tell you : happy birthday!
Because I'm a french Canadian, I wish you in french :
Bonne fête Peter! |
Subject: 69 bday
Happy Birthday, Catman. No one will EVER take your place in this world. I was born June 4th 1975 and my older cousin swears my first words were "Peter Kitty" God bless you and your family and have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! You will Always be my hero and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Jason M. S. |
Subject: Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Peter. I hope you have a great day. Thank you for all of your great
Ken N. |
Subject: Happy Birthday Peter. Your friends from Rhode Island.
Happy birthday Peter. We met you at the Worcester DCU Center, upon the release of your book. You and Gigi invited us to walk with you for the Cancer Charity Walk held at Point Pleasant Beach, NJ. We drove down and had a great time being with the both and you. For those fans who don’t know, Peter and Gigi are a class act. They made us feel like we were important to them. My twin boys and I will always cherish the experience of being in the presence of the humble, and amazing ‘Peter Criss” and his wonderful lovely wife Gigi.
Thanks for everything,
Jack S. and sons (Nick & Jared) |
Subject: Happy birthday Peter, from your November 2014 Fan Of The Month !!
Happy Birthday, Peter !!
I want to wish you an absolutely wonderful day and all the best in the future !!
God bless,
Gerry M. |
Subject: happy birthday from david romeo
peter have a happy birthday many more keep playing
love ya
david r. |
Subject: Happy Birthday Catman
Peter ,Have a great Birthday, You have changed many peoples lives& made the world a
better place....James |
Subject: Rock on Brother!
dude I am 50 years old now and have played the drums for a very long time now. I remember the first time I saw you as the cat and was immediately mesmerized. being a Leo I thought that was the coolest thing I ever saw. you were my biggest inspiration growing up and to this day I still idolize you. I still believe you are the greatest rock and roll drummer to this day. thank you so much for all the years of rocking. rock on brother!
Paul. D. |
Subject: Happy birthday!!!
God bless you, peter.
Love and respect, Sal V.
bklyn ny |
Subject: Long time fan
First of all, thank you for inspiring me to pick up the sticks 37 years ago. It has provided me many years of pleasure to be able to play music. It kept me off the streets and doing something creative. The funny thing is, that at the same time I was playing along to Alive and Alive 2, I was also jamming on my mother's Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich records trying to figure out how to play jazz! Then I found out that you took lessons from Gene, it explained your killer techniques! 100,000 Years was your Drum Boogie! It amused me about the parallels.
Second, as the holidays draw near , I want to wish you and yours the Merriest Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.
Thanks again and God bless,
Jeff W. |
Subject: Wonderful book, thank you
Hi Peter!
I just finished your book book, and man, was there a lot of stuff I didn't know going on between you guys, both with KISS, your women, your soloband etc. But thank you so much for your honesty. I've read Aces', Paul's and Gene's, and I gotta say, these books does just not seem to be as honest as yours. The reunion-era; you tell us how you felt. Not like how the (todays) /brand/ wants to be seen.
But again, thank you for a wonderful book. You have an amazing and uniqe story. As a KISS fan and drummer myself your book really got to me like no other.
Hope to shake your hand one day, Cat.
Someone told me dreams come true.
All the best from Norway
Kim Alexander H. |
Subject: the best
Just wanted to let you know you are still the best drummer ever, you and Ace made KISS.
Hawlzie from Canada |
Subject: Thank You
Hi Peter,
I have to tell you, I’m not sure what life would have been like without Kiss in it. I don’t have a shocking revelation or anything. When I was younger I thought I must be the only one that feels this way, but there are millions. I’ve been a fan since birth. Been buying and enjoying the music since the mid 70’s saving my allowance from my parents to get the albums etc. I too am a musician because of you guys. Kiss was the first band ever to let the fan into the life you lived. Yeah the other two make shit up and cloud the truth but Kiss is a world of it’s own. Once you and Ace were gone I boycotted for years. Then night two MSG 1996 I though if I died when the show was over my life would be complete. It was (other than my kids being born) one of the most magical moments in my life. I’d like to thank you for that run. I know the money was great but I’m sure you had to swallow a ton of shit to make it go forward. I saw Kiss on the Revenge tour before that to a half capacity Hartford Civic Center. Yeah, they were successful without you guys lol.
