Fans of the Month - 2013 |
Thane - December 2013
Hey Peter,
your awesome buddy love everything your doing .great to see you
came out of the "hazzy" 80s alright and got cleaned up. Im sure you have
heard it all before but like so many others i started listening to Kiss
when i was 6 by the time i was 7 i was tapping and beating on everything in
sight when i was thirteen i bought my firat kit for $25 bucks. Hard to
believe that was 32 yrs ago. You were the one who got me started drumming
and i still love it and wish i was as good as you.keep swinging boss.
thanks and have a great day, Thane |
Al - December 2013
Dear Mr. Criss,
To me you will always be the BACKBONE and the HEART of Kiss. I was blessed to see
you eight times in concert here in Chicago. To watch in awe as you shook the very
foundation of every venue that I have seen you at. I know that you get a lot of fan
mail so I will keep this short. I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!!! Your music
makes the tuff times a little bit easier to deal with now and as I was growing up
and it makes the better days Great. Keep your Head Held Up High you are a Great Man
with a lot HEART, SPIRIT & LAUGHTER that is inside you. May God Bless you and your
Family and I wish you all the BEST in all that you do!!!
Al |
Tony - December 2013
Hi Peter!
My name is Tony and I live in Sweden. I started to play the drums almost 31 years ago and I always comeback to you in my way of playing the drums, Because you really got that swing and the drummers of today is too much into sounding like drum machines . I think that your feeling and your groove is something every drummer should listen to when they start playing the drums. I did listen to you in my first years of drumming and even if I play death metal or jazz I always think.. How would Peter Criss do this? And it will alway turn out good in the end of recording sessions when I got that "Peter Criss feeling". I have seen you live a lot of times but I never got a chance to meet you in person but I would like to thank you for all you've done for me and all the fans around the world.
Best regards // Tony |
Mike and Jeanne - November 2013
I just wanted to let you guys know that once again your kindness and down to earth personalities are by far the best of everyone I have met. I must say though KISS holds a dear spot in my heart so meeting any member of KISS is always a special moment. Peter by far tops the list, I have never met anyone who cares so much for his fans and takes his time and LISTENS to what fans are saying. My wife Jeanne was never much of a KISS fan but in New Orleans on 04/16/2000 the day of the Farwell concert I asked her to marry me.We had 2nd row seats for the show and when she left she was hooked and wanted to attend every KISS concert we could make. We are happier than ever and she loves KISS more than me( well its a tie). She was able to meet Peter at the mad monster in New Orleans and she has not stopped talking about it. GiGi she loves you too and thinks you are one cool OHH and she wanted me to thank you for the cookies you shared with us as well. Thanks again for everything you guys are the best.. DO not quit being YOU and I hope to see yall in Orlando.....
Thanks again
Mike and Jeanne |
Billie - November 2013
Dear Peter, You have been my favorite Rock Star for as long as I can remember. My brother whom passed away from cancer around 33 years ago would sing Beth to me when I was a child. It remains to be my favorite song. I got the chance to see Kiss play a while back and some friends of ours opened for them. Beth was sung, I couldn’t move, I think if it would have been you singing I would have passed out right there. My husband got your book for me for Christmas and I have read it all. I think any famous person has the odds stacked up against them. You are my favorite musician and always will be.
God Bless, Billie |
Len - November 2013
Greetings from nearby Parsippany NJ! Just wanted to say hello and I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for decades of enjoyment watching you play and all the concerts I have been to of yours. God bless you and your family Peter!
Len |
Michael - October 2013
Peter, On behalf of myself and my girlfriend Michelle I wanted to thank you for being so
personable to and with us when we had the chance to spend time with you @ Mad
Monster Party in New Orleans on 9/14/13.
We drove 6 hours to come see you and it was so worth it! My sister also made the
drive and met us there as well. I gave you the drawing that I did of your Rock And
Roll Over face with the breast cancer reference in the makeup as well as the cd
single for "Hands Of Prayer" the song I wrote and recorded in memory of my grandmother who passed away due to breast cancer so it was an honor for me to share my story with you.
Michael |
Randall - October 2013
Zuki - October 2013
Met Peter this weekend at Mad Monster Party in New Orleans. My daughter Zuki is 8 months old & after we took our photo she stretched out her arms to go to him. Peter say "I'm great with babies. They love me." & picks her up like she was family all the while continuing to talk about his 6 year old granddaughter & encouraging my 13 year old son to "be somebody." It was fantastic & must've made a real impact on my daughter as you'll see in the video of her singing her heart out to Peter's music this morning. He did not disappoint & was everything I hoped he'd be & more. Thank you for making this life long KISS fan so happy.
