Fan of the Month - 2007 |
I've been a fan of yours for 30 years now, Peter....thanks for all you do and all you are!
---Rich Pollard
Dear peter,
The last halloween my Music Group "The Rockin' Kidneys" made a tribute to the best group of all times "KISS" we play some of your best songs like:
-Lick it up
-I was made for lovin' you babe
-Rock n roll all night
-Crazy nights
And i took a pohoto for you :D hope you enjoy it
i'm the drummer and someday i would be like you!
Take care.
Your friend,
Alejandro Anguiano Espino, México City
Hi Peter,
I have been a fan of KISS since I was 3 years old. And I love your music.
I never got to see you with Kiss but did get to see my first Kiss show the Crazy, Crazy Nights back in 1987. I tried to see the shows when you and Ace got back with Kiss but the shows sold out so fast just wasnt able to get a ticket to see the shows when Kiss came to my city. But I was able to see my first Kiss tribute band DESTROYER this band is great you cant get any closer to the real Kiss then this band. I have all your Cd except for one. I hear that your also going to make a Jazz cd if so I cant wait for it to come out and to hear it. I just wontted to say you are great. Here is a photo of me and The Catman/Dave from the tribute band DESTROYER.

You Rock Peter.
God Bless
Karen |
I have been a huge fan since I first listened to KISS.
The other day my brother-in-law and I were out cycling.
I’ve heard of people sweating out images of Elvis but
this has got to be a first.
Jeff Tokar
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada |
Hi Peter
I am enclosing a picture of my KISS tattoo. I love your new album "One For All", and I am hoping you do a solo tour, I would enjoy meeting you. You are an inspiration to me as a person and as a Christian, you are my brother in the Lord. I will continue to support you and your music. Thank you for all the great music you brought into my life. I'm your biggest fan.
God Bless
Ben Barber
Dear Mr. Criss,
My name is Sean Parauka and I have been a fan of yours and KISS for over six years and absolutely have been touched by your music.
Your music has always a special place in my heart. I love the new album, great sound, everything about it is topshelf. I can't wait for your Swing/Rock CD.
For the past four years, for Halloween, I go as you, my favorite band member. Here are some pictures from this years costume.
God Bless you and and your wife, Gigi.
Your Fan,
Sean Parauka |
Hi peter my name is Jason and I live in santa rosa california,im 38 years old and grew up on kiss in the 70s,I can remember putting those 8 track kiss albums in my friends parents stereo on saturdays...You inspired me to drum and I still play today.You are probably the most accurate drummer timing wise to date, and the new kiss kissology proves it. Hope this email reaches you...Dude you are the drumming god!.......
Jason |
Hello Peter,
I bought "One for all" last week and was well surprised of its musical content. Thank you for sharing some of your personal moments and meanings of life, all of them being packed into a wonderful, warm sounding production. Please don't let some of your former bandmates turn it down as they're having a hard time with themselves.
Oops, I have to log off...-my black cat is begging for some food...
All the best wishes to you and your family, from Germany,
Lutz |
Hi Peter,
I have been a fan of KISS since I was six years old. Your solo album was the first cassette that I ever owned and think I actually wore it out playing it in my boom box.
I thought you might get a kick out of the attached photo. My bothers and I are all wearing the KISS masks.
I remember my brothers and I fighting over who got to wear which mask and that my parent make us pick numbers out of a hat for picking rights. My youngest brother picked the #1 and of course he picked your mask. I was #2 and between Gene and Paul, I picked the demon.
I thought your character was the coolest of the quartet and when Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park aired on television, you were no longer a rock star but instead a superhero. I had KISS color forms, a viewmaster with KISS 3-D pictures, and a poster on my closet.
Another interesting thing is we share the same birthday. I was born on 12/20/70. I actually found out when I saw a celebrity calendar and you were in your cat makeup for month of December.
I want you to know that both you and KISS were a big part of my childhood. I still love to reminisce when I hear songs like Hard Luck Woman and Beth on the radio.
Warmest regards,
Peter Blaha

Hello, Mr.PeterCriss!!
We are "MAKIN'LOVE",the No.1 KISS-tribute-bands in Japan.