I’m sorry for the way things turned out at the Hall Of Fame. I’m sorry because not only am I a fan, but I am human. Whatever the problems were you guys made magic and they don’t have that without the rest of the real team. As a fan I wanted to see you play, but not for me. For all you guys gave us in life I wanted to see you play for you. You finally made it there and it got taken away to a degree. It should have just been your time to shine.
To me you guys were always Hall Of Fame. Originals I mean. I just want to thank you for an entire lifetime of giving us fans something to celebrate when times were good and to get us through when they were or are bad. Know us personally or not, Kiss is the single only band in history to have touched so many in that way. Enjoy the celebrity and life you have my friend, you earned it. The real fans know.
Thank You For All You Have Done
Scott S. |
Subject: Cancer Survivor Also
As I am watching my recorded 2014 episode of TMS you were on, I felt led to write this to you. I knew from the previous time you were on TMS that you are a cancer survivor. On this episode though you mentioned you were 6-1/2 years cancer free. That's what hit me.
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer on January 2007 at the age of 49. I had the prostate removed that March. I have been cancer free with 0.05 PSA's since the surgery. Your story of surviving hits me being a survivor myself. God has blessed us both to still be around and tell our story to our family and others .... GET CHECKED OUT!
Your story also hits me as I am a drummer in our church praise band and have been playing for 30+ yrs from the country bars then on to praise & worship. As a sine note, bought the first KISS LP when it came out and STILL play it to this day. Nothing like raw energy of a new band (back then) to get my mojo going on a Sunday morning!
Congratulations on the well deserved and long overdue R&R Hall of Fame induction! And thank you for taking the time to read this. May you live a long and enjoyable life cancer free!
God bless!
Ron R. Jr.
Maumee, Ohio |
Hello Mr. Criss
I just wanted to offer my belated congratulations to you for making the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
It's an honor that is long over due but well deserved.
Your speech at the induction ceremony was excellent. The ceremony as a whole was also excellent (How great was Cat Stevens speech?) but by far the best moment was when KISS was inducted. I was very happy to see you, Gene, Paul and Ace on stage together to take your rightful place in the Hall of Fame. It was great to see you and your former band mates on friendly terms again. I certainly would have liked to see you perform but seeing the four of you together again and in such great spirits and being so very respectful to one another is infinitely better.
Finally I would like to say I read your memoir in October of 2012 and enjoyed it tremendously. I have read the memoirs of all four founding members. While none of them were bad, your was the one I enjoyed the most.
You mentioned in your Hall of Fame speech that you are breast cancer free. That is wonderful. I hope you are cancer free for the rest of your life. I wish you nothing but the best.
Mike C. |
Subject: Thanks Hi Peter,
Just a quick note to thank you for your positive attitude, inspiration and the gift of music that you have given us. I , like millions of others, grew up listening to KISS and have always admired your drumming. As I get older, 42, I realize that life is precious and how important it is to savior every day, every hour. Because of you, I will go and get myself “checked out” for early detection at my doctor. Thanks for that.. So cool , and so long overdue for the Rock n Roll HOF. May god be with you and god bless man!
Thank again!
Rick C. |
Hi Mr Criss! Answer please! (Fan mail for you website!!)
Hi Peter!
I've been a Kiss fan since the age of 4. I'm currently 14 years old and still a Kiss fan. I play guitar and other instruments and I write songs. I have a room full of Kiss posters and pictures! You're such an inspiration to me. I love your music and attitude upon life. I want to congratulate you for what you're doing to raise awareness for Breast Cancer for men. That is sincerely amazing. People should know that diseases can occur to anyone. I support you 100% in your project! My Nonno currently has cancer and this is a great outlook for what a great man like you is doing for awareness! I love you Peter!! I hope some day I could one day have the opportunity to meet you :)
-Katina St. O.
P.S I learnt Beth on Guitar :D it's one of my favorite songs!! |
Hi Peter
You are exactly right. You,Ace,Gene, and Paul were Kiss. Noone else is. You were the heart and soul of that band and your book was my favorite. I hope you get back to singing writing and or drumming soon. FakeKiss is going around touring and raising money and awareness for their favorite charities. I hope they are helping with yours, but those lameos probably won't. Too much ego involved with that. They don't want to bring the fans together. I will never buy another album or see another show of theirs. Just you and Ace. You were the guys with the hearts and it was about Rock n roll to you. Thank you so much for your humor and your life and your heart. I don't want anything from you, just wanted to give this time.
I saw you at Charlotte on the farewell tour. Great memory.
