Fan of the Month - 2005 |
Hey Peter I would like to be Fan Of The Month. Why? you ask. Because I was the only one in my school, Gunderson High in San Jose,CA, to dress as a KISS member and I picked you. In the Picture you'll see me with your makeup. Everyone in school told me: "Cool KISS mask, but why Peter and not Gene?" , and I answered " Because Peter and Ace were the only ones who really did something, they are the only ones that deserve the ALL the credit". I'm 15 years old and when I saw you perform on the music videos , I knew I wanted to play drums. I have a decent drumset but hope to upgrade it And I'm been playing for a month and hope to be bette rat it. It must have been cool to to take drumming lessons from your idol.
Your fan who knows you are the one and only real CATMAN,
Ray V.
During the early years of my life, I came across the Kiss Love Gun album. When I heard Love Gun, I knew I wanted to play percussion and drums. Your style has always intrigued me because you play in such a way that makes a song rock, but has a non-traditional rock player feel. I really like the way you played on the song," Love Theme From Kiss". Your art form is what makes Kiss rock! Other drummers can try to be Peter Criss including me, HAHAHA, but there is only one Peter Criss.
Last night, I had a gig at a private Halloween party and I made a costume to look similar to yours, but with a little of my own flavor. At 6'1" 235lbs, I make for one big Kat.
Feel free to post my comments and photo on your website. Hopefully, someday our paths will cross and we can meet. If you get time, check out my website at xxxxx
Albert Moyer, Jr. |
Dan and Renzo/Nov/05
hello Peter, my name is Dan(ace) and my friends name is Renzo(peter), we currently have a tribute band dedicated to you and Ace,(after all you two MADE KISS). It is only the two of us doing your ORIGINAL songs written by you and Ace, such as: Getaway, Snowblind, and Black Diamond, with many more. We would just like to thank you for the true inspiration that you have set upon us both. We are lifelong fans.
We did a "show" this summer and attached are some photos from that show. I hope you enjoy them and consider giving us the privilege of being your "fan of the month". As you can imagine, it would be an honor.
People said that a 2 man tribute was impossible, well WE DID IT. thank you sincerely.
Dan and Renzo
Hey Peter, I really think I am one of your biggest fans ever!! My name is Carlos, I am 18 and I am from Ecuador. I've been a Kiss fan since i was 10, and I have to say that at that age, when the first time I heard the Alive! drum solo, man, I knew that I have to play drums!!! You know, I have a band now, and we play Kiss a lot and some our songs too. But I have to tell you that all the songs (our own songs, Kiss covers and other bands covers), I play them with your style of drum playing. I would love to play with your cat make-up and outfit!! Someday I know I will do that!!! AND...!!!! I have my drum-set like yours!!!! There's my pic playing!!! bye!
member of the KISS ARMY!! |
Hey Peter!
Lifelong fan and also a drummer. I was about 5 or 6 when i heard kiss alive and the 100,000 years drum solo, really spoke to me. It's prolly the best drum solo i've ever heard to this day. Fast forward to today i'm 20 years old and the drummer in the KISS tribute band hotter than hell and people say i look just like you! wow what a compliment. I would be honored to be featured a fan of the month. I have also attached a photo of me playing live in the famous cat makeup
Theres only 1 catman!!! rock on peter |
Hey there, Peter. Good to chat at you.
Just wanted to thank you. Thank you for KISS, Dressed To Kill, Hotter Than Hell, Rock and Roll Over, Destroyer....
Alice was the first record I bouth with my own $$ when I was a kid. I'd wanted to play drums for so long, and would always picture myself as you when I would band on pots and pans, seat cusions, whatever. My folks finally relented in about 1978 and allowed me to start playing!
For the longest time, you were my drumming inspiration and, well, mentor, really. I had your licks down! Then you disappeared on me, man! I was so crushed when you left KISS. Don't get me wrong, Eric was hot, but I missed the "in the pocket" feel that you provided.
You were the first drummer that drew me in, you were the first who's name, face, moves, and licks I memorized - you're the man! And I just wanted to thank you!