We love Mr.Peter Criss and we think that CATMAN is only one,Peter.
We got a your new album "ONE FOR ALL". Yattaaaaa----!!!
Thank you for a splendid,wonderful and GREAT album. All music is coooool!!!! and Heart becomes very calm...We love it.
PeterCriss is No.1!!!!
Hosshy,Co-gene,Prehley and Manabu-Criss
Monchiy tokyo,japan |
Just wanted to tell you how much I love the new album. I became a KISS fan in 1983 when I was 8 years old, and around the same time I was inspired to become a musician myself. Over the years my taste in music as well as my playing has evolved from rock to jazz. While I will always love KISS for what they are/ were, I applaud the bravery and breadth of vision you show on \u201cOne for All\u201d. The album is so heart-felt and true, and the musicianship is first class. Screw the people who don\u2019t give it a chance because its not heavy. Jazzy music isn\u2019t supposed to be popular (pop) music, and it never will be \u2013 but I get it brother!
Much love cat man!
David |
Dear Mr. Criss:
I am 41 years old, and I am out buying Kissology and anything else I can on dvd. The attached photo was when I was 11 years old, dressed up as my favorite rock star. That goes to show you how long your music has lasted, and to boot my sons (ages 10 and 7) are starting in my footsteps. You made a HUGE impact on the music scene that will last forever.
Tim from Victoria, BC |
John and Jane Doe/July/2007
We're not sure who these cats are, but they showed up at the record signing last week.
Thanks for showing up. |
Hi Peter,
Attached is a pic of my completed costume... hope you approve :)
Thanks for the inspiration. You always were and ALWAYS will be a LEGEND!
Toni |
Hey Pete, my name is mike i became a kiss fan at age 3 because of you. i wanted to play the drums just because i watched you play the drums and it was great. i went to my first kiss concert when i was 3 years NOV 22 1998,and when i saw your drum solo i was amazed at the way you played. it was my dream to meet you ,and it finaly came true on 7/24/07 when your new album came out. i listen to all your music. i think its great. but anyway thanks for spending some of your time with your fans.
Mike |
My name is Sean, I am 15 years old. My mom was a young KISS fan herself in the 70's and she taught us about KISS when my brother and I were little. I was drawn to you the most. I am glad too, because most people like Gene, but I was drawn to you because of drums and how you wear crosses. And the more I learned about you I liked you even more! You have a good belief in God and you like different types of music. I am the only one at my school that likes you the best. I also love your 1978 solo albums. When I was 8, my mom and dad painted my face like you for the 2000 concert here in Roanoke, VA. And then my parents got me a drum kit for my room. I'm not very good, but you inspire me and I just have fun with it. I discovered a year ago that I have seizures. The ones where you stare and black out. I forget what I'm doing. I have been on 4 different medicines, but still haven't found one yet to stop them. I get sad because I can't drive like my friends will be able to, but its ok. I have my music and you. You have been through alot and made it. That makes me feel better. I have your poster behind my drums, and I have ordered your drum sticks. I am sending you 3 different pictures. One is me going to the concert, and your poster and then I have made 2 masks of you in my art classes. One is when I was in 5th grade and one this year in 9th. Peter, you rock! Thank you!
Sean Webb
Salem, VA |
Hi Peter,
Recently my Gene Simmons friend and I got on stage and sang backup with an Alice Cooper tribute band in Hollywood. We had a great time. I received a really enthusiastic reaction dressed as Peter Criss. Everybody loved it! Thought you might like this photo of a happy KISS fan after the show. The Catman's face tells it all!
Steve |
I would just like to let you know, that you are a huge influence on me as a drummer. When I firsted started playing drums, I was into new bands like Green Day, but you saved me from it, and you were my first big influence as drummer.
You are one of my heroes, and there has been some trouble in my life lately, but you helped throught it, and I think that it would be great to have more drummers like you.
-Andrew |
Enjoy, we were absolutely nuts !!! But we won......
St. Mary's College
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Louie R. D'Orazio
This is our friend, Carl Lawson, a major KISS fan. We wanted to show our appreciation by making him a Fan of the Month

I have ALWAYS been a Peter Criss fan since I first heard KISS. I just fell in love with the Cat Man and all of the Huge Drumsets that he has played over the years. I started playing drums in 5th grade back in the day because of Peter Criss.