Orion |
A Canadian Thanks
Dear Peter,
Hey Cat, how are you doing? I hope life finds you and your family well. My name is Richard Bastarache, 25 years old, I live in Montreal, Canada, trying to make it to Hollywood as a director and I literally just finished your book about 5 minutes ago and figured I would drop you a line. First off, I want to tell you that I am new to the KISS universe; in high school I was all about Alice Cooper. Only recently did a close friend introduce me to KISS. His thing is if you’re going to listen to a band like that, you have to study it. Listen to every album in order and learn about the members and their history.
So now that I have heard every KISS record, I have just started doing the solo careers. I figured I would start with you, the Catman. I recently picked up your book at a local store and I finished it in record time, I just couldn’t put it down! So many times I literally burst out laughing, especially in the early chapters. I have listened to all of your solo records and they are all seriously fantastic, I would say that my favorite is Cat #1. I must admit I have walked down the street listening to “Bad Attitude” and playing air guitar a number of times.
I know you must get a lot of emails so I’ll wrap this up. I just want to say that your life is truly an inspiration; from your enormous success to your refusal to give up and to survive even at the worst of times is something to look up to.
As a new member of the KISS army and a fan of the true Catman I just want to say thanks for all the great songs and inspiration, and God bless. I hope to meet you someday and maybe even see you perform.
-Richard B.
P.S. All the Catman fans hope to someday hear that album you put on hold when you got cancer, I’m definitely hoping for it!
Alive '75
Hello Peter. You are my very first drumming influence and playing along to KISS albums as a kid has shaped the way I play to this day. I now have the opportunity to recreate the Alive album, in it's entirety and note for note, with a great tribute project called Alive '75.
If anyone asked me prior to rehearsals for this band I would have said I knew this album well. However when tasked with recreating your feel and style for these shows it has really opened my eyes. I am practicing these songs daily and never fail to pick up a new subtle nuance. It has been fun and challenging at the same time trying to emulate a playing style that is very unique.
From one Jersey guy to another I just want to say thanks for the good times, the memories and most importantly, the inspiration.
Joe G.
Thank You!!!
Hello Peter!!!
I just finished reading your book Makeup To Break up and it was phenomenal!! I loved all the stories about the days spent on the road with Kiss and Criss. But what I truly enjoyed was the way you kept coming back to your faith in God, and how, with a few exceptions, you kept praying to Him throughout your life. I also found inspiration in the victory you and your wife enjoyed over cancer. I have had 2 cancer scares myself, and while both tests were negative, from reading your story and the way you dealt with it, I feel that if indeed it does happen, I will still be able to go on and defeat the disease as well. Thank you for sharing those. My faith in God has gotten me thru some tough spots as well. Growing up in Detroit, my friends and I were all Kiss fans. Most of them chose Paul or Ace as their favorite but The Catman was always my favorite. Beth is STILL my all time favorite Kiss song(I have 7 different versions on my ipod including the version from Cat # 1), and By Myself from Out of Control has been like a personal theme song for me since the first time I heard it in the mid 80s. Is there a way to get the last album? Id never heard of it until I read the book and I would love to check it out. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for all the amazing music, the memories that go with it, and for reminding me that no matter what kind of crazy bad stuff Ive done in my 52 years that God still wants to talk to me. Thanks Peter, for everything!!
Charles C. II |
Thank you Peter Criss!!!
Thinking of you this month. Not many speak up on breast cancer in men, even in a pink month. Thank you for standing up for it. Thank the Lord that He allowed you to conquer it. Also, thank you for being the guy you are today. I have always admired you and you are the reason I play drums. Of course back in the days I was not aware of the issues of drugs and alcohol. Again, thank God you conquered that too.
Love ya and God bless
P.S. You are the one and only Catman. |
I love you man. you changed my life.
I love you man. You changed my life.
Cynthia |
Subject: I Just Want to Thank You
Dear Peter
I have listened to Kiss since I was a child my favorite song is Beth . I just want to thank you for your music and for being a good role model in my life
Sincerely yours
Dawn A. |
Please read Mr.Criss!! I'm such a fan!!!
Hi Peter!