Joe Ferguson
Salt Lake City, UT |
Hi Peter,
I was surfing the net, and came across your site, and the link to “e-mail Peter.” Assuming you get a chance to read this, I’d be grateful to hear your thoughts on the tattoo. I grew up with KISS, starting in 2nd grade (1977), played in a couple of KISS tribute bands in CT & NY, and still listen to KISS on a regular basis.
Anyway, if you do get to read this, thanks for the years of music and live performances! And good luck with your current projects.
Sincerely, Jason Cogle
P.S. Sorry for the poor picture quality! |
Hey Pete ,
Just wanted to say hi and hope you are gonig to have great success with your forthcoming album and i will be sure to pick it up , i have then all.I have been a fan of yours for 30 years and will continue to be a fan of yours no matter what.
Keep Rocking,
Scott Vining |
Hey Peter!!!
I´m your #1 Brazilian Fan!!!I´m a Drummer too, and you are the most important influence to me.I´m had been a Kiss and Peter Criss Fan since 1979...Thanks for all and God Bles you!!!I Have a rose from the gig in my city,Porto Alegre,15/04/1999...And this is like a medal of honour t me...Excuse my bad english, but this mail is just to say to you a BIGGEST THANK YOU...You are the BEST!!!
Henrique. |
I waited 15 years to see you perform in makeup and was never dissappointed by your shows...ever. Truly a class act. There is such a void in rock music today. No soul. I miss the fun you gave us. Any one person, or band that can hold a fan base that spans 13 year olds to 50 year olds is truly remarkable. I'm a true fan forever!
Paul |
HI im sam and im 11.i love drumming and my favourite drummer is YOU. i have a band called zero and we are entering battle of the bands for the first time. i need some tips on how to drum from you to and i love your drum kits they are so cool i wish i had one that siad kiss on the front and has so many toms and cymbals. and i wish you can come to NEW ZEALAND for a concert i also surport ERIC CARR thankyou and bi.
oh and this is me on the drums |
Hi, is very grateful to send you an email tellin the feeling to you, im fan of the Catman since 1978´i play drums in a tribute band here in Peru, i.m sending as attach a picture of me.
I love you Peter and you´ll always be an idol to me
god bless
alfonso r
Lima Peru |
i've been a kiss fan since i was 10 yrs old and i"m now 38 and still rock to kiss. Beth is still my favorite song. thank you for being there if only through your music.
janet t |
August 1st, 2005
I am a full time drum instructor and have been playing since my mom took me to San Francisco to see you the day Elvis died...8/16/77 on the Love Gun tour.. Do you remember me??? I was that kid with brown hair clapping in between songs?????
I'm a dork, I know....How many @&%#! have asked if you remember them???
That night changed the course of my life. To this day I play and instruct
young and old drummers who love this art.
Your picture will always be on the wall of my studio as the first cat (
no pun intended) that influenced me as a drummer.
Thanks man,
Greg D
If you're ever in the Seattle area, contact me so we can set up a clinic. |
Hello from the sunny Athens, Greece!
Been a KISS fan since 1979 (now 36 y.o.). KISS is definitely a part of my life and I'm sure this continues until I close my eyes forever.
Peter is the reason I started drum lessons this year!
I know about the arguments that have occured all these years among the KISS family, but I think that happens in any family/relationship etc. The details make the difference. But Peter we, the fans, have the last word. And our word is that we love you! YEs, we DO love you and we feel like we are above all when we hear to your songs! Last christmas I bought some things from the auction that your ex-wife did in the web. I was thrilled when I got them in my hands and you know, here in Greece is very dificcult to have contact with such things due to the "isolated" geographical position of our beautiful beautiful country!
I attach my new KISS tattoo which is on my left omoplate. It seems, that the circles are not equal (in fact, they are) but this is due to curvature of the camera lens.
I don't know if you can upload the following photo in the site.
