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Fan of the Month - 2009



Just wanted you to see these Halloween pics of me and my son Trevor. He is a huge "Catman" fan, just like his dad. Thanks for all you have done to enable KISS to be what it is today. I've been a loyal fan since 1975 and as a drummer myself, I respect and admire what you have accomplished and overcome throughout your career. Keep on rockin' !!!!!

Lannie Davis


Hey Peter,

As a fan since 1975, I never thought I would be officiating a wedding in your make-up.. Well, on Halloween 2009 that's what I did I officiated my first wedding in your catman make-up.. I have sent two pictures, one of me and the groom, and the other just of me, just thought you might like to check them out..

Gary Carter


hi peter! Im from Colombia, Im 12 years old and i have been fan of KISS since 2007, I luv to listen to KISS SYMPHONY...and i luv your drums!...you're great...when u sing Black Diamond i becoma krazy!....i have been telling to my father that i want to play drums just like you...i went to the concert here in Colombian and Eric Singer is a nice drumer but NEVER will be like u.

From 1 more fan of KISS and you Peter
Juan Felipe


Hi Peter,

Thought you might like this photo of me and my good friend Shelley from the recent 1st Annual LA KISS Expo. Shelley lives in New Jersey and we had a great time meeting and talking to all the KISS fans that came out. People were taking photos of me and asking about Peter Criss all day long. It was a really fun day and I take great pride portraying you at these events. Glad to hear you're doing well!!



Here's a picture of me a few Halloweens back. I've always liked the (Catman) Peter Criss.

Keep on Rocking! And God Bless!


Dear Peter Criss,

My name is Sean Parauka and I live in Orange, CT. I have been a KISS fan for 8 years and the band has changed my life forever. I worship the music you and the rest of the guys have created over the years. You've alwaysbeen my favorite and I have enjoyed the pleasure of owning all of your solo material. Every year for Halloween, I dress as you and this year, I completed the costume and wanted to share the photos with you. I dressed like this for the KISS concert @ Mohegan Sun, October 3rd. I missed seeing you, and hope that you'll do some solo shows, maybe with Ace in the near future. I wish you and your lovely wife, Gigi the best of all of your future endeavors. Keep rockin, Catman! You'll always be loved by the KISS Army!!

Your Fan for Life,
Sean Parauka


Hi Peter,

I'm a big fan of yours and the band from the very beginning back in the 70's. You guys have come to Greensboro, NC several times and I've been there to see the original Kiss each time. No other formation of Kiss, But Kiss with Peter and Ace. I've always liked your 1977 solo album, especially "Hooked on Rock n Roll". Great groove and horns. As a local drummer, I attended the concerts in true Kiss spirit...Here's a few pics. Think I'll fix a drink, put your solo album on the turntable and enjoy......Then maybe some Tony Bennett.

Take care and God Bless......Michael, Burlington, NC



I'm 34 and became a fan when I was in grade school about in 1983. I went to a friends home and we would take his brother LP of kiss and play them for hours and one day I ran home and told my folks, I want to play the drums and I'll not play the piano and my folks said why , I told them "like the Cat " and to get to it I did get to play drums and yes Peter Criss lead the way for me .

Matt C. Drummer/and a Big Kiss and Peter Fan

Anthony and Eddie/Oct/2009

I had such a great time with Anthony and Eddie they Rock thanks for Hangin with the Catman !!!

God Bless,


Hey Peter!

My name is Paul Mattei, I am 52 years old and have been a fan since early 1975. My friend and I were introduced to Kiss through an article in Circus Magazine. Hotter Than Hell had just come out. My friend bought the first album and I bought Hotter than Hell. We became big fans, saw Kiss on the “Alive” tour in early ’76 in Minneapolis and then a year latter in Duluth, Minnesota for the “Rock and Roll Over” tour. In recent years I have had fun introducing some of these early albums to my two boys. God bless!!


Paul Mattei
Minneapolis, Minnesota


Hey Peter, like everyone else here, I'm a huge fan of yours! I started playing the drums in 1977( all because of you!) and still play today. Thanks for being an inspiration to me and to so many people around the world. God bless!

Scott. Ontario, Canada


Hey Peter, I've been a Kiss fan for the past 10 years and im only 16. I really love your Drumming and Love your singing. Me and my mom has been your biggest fans and had arquements with people who said Gene and Paul are Kiss, If thats true then why did you wrote Kiss's biggest hit "Beth". Every Halloween i dress up as you. In High School i get picked on cause im a KISS fan but its worth it for sticking up for my favorite band!!!!!

Thanks Peter

P.S This is me with The Peter Criss Solo Album, I got for my sweet 16 Birthday party. Also im born on April 27th, same day as Ace!