I've been a Kiss fan since the age of 4. I'm currently 14 years old and still a Kiss fan. I play guitar and other instruments and I write songs. I have a room full of Kiss posters and pictures! You're such an inspiration to me. I love your music and attitude upon life. I want to congratulate you for what you're doing to raise awareness for Breast Cancer for men. That is sincerely amazing. People should know that diseases can occur to anyone. I support you 100% in your project! My Nonno currently has cancer and this is a great outlook for what a great man like you is doing for awareness! I love you Peter!! I hope some day I could one day have the opportunity to meet you :)
-Katina St. O
P.S I just learnt Beth on guitar :D it's my favourite song!!! |
Subject: Thanks for putting up with the BS on the Reunion Tour so I could see KISS one more time!
Hi Peter,
I hope you get this email to see how I feel about you. I wanted to thank you for putting up with all the bullshit on the Reunion Tour so that I was able to see the real KISS that I first saw in 1977 in Hollywood, Florida for one last show. Because of your giving spirit to KISS fans everywhere, we got to see you guys play together one last time and I will never forget it. I even cried as I was leaving the arena because I had a feeling that the original line-up couldn't last due to egos (not yours or Ace's which narrows it down.) As you said, it's a shame that you and Ace weren't "allowed" to play at the Hall of Fame induction and it pisses me off that Gene and Paul forgot about what the FANS wanted and put aside their pettiness for one fucking gig!.
Since seeing you guys in Denver in 1996, I haven't gone--nor will I ever--go to another KISS concert because I want the memory of my last concert to be with the guys who started the band, worked their asses off at 10 East 23rd to succeed and who helped me get through some very rough times in my life. KISS has always made the great times better and the bad times survivable and for that I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Take care of yourself Catman and thanks again for putting the fans first! If you do get this email I'd be grateful if you would forward it to Ace with my sincere thanks to him too.
With sincere thanks...Kevin L. S.
Colorado Springs, Colorado |
Subject: One great night
I was in 7th grade and my favorite band KISS was coming to Norman OK. Three of my buddies and I went to the concert (my awesome mother drove us) on the Dynasty Tour. It was awesome! You did a drum solo with your drums rising! I couldn't hear well for two days!
Thank you so much for that memory!
God Bless You!
Paul P. |
Subject: G'day from Brisbane. Happy days to you, Peter -
This is a lightning telegram to say an obese thank-you for being one of the great originals. After 32 years of playing the bass (beginning at 13), I still listen to your drumming. I am a great believer that bass players learn much from drummers & vice versa, so your playing is always rewarding because you play your personality; a wonderful style that reminds me of a cross between messrs. Watts & Starr.
On top of this is your singing; as magically unique as your drumming. I have only been able to see you play once (Auckland in Jan. '97) but that gig remains vividly remembered. Your singing, especially when harmonising in choruses, gives a richness to the other voices that is missing when you're not there. I love all the music, but particular highlights are Symphony, Rock & Roll Over, & Alive II.
I hope that this finds you happy & well. My very best to you & your family -
Geof L.
P.S. My wife, Robyn, & I thoroughly enjoyed your autobiography. Cheers a great deal
for sharing. |
Subject: "Veteran" PC Fan...
Hello Peter,
My name is Zakk, I am a disabled veteran who served in the Iraq war. I live in Tampa Bay Florida. I just wanted to let you know that I am a drummer as well and was introduced to you and Kiss by my older brother in the 70's (I am 45 y/o) and your drumming has influenced me for as long as I can remember! These days I am going through difficult times with surgeries and all but listening to you play has got me through as well as your book.
I want to take this opportunity to say Thank you.
I spend a lot of my time watching your interviews on YouTube and performances, which helps me cope with my PTSD by keeping my mind focused on learning great tricks in the drum throne! Anyhow, thank you again and I am proud to tell anyone who asks me who my influence in drumming is,that it is the great PETER CRISS!!!
God Bless,
Zakk K. |
Subject: Hero
Living in the UK in the early 1970's American rock bands seemed distant and mystical,I first heard your drumming on Kiss Alive! Which as a young lad blew my head off!! Just wanted you to know all these years later you are still my favourite drummer, I was old enough to see kiss in 1980 on the unmasked tour, with EricCarr rip, but it wasn't you! I saw kiss on all the following tours. I had to wait until 1996 at the Donington festival to see the real Kiss! Then again on the following UK reunion tour, magical!
My wife bought me a drum kit several years ago and although I am rubbish at playing I still imagine I am the great Peter Criss playing the La forum or Madison square garden, keep rocking Catman.
Subject: Thanks!!
Thanks for the inspiration, Peter!! I recently purchased a copy of your 1978 solo album on vinyl!! It's a great listen!!! Coming from a 20 year old from Greenville, SC!!