Gerasimos Kavvadas
Greece |
Dear Mr. Criss,
I am your biggest fan and that is no lie. I saw you on the Psycho Circus Tour in St. Louis, Missouri. That was the greatest day of my life. I may only be 13 but I listen to the best music in the world. My older brother Paul is in the marines and he loves you guys. When he was younger he would always listen to you he said. I just got done watching the KISS ALIVE IV DVD and it was great, it gets better everytime I watch it !! I also went to the Rock the Nation Tour 2004 and I missed you alot. It just didnt seem the same without you. At school kids make fun of me because I love you guys but I dont care what they think, cause you are the greatest drummer that has ever walked on this planet. I just wanted to say thank you for always being there for your fans and playing great music. I love you so much Peter ( Your my favorite!)
With Lots & Lots Of Love,
Sarah - 13 - St. Louis, Missouri |
Hey Pete: Just wanted to say you were my first hero playing drums. when I heard your solo in Alive I was so impressed I begged my dad to buy me Pearl drums, he bought me Ludwig because John Bonham played them.
I loved practising to your chops, with my headphones on I was you, playing with Kiss. I am from Toronto so Neil Peart was also a hometown hero. There was something in your playing that spoke to me as a drummer, my favorite tune to play was Duece. I saw the Reunion tour in Toronto , the energy was so incredible although the sound was very muddy, my wife didn't know most of the songs but I knew them all after 3 notes.. Obviously being in Kiss was not an easy job, I know you didn't connect with Gene ....he's a strange individual . You 4 guys had a spiritual connection with the audience , not something easily duplicated , you and Ace have a bond that's cool. I hope your next project has the same X factor that Kiss had. I bought your solo album and I think you have a great voice. Hard Luck Woman my favorite Kiss vocal. I know Beth put you guys on the map on my parents radio station but HLM is a better showcase for your vocal talents. All the best,Peace man
....Glenn Toronto |
Bill France/June/05
My story is similar to so many others who have written to you before. I have been a HUGE kiss fan since I was a little guy (now 37 and all grown up) I'm proud to say I'm still a HUGE fan! Especially of the FAB FOUR... You, Ace, Gene and Paul. I bought your solo album first. Eventually getting all four. "I can't stand the rain" is still one of my favorite songs. I got to meet you back stage during the World Domination tour. You are such a down-to-earth, grounded individual who truly seems grateful for what he has. My dream is that one day the FAB-FOUR will once again reunite. Don't get me wrong, I still go to newer Kiss shows, but I always miss you and Ace. Tommy and Eric are talented and seem-like good people. But nothing compares to the four originals onstage in full makeup with full-bombastic show! Wait, someone else said that before me :) I still wish there was another go-around for the ORIGINALS. I know I'm wishing on a star. But it's my wish. Thank you for the music and the memories. Maybe someday I'll get to see you perform as a solo artist. That would be incredible!
Thanks again,
Bill France |
Jason Hol/June/05
Hello Peter,
I just wanted to say that you was the heart of KISS! Thank you. I've tried to email you so many times I hope this time it works. I've been a fan since I was 3 years old when the movie was on t.v. and I always had looked at you guys as super heroes, above human. So I was always afraid to meet you and the rest of the members because it would change that and I would see you as real people unlike myself and the mystic would be gone. Well I finally got the opportunity to meet you with a platinum pass at the Tampa, Florida show on December 3, 2003. I would have to say the experience would have been a total disappointment If it wasn't for you! Thank you! You came out and I said how's it going and you said "great but I miss Ace". Then I told you that I named my son after you and said it was a good name, a biblical name and we talked a while longer. You see the very thing I was afraid of was what I wanted after all. Peter you talked to me, you was real and you showed that you have a good heart and If you wouldn't have been there It would have been a total disappointment and I dont want to say anything bad about the rest of the group, but they were not real when I meet them. Your the greatest! Once again,Thank you!
Criss fan for life,
Jason Hol |
Chris W/June/05
I am writing to say what a fan of yours I am, I finally got to see you in Kiss in May 1997 at the Bryce Jordan Center, in State College ,PA and I went with my now wife, and I don’t think I remembered she was even there, it was a life long goal of mine to see you sing "Beth" live, and I was center stage 8 rows back and I screamed so loud, when Paul said goodnight and I was not going to hear "Beth" I was screaming at the top of my lungs "Peter, What about Beth?" and then the lights came on and you were standing there looking right at me and you laughed, I will always treasure that moment even though my wife said I was an ass, It was one of the best nights of my entire life. All I can say is thank you Peter. 1 of my dreams has come true.