My name is Matt Baldwin and I've listened to KISS since I was 8, I'm now 33. I've seen KISS 14 times with and without the make-up, with liking each time equally as much as the next. However, one thing that just really blows my mind is that fact that in 2000 was the announcement of the "Farewell Tour" it's now 2009, not that I would EVER get bored or tired of listening or seeing KISS, but I do believe what started with the ORIGINAL four FOUNDING members should end that way. Kudos and thank you on the new album, "ONE FOR ALL", it rocks as did "LET ME ROCK YOU", "OUT OF CONTROL" and "CRISS CAT 1"! I find it quite insulting that KISS should try to pass off the CAT and SPACE-ACE make-up with Singer and Thayer . Anyway to quote one of your song titles on "OUT OF CONTROL" to you my friend, "There's Nothing Better Than You"!

Take Care and God Bless

Those of us who know YOU'RE the one and ONLY CAT,



First...not to kiss your ass or anything like that, but I have to honestly say that you are the main reason I started playing drums. I owe ALL my musical aptitude and abilities to my Mother and her influences on me during my childhood. But I became a drummer because I heard you. The solo on the 1st Alive album is something that is as strong and fresh to me as it was when I actually had the vinyl LP.

That was a lot of years ago...and I have been playing since I started. Never made it even close to "stardom"...probably never will. But I have enjoyed expressing myself behind a kit and on stage for many years now...and it is something that I am passing on to my son who is already "drumming" on things around the house at age 2.

I owe you a great deal of gratitude. Because I heard and later saw you, my life was changed and your influence continues in my family to this very day. Thanxxx brother...take care of yourself. Oh yea...DW's do have a great sound don't they ?

Forever A Fan...



I have been a fan since the mid 70's or so. My mother would burn my records and posters but I would just buy more. I personally bought Detroit Rock City at least 20 times probably more. I am a Kiss and cat fan. Saw the movies and am a soldier in the Kiss army. Rock on .... You guys are all still f......n awesome!!!!!!!

Canada Rocks when you play


Hello Peter, my name is Antonio Peralta I am from Merida Yucatan Mexico and I have been a kiss fan since I was 8 or 10 years old and let me tell you that you are the best member of kiss, I was brought the kiss symphony DVD and is very spectacular look how all that fans from Australia loves you. Any way I still thinking you are a very nice person and I hope all your dreams come true.

God bless you and your family


Anthony (and daughter)/July/2009

my 4 year-old daughter recently saw kiss for the first time on american idol this year and became instantly obsessed. the irony is that ive been a fan since i was 3 and have been going to kiss shows since i was 5. i was gonna wait a few more years before introducing her to my favorite band, but now i dont have to. anyway, peter criss is her favorite member. for her fifth birthday party, we hired a face painter, and she asked the woman to paint her face like peter criss. attached is a picture of her and i. as you can see, she insisted that daddy get his face painted as well.

getting her to let us remove the make-up that night was a nightmare. she was literally running through the house at 9pm yelling, "i wanna be peter criss forever!"


Hay Peter what's up?

Im a freaking huge fan of yours! you are one of the few drummers who inspired me to go out and buy me self a Kit it’s a small black peace. with the standards' Me and some mates have started a tribute band of KISS we have called our self's PASH haha

Any way best to be of

Rock and roll!

Emily / June / 2009

Dear Peter,

Hi, my name is Emily. I am six years old. I love how you drum. I like how you sing Beth. I will watch your show when you drum. If I play the drums, can I play the drums with you? You are my favorite drummer. I wish you were in KISS. Maybe I'll see you someday.

your friend,

Emily Galchick


Hi Peter Criss,

this is Amber Gibbs and I am a huge fan of your work from kiss!! I have been a fan scince my dad shown me some of your video's from kiss. I think you are an amazing drummer and no one will be like you. You are like a legend to me and you are my idol!!! When i grow up I want to be just like you. I just hope I can play as good and have a heart for drumming like you!!!

Your Forever,
Amber Rose Gibbs


Hey Peter,

In the past superbowl, my band was invited to play the pep rally in downtown pittsburgh. My band director said to go crazy with black and gold, so I found some appropriate face paint. In the third attached photo, It was a football game on a Halloween night, and you can see me rock the snare in my home-made Catman costume!

Much love,


The Ogles Family/May/2009




Hello Peter,
I would like to take a moment to tell you I have been a kiss fan since I was 6 years old, I am 40 now. I would like to say thank you Peter for all the sacrifices you have made over the years for your fans. Reading your messages on your web site really shows how much you care about your family, god, and your fans. Thanks for everything over the years, you are the greatest.

George Garrett


Dear Peter,

Hello my name is Johnny Gibbs from Baltimore, Maryland. It was an honor and awesome privilage to get to see you again for the 6th time! I just got to see you at Chiller Theatre in New Jersey! I wanted to tell you and Gigi to have a wonderful anniversary but I'm sorry I was nervous and forgot. It is the same day as my birthday! I have been one of your biggest fans since I was about 10 years old when you inspired me to play the drums!! I know you have heard this by many of your fans because you have inspired so many people with your heart and soul in your music. Thank you again for coming out to see your fans. We all love you so much! I hope to see you out again some time in the future and looking forward to future projects you may be working on. Again I would like to tell you,in my heart, you are, and always will be, the ONLY CATMAN !