I hope all is well and that you continue to play live!! Would love a chance to see and meet you!! Best wishes!!
-Blake W. |
Subject: Thank you.
I wanted to tell that I read your book and I enjoyed it very much. I learned quite a bit. I also wanted to say thank you for being a major inspiration to me as a drummer. The Paul Lynde Halloween special In ‘76 was my Beatles on Ed Sullivan. You always were and still are “The Man”. Hope to someday meet you and talk drums. Rock on!
Dean W.
Subject: Thank you
Mr.Peter Criss,
As soon as I found out your email,I knew exactly what I had to do.I need to thank you for changing my life.KISS inspired me to do what I want to do and not let anyone critique me. You're a legendary drummer,musician,and human being to me and I couldn't thank you more for what you've done to me.God Bless You Peter! Hope to meet you someday.You are always the one and only Catman in my heart!
Ryan M. |
Subject: Thanks
Thanks for the Magic you were a part of in the 70s with KISS. It meant a lot to me. I appreciate what you did. I got your book, and can see what a hell you went through.
I hope that you get the residuals from the early days. My first and Favorite album from KISS is ROCK AND ROLL OVER, one I cherish.
Thanks for all you did and have done and are doing.
Best Regards
Campbell M.
A Tasmanian living currently in Florida but I hope to move up to Oregon. |
Subject: Thank you, Cat!
I just wanted to send this email, to say thank you!
I've been playing drums on and off since middle school. I also picked up the guitar for a while, and still play a little guitar for fun. I'm a drummer at heart tho, and thanks to your inspiration, am just beginning a career of playing.
I've always loved KISS, but about 2 years ago I read your book. It spoke to me, man! I took that book, and all it's lessons and applied them to my own life. I can honestly say that you're prolly my #1 reason for trying as hard as I have over the last few years. I even decided, after years of playing, to go back and take lessons, starting from snare 1, to make me a better drummer. Recently, in the last week I have been hired on with a well known band in my area, where I just moved, and I have my first show with them next week. Just as you said in your book, I plan to go out there and play it like its the garden! One of the first songs I learned to play, and also did vocals for with my first garage/jam band was Hard Luck Woman and Black Diamond. I love those songs! The all time Fav is BETH!
I just really want to tell you thank you for being my inspiration, and also how proud I am to call myself a fan!
Rock On, Cat!
Nat "Captain" L. |
Subject: Justin H.-Australia (Peter Criss fan)
Hi Peter,
I’m a huge fan of yours, and a Kiss fan since 1978,you are a legend, I was at the Kiss Symphony Concert in Australia, and one of the main reasons I attended that concert was to see you perform. I am so upset and disappointed with the way Gene and Paul have handled and treated yourself and Ace over the years, and more recently in regards to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame fiasco.
Kiss are embarrassing and now sad to watch. It’s just wrong and very hard to watch seeing Eric and Tommy in yours and Ace’s make up.
Gene and Paul have muddied the Kiss legacy by creating this Kiss cover band, and it’s just so disappointing as a real hard core Kiss fan.
You and Ace were the real true sound of Kiss, and you had by far the best voice in the band.
Good Luck in health and life, I am a Peter Criss fan forever.
Justin H. (Australian fan) |
Subject: Hey Peter!
Hey Peter! I just wanted to thank you because you were the reason I picked up the sticks in the first place. I have been a Tama player (hyper drive) Starclassics. But a few years ago I bought a dbl. bass 9 drums total DW designer series kit and it was finished in a Bengal Tiger finish it was beautiful but funny enough I called it the Peter Criss kit. If you would like I have pics to see it. I saw you in Cleveland 79 , and five times in Florida. Thank you for the inspiratiom! Rikk Hammer Tampa Bay area.
Subject: Thank you Dear Peter, my name is Angela and I am 17. As I read your book I noticed we have a few things in common. I just wanted to tell you that you inspired me to get off drugs, belive in myself, and never give up. I also would like to share that I too beat the battle of breast cancer. Thank you for your inspiration, love Angela |
Subject: hey
Peter, you will always be The Catman. Nobody can ever take that from you. I have seen you play twice in concert and you are so solid, and one of the best drummers I have ever seen. Keep up the good work. Stay safe. Be The Cat.
Love Jason |
Subject: Biography Peter,
Great book. The best rock bio written!
John T. |