Chris W
Selinsgrove, PA |
Justin Weir/May/05
I know this section is for Kiss fans in the armed forces but I wanted to email the site and I couldn't find another way 2. I am 16 years old and in 10th grade and a huge Kiss fan and I got one of my friends into them and we got 2 other people and at our high school's talent show this year, we dressed up as Kiss and we rocked the crowd. I thought I could maybe surprise my friends if we got on the site, so I have enclosed some pictures of us. The video I have will not fit, so if you are interested, I'm sure we can get it to you some how. Thank you for your time. If you would like any more information please email me back because that would be awesome to have us posted on the site of the greatest band ever.
Rock on for life,
Justin Weir |
Dave Gehl/May/05
I'm sure you recieve emails from fans with stories of how you influenced them. Well, I'm another one of those guys. I started playing drums back in 1972 when I was 9 years old. One of the first drummers that really got my attention was, of course, you. If I recall correctly, your drumkit had an actual marching snare (during the 70's at least). That really grabbed me because I started playing in a drum & bugle corps, and it made a connection with me as a marching drummer. I didn't actually own my first set of drums until I was 12, but your style stuck with me over the years, along with Carl Palmer and Neil Peart.
Even though I am now in my 40s, and already retired from one career, I still enjoy playing my drumkit on a regular basis. You have had a great influence on my drumming, and music is a big part of how I identify myself. Thanks, and I wish you many more years percussion nirvana.
Dave Gehl
P.S. Both my wife and I still have a lot of KISS records (yes, actual records) at home -- and still enjoy them every bit as much as we did when we were kids. |
Ben Barber/May/05
Hi Peter
I have been a huge fan of your music since I was 16 years old, And I'm still a huge fan. Your music has inspired me so much and I thank you for that. I will continue to support you and your music. You are an inspiration to me as a Christian, and as a person, and I thank you.
God Bless
Ben Barber |
Jason Waggoner/April/05
I am a HUGE KISS fan and am 34 yrs old and have been since I was literally in 2nd grade. I still have my album from your solo one in 80'. I am unsure if I can mail it to you to autograph. Is that possible? It's a little beat up, but would love to have it signed by you as you have ALWAYS been my favorite.....Here is a pic of me to use as the fan of the month. attached is a scan of my pic of me dressed as the "catman" so you can see how big of a cat fan I am when I was in 3rd grade......
Jason Waggoner |
Hey Peter:
Just wanted to say hey. I've been a fan since I was 10 yrs and I first heard the dressed to kill album. I've seen every show you guys have done here in Montreal. I Know every word to every Kiss song and ever since I started listening to kiss I was always interested in playing drums.
Well just thought I would say Hi.
Take care,
James |
hey just wanted to say i've been a fan since 77 im 32 yrs old now just wanted to say peter you rule hope to hear your cd soon and book
your biggest fan allan |
Tim and family/March/05
It took my daughter 2 years to FINALLY go along with the family and PARTY EVERY DAY!...In reality she would not join the family...unitl her brother got so much attention at school, she decided to play! She made an awesome CAT, don't you think! She had SO much fun that she wants to do it again...EVERY year!
Thanks Peter for all the inspiration!
Tim and family

Steve Zentz/March/05
Hello Peter,
I've been a fan of yours for about 30 years now and I love your website. You are a true class act and I must say that you brought such a unique style of drumming to KISS that made the band. After you left, it wasn't KISS anymore. It became the Stanley/Simmons vaudeville act. I'm glad you have room to breathe now with your own passions and creativity. It's a shame that Simmons has resorted to such indiscreet dirt that seems to put egg on the face of everyone but Paul and him.
