Fans of the Month - 2014 |
Kevin - December 2014
Hey Peter,
Just wanted to say hi and tell u what a difference u made in my brothers life, I guess it was around 77 when my brother found the music of Kiss and loved it from that day forward. His favorite person in the band was of course you and inspired him to start playing drums, he loved playing every free minute you would find him on his kit practicing. My brothers name was Kevin and he was a great man, unfortunately and sadly we lost him last year unexpectedly. I just wanted to say thank you my brother thought the world of you and was always so inspired by your playing, you made a real difference in his life.
Jeff |
Bob J. L. - December 2014
Loved your Book(only read it 4 times) and couldn't put it down! The honesty and unrivaled access you gave your Fans to your Life was Phenomenal! With that said I just want to say that as far as Drums and Cool go you are the Greatest influence ever! You made playing Drums Cool just by looks alone! Your Solos are Drum Nirvana to me. Such timing,Dynamics and Power! You couldn't hit those Drums any Harder than you do already(even with a Sledge Hammer). Your Drum sound is like a Volley of Cannon Fire,BOOM! I took my Wife and Son to see KISS on the Reunion Tour when you guys hit Chicago and my Son is now a lifelong Fan! My Son paints and he did a painting of your Makeup(Rock and Roll Over Style) which hangs on the Wall in my "Man Cave" directly across from my Drums and everytime I play I look to it for Inspiration! Your sense of Humor and your insightfullness make me applaude you even more. Thanks for Decades of Great Drumming and Showmanship!
A Fan til I Die,
Bob J. L. |
Stephanie T - December 2014 Hey Peter,
I know you probably get tons of these, but I just wanted to share it with you. My 13 year old daughter, Stephanie done up as the one and only Catman.
Thanks for staying true to the fans,
Bruce T.
Jeremy S - November 2014
I have been a fan of Peter since the beginning, and what changed my life was seeing Peter live in 1979, when my uncle took me to see KISS at Maple Leaf Gardens for my tenth birthday. Seeing Peter perform his drum solo inspired me to become a drummer and to one day pursue a career as a professional musician. I have since toured in several rock bands (on Pearl drums of course!), and write music professionally to this day. I would not be doing what I do today if it weren't for Peter's inspiration. Peter also helped me through some tough times during my teen years. Meeting Peter was an incredible experience...when I first entered the room, I was extremely nervous, and Gigi helped calm me down. Peter was such a wonderful and sincere person (who greeted me with a big hug after seeing I was so nervous) and actually took the time to talk with us as if we were already friends. He even signed the concert ticket I had been saving since 1979, and also my arm, which I had tattooed immediately afterwards!
Thanks again Peter and Gigi, I will never forget that day, God Bless.
Jeremy S. |
Gerry M. - November 2014
Back in 1976, when I was only five years old, my parents bought the 45 single for Beth with the band picture on the sleeve. Ever since I first saw that picture, my life changed forever and I became fascinated with all things KISS. I have always considered Peter to be a member of my family because I have never known life without KISS. To this day, I still have memorabilia of Peter in my home and see Peter as an inspiration. Through the good and bad times in my life, Peter has always been there for me to help see me through. Last weekend, meeting Peter fulfilled a life long dream that I didn't think was ever possible. I now wear my Peter Criss tattoo with pride and as a badge of honour!
Thanks again Peter and Gigi for an awesome weekend,
God Bless you both.
Gerry M. |
Jason M. - November 2014
Back from another crazy adventure this past weekend. It was a long wait, 38 years to be exact, but it finally happened for me. I got to meet Friday, Saturday & this morning as well, the original Catman, the legendary Peter Criss. He was the last of the 4 original members of KISS that i had not met yet & he couldn't have been cooler. What an honor it was to meet him & talk music, Kiss, the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame induction, his upcoming new album, the Bad Boys tour with Ace Frehley, the 96 - 2000 reunion, John Lennon & many other subjects with him.
Cheers & god bless to you all,
Jason M.
From Victoria, B.C
Canada's biggest Peter Criss fan !
Sierra - October 2014
Dear Peter,
I'm just a 15 year old girl who loves rock n roll and I just wanted to show you the face painting I got today. It got a lot of complements! It would mean the world to me if you replied. You're my favorite member of KISS and you rock. God bless.
Sierra D. |
David - September 2014
Hello Peter my name is David Lout this is the photo you requested me to email you for fan of the month.