--"Muppet" John |
Kevin - September 2013
I read your book and thought I should send you a note to thank you for inspiring me since I first heard you in 1st Grade--- 1979. Later, I got together with a few friends of mine and entered a lip sync contest when I was in 7th grade---1986. My brothers did the makeup and we did the best we could with costumes.... we won the contest!!! I hope you enjoy the attached photos. Thank you so much for the music you helped to create and I look forward to seeing you somewhere down the trail in my travels. I'm the lead alto sax/clarinet with the Glenn Miller Orchestra.
Warm regards,
Nicholas - September 2013
Your biggest fan, Nicholas! |
Beverly - September 2013
Hi Peter,
First of all I gotta say that YOU was KISS!! The Catman has always been my fave character! I finished your book and it was one of the best books I have ever read! God Bless ya Peter so glad you beat cancer and I hope you have some new music coming out soon!
Dan - August 2013
Hi Peter,
My name is Dan Gross from New Providence NJ, now in Colorado,your the reason I started playing drums when I was ten way back in 1978, you were my childhood drum hero and I played along with your albums, giant corded headphones and all till my fingers bled, I'd just tape em up and keep playin, cause that's how we roll. I played in bands for years around NJ,NY club circuit for years, now I just play for fun. I never dreamed I'd have the chance to contact you until I stumbled on you website. I want to say THAN YOU!!! You have always had a special place in my heart as my first mentor. After catching up with all you've been up to, I am so proud of you!! You are now, after many years, and many other influences, my number one mentor. I need to hit the skins more often than I do these days, and now I'm going to make the time. I can't tell you how many years I was you for Halloween as a kid using old dog chains and collars for the getup, good times!! Anyway, if your reading this,this is huge for me to write to you, again, I dreamed as a kid of a way to contact you, and now as an adult, with the inner child still alive and kicking, and through your AWSOME website, it's possible. In closing, I could go on but this would become a book, I will be following your website, and hope you come to Denver CO someday.
Love you brother!!! Rock on!! Sincerely Dan G. Littleton CO |
Dayton - August 2013
Dear Mr Criss,
Thank you for being an inspiration to me and so many others. I send you positive thoughts and my appreciation sir.
Dayton |
Joel - August 2013 Hi Peter, Just finished reading Make up to Break up and really enjoyed it. I have been a fan for a long time , my father was a professional drummer until he was fifty five he loves Krupa too. I played guitar in bands but always missed play the Ludwig dad had set up in my bedroom. You have done some amazingly positive things in your life and you and Ace made me smile and realize my love for Rock n roll ... Thanks Cat man Hope you and Gigi are well. Hope you get down to Australia again someday... Regards, Joel B. |
Dave - July 2013
im writing you this letter to express ho much of a fan of yours i am i was four years old in 78 when i received my first kiss mercendise all four dolls and your solo alblum from an aunt at christmas.......i had always told my mother that i would be burried with kiss well 34yrs later i got a full kiss tattoo sleve with you singing "beth" my dream will come true i enclosed a pic of your tattoo hope you get to see it soon
Tattoo was done by artist david villiard @
Hope someday soon you can make an apperance somewhere in new england
your life long fan you rock peter..........dave
Keep pounding those drums.................rock an roll will never die..........
Bernie - July 2013
I was a fan from 1974 on. A fan of Kiss but also a fan of Peter with the breakup of kiss you remained my favorite member. Ace is awesome an so are the others but you introduced me to a while new Genre of music. If your name was on an album I bought it During and after kiss... Please always make your special brand of music!!!!!!!!! You taught me that there was more to music than Heavy metal.... "I can't stop the rain" is and will always be my favorite song! Just brilliant! Thank You sir for 30+ years of music! When in the 9th Grade We were asked to write poetry I turned to you for inspiration. When I am asked why 3 is my favorite number I show then your signature...
Bernie |
Skip - July 2013 Peter
Just wanted to say, I bought your book. Loved it! Life long KISS fan from the 70's and also heard your interview with Eddie Trunk from 2012 and just felt I'd drop you a note to tell how much I appreciate all the music over all the years! Best of luck to you in health, your family and life!
All my best,
Skip |
Adina Rose - May 2013 Hi Peter!