My most memorable Peter Criss happening has to be the "Reunion Tour". In State College PA, my daughter and I were in the FRONT ROW. We got to see everything up close and personal! When Peter sang Beth, I kept smiling and giving him my supportive fist in the air! Well when he was done he came over and leaned clear off the stage, over the security guard and gave me a high five! That HAS to be the highest moment in my life! Every time I hear the song Beth on the Classic Rock radio Station that we listen to, Q-94 out of Altoona PA, I remember that moment and get a big smile on my face.
If I have any true wishes in life, I would wish to some day meet Peter Criss, show him my matching tattoo's on my left arm and just talk to him!
I have attached a photo of myself getting my boots on and one of my whole Family in Pittsburgh PA for the KISS / Aerosmith / Saliva tour.
Please consider me for your Fan of the Month and maybe some day I WILL meet Peter.
I did hear through Q-94 that Peter is releasing a Solo Album this month! I can't wait!
Timothy Tibbott |
Hey Peter, How ya doin. Just a pic of my tattoo i got for my 40th b-day. My 3 year old daughter cant wait till halloween this year cause all she is talking about is she wants to be Peter the Drummer. Keep rocking. Alan M. |
Hi Peter,
This photo is of me as Peter Criss and a KISS fan at the LA Comic Book Convention. This proves that Peter Criss gets all the women anytime, anywhere!
Steve |
Dear Peter,
I am 10 years old and live in Colorado Springs, CO. My dad is a huge fan and saw KISS perform many times, going to his first concert in 1976 when he was just 10 years old like me! I recently sang "Beth" at my school talent show. Thanks for inspiring me! I thought you might like one of these pictures for your website.
You Rock!
Noah Barrett |
Hey Cat Fans,
I'm 8 years old and I live in Belgium.
My name is MAX!
I like to play on my drums and I'm a great fan of Peter.
My father is also a big Kiss Fan.
So, here I am! |
Hi, Peter!
I just wanted to say, that you were the one, who inspired me to become a drummer. I live in a far land called Latvia. I have a band - DESTROYERS - after the KISS album with the same name. We are known only by some hundred people. We have also costumes, similar to KISS costumes. Platform boots. No makeup. And that all because you and KISS inspired all of my band members( we are four members, but in one our song a girl on keyboards features).
Good luck, Peter!
Arthur from Latvia. |
Hey peter, this is the first time I'm ever writing to you, but I always wanted to meet you. You are my biggest idol and i love what you accomplished so far over the years. Out of all the KISS members i love you the most. I have a few pics for you, this is me and my wife when we dressed up as members of KISS in Halloween 2006 (Guess who I was) and i hope you like them. I would have to say one of the main reasons you inspire me is your drum playing, your great voice and your great association with JAZZ, I myself have been playing sax for 12 years and love JAZZ. I love you for who you are, and not just because you were in KISS.
Well, take care of yourself.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Eddy , 23 |
Hello Peter.
I’m Robin And i come From Holland ( I don’t speak English Very well )
I’m a Big fan of KISS!!
I playing self on The Drums and you are my Biggest Fan!
I hope you understand my! ( I don’t speak English very well )
I hope you e-mail my Back!!
Bye |
Hi, Peter!
I just wanted to say, that you were the one, who inspired me to become a drummer. I live in a far land called Latvia. I have a band - DESTROYERS - after the KISS album with the same name. We are known
only by some hundred people. We have also costumes, similar to KISS costumes. Platform boots. No makeup. And that all because you and KISS inspired all of my band members( we are four members, but in one our song a girl on keyboards features).
Good luck, Peter!
Arthur from Latvia.
Hope you'll answer! |
Thiago / March 2007
Hello...i'm from name is Thiago, and I really got to say that you are the best... hehehe.... doesn't matter who is right there in the command of drums from Kiss...but you ever will be our in Brazil everybody really likes to you Pete!I was watching the MTV unplugged with my friends in the last week, and when you sing "beth" one of my friends said: "wow...Peter Criss got a very ****** voice...he is the best!!" hehe I just say: "Well you know....He is a really rocker....He's theirself care about to rock!!"