I met Peter Criss at wizard world chicago in august i flew there from minnesota it was such an honor to finally meet him I had been wanting to meet him for 21 years since I was 5 I am now 26 and my dream finally came true he was soo awesome he signed all my stuff and even signed my arm under his portrait wich I got tattooed right after. He took his time with me and talked with me for a few minutes he was genuine and even gave me a hug later in the day I got my photo taken with him and the next day he signed it for me wich I immediately took to get framed and then took back to show peter he loved that all I can say is THANK YOU PETER CRISS for making my dreams come true GOD bless you.
David |
James - August 2014
Dear Peter
I’m not sure if you’ll get to read this personally, but I just wanted to say “Thank You” for your book and for telling your story. I was a little boy in Australia when I first saw the Catman and was blown away. Now I’m living in the Black Forest in Germany, teaching Japanese taiko drumming and your story inspires me to be the best drummer and teacher I can be. I am still blown away.
Thank you so much.
Catman forever
James |
Bill - August 2014
Hi I a huge fan of peter criss and wondering if his ever coming to Detroit ,Michigan cuz I wood like to meet him and get him to sign his book for me. And here's a drawing I did for Peter Criss
Bill F. |
Terry - July 2014 These are some photo's of my old bedroom growing up in Australia. Have been a fan since 1975 when I was ten. Hope Peter can have a look at the pics and maybe post them for other fans to see. Thanks for all the years of enjoyment you've given me Peter.
Regards Terry |
Aaron - July 2014
Hey Peter, you are The Man!!! I got to meet you at the Mad Monster Party in Charlotte last year and you were the nicest guy I've ever met I just wanted to thank you for that it was a dream come true. Here is a picture of my van. My dad got this done for me a few months ago. P. S. Congrats on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. |
Nick - July 2014 Hi Peter,
My name is Nick Steinman. I'm an art minor in 10th grade, I'm a guitarist, and a huge fan of the classic Kiss years with you on the drums. I wanted to send you a picture of my art because I thought it would be cool to send it to the inspiration of the piece because you are the original catman!
Just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration & I hope you like it (I did get a 100% on the artwork).
Keep on rockin', and thanks,
Nick |
Tommy C. - June 2014
Just wanted to say I loved your book. I have been listening to KISS since
1974 you were my mentor for playing drums. Anyway wanted to let you know
I am praying for you and your family. God bless. Psalm 91
Tommy C.
Tommy C. |
Johnny B. - June 2014
You probably have heard this a million times by now but now you'll here it from me!
I'll never forget this moment. Christmas Day 1978 I opened up the Peter Criss solo album and thought I had died and gone to heaven. It was my first Kiss album and I was so proud. I played it over and over again on a little cheap record player that my mom bought for me. I used to pretend I was you and would use anything I could get my hands on that resembled drum sticks, sit on a bench and play to that record every day. LOVED IT. And I still do.
Peter, you're a true inspiration in my life. That record was my source of escape. I could go home, put that record on and it wouldn't yell at me or tell me what to do like the authority figures in my life were doing at the time. For this I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's taken me 36 years to actually reach out to you but when you're a fan it seems like your hero's are unreachable.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart and congratulations on your induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. You were 100% right when you said "Even out of make up, I'll always be the Catman" during your speech. It was a very proud moment for me and a million others sir.
Chris - May 2014
My cat, named Peter Criss! |
Nicholas - April 2014
Nicholas wishes to see his favorite drummer, Peter, and loves him! |
Joe - April 2014
I'm really late in doing this. But it still seems like yesterday!!! These pics were from October in New Orleans for Mad Monster Party Gras. I remember my stomach in knots waiting in line to meet you. When I walked in you immediately saw how incredibly nervous I was. I'll never forget this... You got up from behind the table,walked over to me and gave me a hug and said.." It's gonna be alright man, come on in" It was an awesome time. I'm glad me and my family got to meet you. Thanks for the great experience!!
Joe V. |
Jorge and Joey - March 2014
Hi Peter,
I just wanted to say Congratulations on your induction nod. Without you there would be no Kiss the way I see it. My son and I have met all the members of Kiss; but I have to say that the time we met you and Gigi in Schaumburg IL. was really a great experience. I was touched by the way you talked to my son and I. A class act. I know that you meet so so many people and fans everyday; it's probably hard to relate to everyone. The truth is that when we meet you, we (as fans) feel as if you know us like we know you; which is impossible. But that day; the way you treated us it felt like that. My son and I connected over the music that you created; and that's something that can't be measured by awards. I will tell you this. Long after the autograph fades; it's the memory and the feeling you come away with that really counts. My son has a nice story to pass down. No matter what happens with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame; we love you. You were inducted into the "Being Nice Hall of Fame" that day in Schaumburg; and that matters,you matter; so much more....Thanks. Rock and Roll!