My 4 year old Adina Rose, one of your smallest fans, wanted to say "Hi" to you. :) She still talks about meeting you last year & talks about you every day!
Thanks for being you, God Bless!!! |
Thoralf - May 2013
Hello Mr. Peter Criss,
I'm Thoralf (46) from Germany. I got your book today. I'm looking forward
to reading this book.
You can see a picture of me.
I wish you all the best.
Thoralf |
Rob - May 2013
I grew up in the seventies with kiss. My brother showed me kiss alive at Woolworth in 1976. Our mother let us get alive and rock n roll over with Columbia house I am a drummer and play pearl drums because of you. Had all the original albums but rock n roll over is my favorite. I am in my forties and glad you know Jesus as your Lord and savior too /you really helped me get through tough times in the seventies as kid in Michigan.
God bless you
Rob |
Frankie - May 2013
My fav member of the band bro. Always drew u in grade school mid 70s made this in 2003 whitw paint black poster board. When u left kiss was dead to me. Saw u in a reunion tour so life is good that way. Love ya man thanks for the music.
Frankie |
Matt - May 2013
Peter, I learned to play drums from hours of playing with your music and I like you am a cancer survivor from twenty five years ago. Thanks for all you do for awareness and for all the great music.
God bless, Matt |
Don & Penny - May 2013
It was an honor to meet you and your wife in Charlotte! When I was young I wanted to see you and the band, but I was too young (That being that my parents would not take me). When you were a part of the "Reunion Tours" I was a missionary in S.E. Asia and did not have the chance to see you perform. When I read you were going to be in Charlotte, I was overjoyed. I felt like a kid again when I saw you and was thankful that I could experience it with my wife. Thank you for being so accommodating. It was an experience of a lifetime.
Thank You! - Don & Penny |
Joshua - May 2013
I've been a fan of yours since I was four. At the age of six, I was able to meet you after one of your shows on the Farewell Tour. Even before then, I had listened to your albums in which KISS was not involved. Now at seventeen, working for the local Police Department as a volunteer, and about to ship off for the Marine Corps, I understand so much more of your story than just your music. My grandfather died from male breast cancer, and I attend my base highschool's pink football game and raise awareness for males every year. I would like to say in closing, that your music and your book have picked me out of the dumps when things at the department, and life in general have gotten rough. Thank you so much for everything you've done and I wish you the best. Please continue the great work both at and away the microphone.
Sincerely, Capt. Joshua, Oxford Police Department Cadet Division
Mike -April 2013
I have been a kiss fan since 1975 and have been ever since( the original 4 of course). After driving almost 11 hours to get to Charlotte from New Orleans 22 hours round trip and waiting in line almost an hour to meet Peter I must say you guys took your time and made every minute feel like we were the only fans in the room. Peter was very accommodating and yall made us feel like FAMILY. My nephew Kyle and I have met over 1,000 celebs in the movie,music industry and you guys are head and shoulders above anyone. All I can say is WOW and much love to you and Peter for being very professional and very loving. Here are some pics of Peter signing my tattoo before and after as well as a pic with Peter and I would LOVE to be a fan of the month.
Mike |
Greg - April 2013
Hey Peter,
After 35 years of being a devoted KISS fan, it was great to finally meet one of my childhood heroes. Thanks for signing the pic of me and my friends dressed as KISS back in the late 70's. Here's a copy of that pic you asked for as we'll as another that was taken that same day, one of many, many days we all put on the makeup and put on our lip synced concerts in the basement of by best friend's house. Thanks again for being so cool and personable at the signing. It was an honor.
Greg |
Chris - April 2013
Hi Peter,
I had a wonderful time meeting you and your lovely wife Gigi today in Chicago! I'm so impressed by how you both took time to talk to me and ask me questions about myself, and I couldn't believe how you kept saying 'thank you' to me. You seemed just as glad to meet me as I was to meet you! Thank you again for the great experience today. I am a bigger fan than ever!
Chris |
WB - February 2013
WB with Peter Criss! Great to meet you!
Lester - February 2013
I play drums since 9 old and my motivation you were your, today I am 38 years old and have recorded with different artists of my country. today I am in a band tribute KISS and I represent you.
I am Lester from Argentine. |
Brian & Amy - February 2013
A "Fans from Catland" Halloween tribute to the one and only "Catman". I have always been a fan of #3, my favorite member of Kiss, since the beginning.
Keep on Rockin!
Brian & Amy
Baltimore, MD |