May God Bless you and your family always,

Johnny Gibbs



Words can't express the joy that you're music has brought to my life. It has been the soundtrack to my life for the last 29 years and for that I thank you.

Music heals and I truly believe that. I listen to many different genres depending on my mood but yours is one that I turn to when I need a lift or just a taste of "home cooking". Quite simply put, your music takes me home. Home to a place of familiarity, memories of my youth and now middle age. Here is a picture that my mom took of me in 1979. I was 6 years old and doing my darnest to look like my favorite drummer.

God bless you and your family, Peter. Thanks for inspiriring me to pick up drum sticks.

One 4 all,
Michael Millette


Hi Peter,

I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have done in the music industry.It was because of you that i became a musician.I'm 43 years young and have been doing it since i was 5 yrs old.My current project is called sunset saint and i hope to go into the studio again soon.I wanted to share with you a few pics of me when i was younger in your makeup.(i did the makeup myself).At this point i will probably never "make it' but that is ok as long as i can put a CD out that reveals the "real" truth of God (no such thing as eternal torture).Thank You for being an inspiration to me,you were always my favorite in Kiss.


Tim Rom.8:28


Hello catman! I'm a big fan of your work, i don't have drums or play them specifically, i'm guitar, but i love your work. I'm sixteen and a big kiss fan.

I also love your solo albums and wish to hear more soon!


hi peter,
you are the best drummer that the world has ever met,
ive been a superfan of you since i saw you playin with
KISS about 5 years ago thank you for being a great
drummer an person

Erick from Mexico


Hello Peter!

My name is "CJ" I'm 4 years old and I love playing the drums!...Here's a photo of my drum set..Can you tell who my favorite band is?

I can tell you my favorite drummer is none other than the Cat Man himself!!!
I love all of your solo albums and of course listening to all of the songs you wrote with KISS!!!

I think you are the greatest drummer around! Please let me know if you will be in New York..I would love to meet my idol..
and maybe have my bass drum skin autographed by you!!!!!

Keep Rockin'


Hi Peter,

Thought you might like this photo of me and my Ace Frehley friend taken this year at NAMM in Anaheim. We were swamped with KISS fans taking photos and visiting with us all day long. At one point, even some of the artists signing autographs at the booths stopped what they were doing and complimented us on our makeup and outfits as we walked by!! The biggest compliment though, happened during the first hour we were there. We caused such a stir with all the photos being taken that a NAMM official came over to us and checked our badges to make sure we weren't the real Ace and Peter!!



My name is Beth (yes, it really is). My 5 year old daughter Kailey is your biggest fan. You are her first crush, as you were mine when I was younger. She has pictures and posters of you all over her wall and even asked for a drum set for her birthday so she can play drums just like you, and we are even required to have 'Kiss makeup' on hand so her and her sister can dress up when they want to. Santa brought her the Peter Criss Kiss Solo album and she listens to it every chance she gets.

She's a talented little thing and we filmed her singing Hard Luck Woman


Hola Peter :

Solo tengo 12 años pero soy fan tuyo porque eres el mejor baterista de la historia J . Por ti aprendi a tocar la bataca y la toco muy bien . Vivo en GUAYAQUIL – ECUADOR . Me llamo Carlos Raul Garcia Yepez .

Por favor enviame imágenes tuyas J .


Dear Peter Criss,

My name is Johnny, I m your no 1 fan. I am only 4 years old and live in Wisconsin. I was you for Halloween the last 3 years in a row. Me and my dad are both drummers. Could you please send me any info on you. Keep rocking. hope to hear from you soon.

no 1 fan


Hi, Peter, my daughter is a real big fan of yours, she's seven years old, she refers to you as " The Catman " when she first saw KISS without the make up she argued with me, and said that this wasn't KISS a friend of mine laughed and told his wife my daughter can almost sing every Kiss song, take care.

Rick and Katelyn.


Hey Peter,

Must say ive been a fan since I was 13, and you have influenced me in becoming the best drummer I possibly can. I live in Adelaide Australia where all my friends growing up were into Kiss but I have followed your career all the way along. Keep it up and hopefully one day you will come back to Australia

Forever a fan,




I just want to thank you. My name is Tanya and I'm 21. I was introduced to KISS when I was 10. I had never played drums before I heard you, but after that there was no stopping me. In 6th grade I joined percussion in middle school band and, of course, I was the only girl. By my senior year of high school I had my own drum line, and I have you to thank for that. I also played set for my church praise band for 4 years. There is so much more that I want to say, but I know that I won't be able to find the words to adequately explain just how much you've inspired me through the years. My best friend met you in an airport at the beginning of the year and he's still kicking himself for letting his phone die that morning because he couldn't call me so that I could talk to you. If I ever do meet you though, I don't want an autograph or a picture, I just want to give you a hug to thank you.

A couple of months ago, my friend wanted to get another tattoo and she wanted me to get my first one. I knew immediately that I wanted something that would commemorate you. I want to explain to my future children and grandchildren just how you changed my life. I'm attaching a picture of it and I'd love to know what you think.

Thank you again, Peter, for everything.


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