Well.....take care must to be alive from too much years yet....(i'm sorry if I don't have an english too good..hehehe but, we make what we can do to help you all!!....thanks and an bigger hold!
Thiago from brazil. |
i have been a loyal fan of kiss since i was a young lad. i am now 40 and cannot believe how time has flown. i started to play the drums when i was 9 and pretty much based all my playing on every and all kiss albums throughout the years. this is my first visit to your website and it has been a great experience to see how wonderful you have turned your life around and become a better man for that. just wanted to say i am proud of you for doing that and telling younger people to not live that life that you went through. you are and have been an inspiration to me and so many others. You have become a great role model for the less fortunate who see no other way to turn but to drugs and have shown that there is a better way both spiritually and mentally. keep up the good work peter and thanks for letting us see some of the past through your website it is awesome
Dan |
Like you don’t hear that every year, eh?
First of all I’d like to say thank you for the past 30+ years of music you brought into my life. I’ve been a KISS fan since 1974-1975 (kinda’ young to remember exactly when the fascination started), but your solo album was the first album I ever purchased with my own allowance. But more importantly, I’ve recently got my wife hooked on your music… she’s heard the usual songs: Beth, Detroit Rock City, I was made for lovin’ you, etc… But after five years of marriage, she became saturated with all things “KISS,” thanks to me! She loves your voice and the bluesy rock feel YOUR songs tend to have. It’s opened up a whole new world for her!
I haven’t seen you perform since 1995, so I hope you have plans to perform in the Sacramento area sometime in the future.
All the best to you, Cat-Man!
Oh, don’t know if you post pix, but here’s me and my cousin (I’m on the drums) back around 1978 (I think).
You Rock!
Chris Belsky |
Hi Peter,
The first time I saw you play was the famous Houston show at The Summit in 1977. I've since seen KISS play all over the United States leading up to the Farewell Tour. I've played the drums since 1969 and I thought I'd send this photo of me and my female friend dressed as the one and only Peter Criss. I have worn Peter Criss outfits to many occasions and you would not believe the admiration and adulation that comes with it! Some people actually think I'm you 'till I tell them otherwise. I even had people yell your name before I get out of the car when they see the makeup. You are just as popular now as you ever were and you will continue to be forever!
Steve |
If you would like to Send Fan Mail to Peter Criss, Here is the Address:
1933 Hwy 35 #363
Wall, NJ 07719
And if you would like to be a "FAN OF THE MONTH"-PLEASE E-MAIL a brief story and photo (If you have one) in a .jpg or .gif format only please to;
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the Number of E-mail's and Letter's that Fans@Peter and Peter's Fan Mail Receive-We might be unable to answer them all. So Please be patient and Understanding if we are unable to answer all of them.
Thank you from;
The Webstaff of |
I became a drummer because of you.
I became a guitar player because of Ace.Well I really became an acomplished guitar player and have been a professional musician for 24 years. I just wanted to say that you were a big positive influence on my life. I love original rock , jazz and blues.
Thanks for the blessing just never know who's life you touch.
Rock on Pete!
Thanks so very much,
Bobby |
I am blessed to find this. I am a private person, busy with work (and some play!) and don't have time to "My Space" and the like. I rarely check out web sites that are not work related! However, I have always felt that KISS and of course, especially, Peter Criss were there for me as I was growing up. And so, I'd really like to reply here, tonight.
I am happily turning 39 in a couple of months and as I look back over my life; how I survived some hardships as a kid, how I grew into adulthood and beyond, I see that more than anybody, Peter has been my inspiration. It is nice to find this site tonight and be able to wish other KISS/Peter fans a merry Christmas 2006! And Peter, you are an angel disguised as the Cat Man. God Bless you.
Erin |
Happy belated birthday, Peter. Because of you I'm picking up my first set for christmas. You're straight from the heart, there's no bull. You're the best, and thanks so much for all your years of rockin' and rollin' with KISS and beyond. Here's to many more birthdays and I'm looking forward to hearing your new album!
God bless and Merry Christmas to you and Gigi,
Andrew, a grateful fan. |