God bless you and your family, Peter. -Steve Zentz, Gettysburg, PA |
Steve (Rixx) Cooney/March/05
I've been a HUGE fan since 1975. You've been a big influence on me and my life since then. I became a drummer because of you and have been playing for 20 years. I'm not in a band, but I'm a disc jockey here in Houston Texas at KILT. Just like you I worked my way up the ladder and have finally found some success in a field that I am passionate about. I love music,,,all kinds of music. I may work at one of the biggest country stations in the US, but I still like my rock n roll when I'm outside these doors. I was honored to see you with KISS here in Houston several years ago during the reunion tour and got to sit on the front row, which I had never gotten to do, and caught one of the roses that you threw out to the crowd. I have that rose preserved along with all of my KISS memorabilia. I hope to hear some new stuff from you soon. Keep up the good work. We miss you Cat Man.
Your fan,
Steve (Rixx) Cooney
Houston, Texas |
Peter J. Raia: Feb/05
Hey, Catman!
I could start by stating the obvious, that KISS doesn't exist and never CAN, without you and Ace...it's a sad, shameful thing, the way Gene & Paul treated you. I could go on about how I've been a lifetime fan...I'm 38, and the first music album I ever purchased was Love Gun...the first concert I ever attended was KISS, at the Capitol Theater, in Passaic, NJ when I was 12...my daughter yet to be born will be named Beth, after my favorite song of all time. I don't think I can improve upon the moving sentiments
expressed by my fellow Catfans herein, however, so I just want to say for now, thank you, man. Your work has always given words - and, LIFE - to feelings deep down inside me at times when I couldn't think of anything to say. If you could only know what I've been through, you'd realize just how much that last sentence means. God bless you & guide you in all that you do.
Another Italian kid from New Jersey,
Peter J. Raia |
Mitchell: Feb/05
Hi Peter,
My name is Mitchell and I have been banging the skins since I was 6. I am
now 9. You are my favorite drummer and I love to play along with your music.
I got dressed for Halloween as you, and played my drums too! Your the BEST and without you, I don't think I would be drumming today.
Thanks for all your great music and your style, I'll always be your #1 Fan!
My favorite song to play is Shout it out Loud!
(Thanks Mom for helping me write this!)
Your fan, Mitchell in Minnesota. |
Gustavo Alarco: Feb/05
Dear Peter,
I just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for all of the wonderful years of music you have provided me ...and all of your fans thus far. I'm really looking forward to your upcoming projects.
Your Catman persona and your humbleness has always been an inspiration to me.
I am also very fortunate to be able to live out my dreams.... As a Latin solo artist.
My first release in 1992 on RCA was very well received, and I have enjoyed the ride ever since .... with consideration in 4 categories for the Latin Grammy's in 2000.
I always strive to make better music...which in turn allows me to become a better person.
Attached is a picture of me at age 12 dressed as the Catman....in honor of you.
May you and your family always be blessed.
Best regards, Gustavo Alarco |
Maria Rose Cotner/Jan/05
Hi Peter Cris
My name is Maria Rose Cotner I am from Virginia Norfolk & I have been a Kiss fan of yours for about 25 years now & still I think about the times that I went to your shows & hear you play was so cool I was like I want to get to know more about you & what things you like doing other then playing with Kiss. I am happy that your getting your book done & CD's as well. I have one of you CD & really from the bottom of my heart you have done a wonderful job as who you are as a person & us fans & god knows that :) Peter I also wanted to say Happy Birthday as well . Hey my birthday is a day before you're Cool right.:) I am so happy that my birthday is near yours it helps me think about I have my favorite singer in the world next to my birthday. That is very neat.
God Bless Peter Hope you & your wife had a great Christmas & Happy New Year 2005.
Number One Peter Criss Fan :)
Maria Rose Cotner rock on!! |
Hello there, Peter Criss
I just wanted to say hi and Happy Birthday. I am only 15 but i am a huge fan of yours. On Halloween this year my friends and I dressed up as Kiss and I dressed up as you. I had a totally awsome night. You are the greatest in the world and Kiss would have never been the same without you. Beth is one of my all time favourite songs, and your voice makes it even better.
Thanks a bunch for you time.
fan for life
Charlene |
Mário and Márcio Breda/Jan/05
Thank you, Peter!
When we started are band our wish was to play with the heart and soul, just like you always do. My brother and I listen to your music since 1978, but you still teach us!
You are our greatest inspiration.
Thanks Mário and Márcio Breda
Belo Horizonte
Brazil |