Your Friends,
Jorge and Joey
Andre, Ricardo, Andre, Marcelo, and Gilberto - March 2013
Hello Peter,
You definitely realize some dreams in few minutes! Something that could be faced as impossible became true in last Spooky Empire expo in Orlando, FL (last Oct. 2013): die hard fans travelling thousands of miles (4,250 miles to be exact!) to see you Peter Criss - our idol and forever Catman. The manner you treat us was better than any of us could imagine! We enjoyed every second of those 20 minutes with you! In addition, we could meet you Gigi, the kindest woman we have ever met. Luck you Peter!! Gigi is amazing! During our meeting, Gigi promised to think about you come to Brazil for a quick appearance...enjoying all your Latin fans in South America. And Mr. Catman, believe us: you have a lot!! Thank you for that incredible moment in our lives! We really hope to see you in our warm, beautiful, peaceful and lovely land! Our best regards to you, congratulations for your Rock n Roll Hall of Fame induction and Happy 2014 for everybody! From you Brazilian friends: Andre, Ricardo, Andre, Marcelo, and Gilberto |
Justin - February 2014
My daughter was excited to get a copy of your solo album framed for Christmas . You are her favorite she will be turning 11 on the day of the Rock N Roll HOF induction in Brooklyn. We will be making the trip up from Baltimore to be there.
Best Wishes and Happy New Year!!!!!
Justin |
George - February 2014
Hi Peter,
Thought you might like to know that my brother loved his present - its fair to say he was truly speechless (photo evidence attached).!!!
Many thanks (again) for your help.
I hope you and Gigi are having a great Christmas & I wish you both the very best for 2014!
Kindest regards
Dean - February 2014
Mr Criss,
Missed you at Spooky Empire in Orlando a few weeks ago, we were there on Sunday..wanted to share my pencil drawing with you and have you autograph it, perhaps another time.
Anyway heres a look at it, hope you dig it. your book was awesome! and congratulations on the Rock n Roll induction!
John - January 2014
Hello Peter, I'm John, I'm 10 years old. I a very big fan of yours. I am also a drummer. (The Original) KISS is my favorite band. It's what made me want to be a drummer. I dressed up as you for Halloween one year. I was Peter Criss, and NOT just a kid in a cat-man costume.
My father took me to see KISS in 2010. I was very upset when I found out that you and Ace were not in the band. KISS just isn't KISS without you and Ace. I hope one day to meet you and maybe play "Black Diamond" on the drums for you. I copied some parts from your solos in 100,000 Years (From KISS Alive) and God Of Thunder (From KISS Alive II) and mixed them in with my own stuff when I played for my fifth grade class. They went wild! I felt like a king! They were giving me high fives. The next day I brought a pair of your signature drum sticks, that my cousin gave me, to school and was telling my class all about you.
My father got to see the original KISS and I hope one day I may get the chance. I want to thank you for making music fun for me.
Peace, John |
Rich - January 2014
Peter & Gigi,
Just a note of sincere thanks to you both for the graciousness that you extended towards my wife and I at the recent Spooky Empire event in Orlando, FL. After a 2 1/2 hour wait you made me feel as though I was the first person in line and you had been doing this for 2 days. Your kindness and attention to me personally drew me in and gave me a warmth that only true friends could share. Though just acquaintances through KISS your consideration on our behalf will resonate and inspire us with our tribute MR.SPEED and beyond. Allowing me to come back through the line a second time that day and share one more thought with Peter about the song "I Can't Stop The Rain" for me is priceless.
Here is one of the two images that were taken. I have shared my story with our fans on our site at
Kindest regards, Rich |
Wayne - January 2014
I just want to thank you peter for the music and the excitment of buying my first record, it was kiss alive 2 when i was 16 years old from there i would go to the store and buy a new kiss record every week or so, i did not have a lot of money but i spent it on kiss records i got to see you one time on the fare well tour when you came to Rhode Island. Now i am 47 years old. I have been a kiss fan most of my life..
Wayne |