Fans of the Month - 2018 |
Randy C. - December 2018
Here is the photo I was talking about at Charlotte Mad Monster party and our photo taken that day. I was a big fan of KISS back then and now and you were my favorite member! Thanks for all the years of great music. I would sit and listen in my bedroom for hours and draw pictures for art class to all the KISS albums. I was really excited and glad to finally meet you in person at the Mad Monster party. The best I had before that was during the reunion tour at a few shows but I did not have an opportunity to meet you back then. I hope all is going well and maybe we will meet again someday.
Randy C.
David A. - December 2018
Hi Peter,
I just put up the tree, you're looking good!!
Happy Holidays & Good People!
David A. |
Doug L. - December 2018
I wanted to take a moment to say as I had been driving in my car today listening to you that you changed my life when i was 9 years old in Colombia, MD during the farewell tour. I was a kid who didnt think much of anything and my mom took me to the show and my life changed. Music became my purpose and seeing you do your solo and sing Beth to us was amazing and I still think about it. I want to thank you for your contribution to the world. You havent just added a part of yourself in the music world. It's more than that. And I deeply am appreciative.
Doug L.
Tommy C. - November 2018
Just had to share these...long shot they would make it to you...however my 7yr old son is a HUGE kiss fan and being the drummer he is of course he had to be Peter for Halloween!
Michael C. |
Lissette R. - November 2018
Hi Peter,
I’m a just a fan. I just want to tell you I saw you many years ago during a solo show you did at The Ritz in NYC and I still talk about how much I enjoyed it till this day.
I think you’re wonderful.
Lissette |
Austin, Donna, and Brian G. - November 2018
Peter and Gigi,
Thank you SO much for taking the time this Friday at Spooky Empire to talk to us. We were the first to meet you after your well deserved Break that evening. You taking the time to watch the video clip of Brian playing Drums and all the advice you gave him was a well treasured moment that we will have forever. You and Gigi are the kindest most sincere people we have met. God Bless you and thank you for taking the time to speak with us and my son Brian.....Oh yeah, enjoy seeing "Bohemian Rhapsody!!"'
Your friends and fans forever,
Austin, Donna and Brian G. |
Anthony M. - October 2018
Hi Peter,
I just want to thank you for the decades of joy you have brought into my life. I have been a KISS fan ever since I walked into my local Korvettes Department Store and saw KISS ALIVE on a shelf. I was hooked as soon as I saw it. Even better, when I took it home and played it, I knew I would be a KISS fan for life!
You have always been my favorite member of KISS! You are the essence of rock and roll, and I have supported you since day 1. I remember when the first solo album came out. I went to the same store with my friend. We were so excited to get your solo album. I remember we both grabbed your album first. When we took it home, we were amazed!
My first KISS show was at Madison Square Garden in 1979…The Dynasty tour. I have since seen KISS over 200 times! I support KISS and always will…but I long for the days when my favorite rock star was behind the drums and singing.
I have met you a few times, and you were always a gentleman and so much fun to speak with.
I just want you to know that we all LOVE you and we talk about you all the time! At every KISS show, you are the topic of so many conversations. WE ALL LOVE YOU!
I want to thank you for all of the joy you have provided to me and my loved ones. Peter, you are the GREATEST and we all wish you the best of everything in this world!
We hope to see you out there again. You are loved by millions of people… may you and your family continue to be blessed for all time.
Thank you again…
Anthony M.
New York City |
David R. - October 2018
I know you probably get millions among millions of these things so it’s my turn to say what you and Ace meant to me!
Watching you and ace growing up was not only a thrill but took me to a place where I could escape. A place where a 4 yo boy at the time fell over heals in love with KISS. Me and my friends all grew up listening to these albums. My most tender moments was being so young and being at my friends house Kevin and the gang all would just sit around and listen and became mesmerized at the album covers!! My favorite to this day is “Destroyer”!! I’m now 49 years young and can honestly say KISS has been a stable!! A major stable in my life. My dad is a twice retired “Baptist” preacher so my child hood as you can imagine was revolves around the church. But at home my mom and dad let me play you as loud as I could and as often as I could. My Aunt and Uncle owned a variety store in VA when I was young. I could always count on going to visit every summer. But my highlight was st the highlight was when I left they told me to get any two things I wanted!! Guess what those were my friend. That’s right! KISS albums! I have all four KISS solo albums, I have Destrpyer, I have love Gun! With the pop out pop gun! KISS Alive 1 and 2! Anyway. Peter you weren’t just a musician to me. You set me on my path for the love of music. I used to setup 1 gallon two gallon and 5 gallon buckets for my present rising drum set! I always thought I would play the drums until I got to middle school when band started. I didn’t. I started with the Saxophone because there were too many drummers. That was my second choice. But I excelled. Always first chair, and I was the first 8th grade and only 8th graded to be invited to joint the High School Jazz Band. That’s where I met the Bass guitar. It’s just a huge history of music love so I won’t bore you with that. Peter. As a man. As a fan. As a music lover. Thank you. Just thank you for deciding to do what you do. Giving people like me motivation and the love of music. I love so many genres but my first love has always been and will always be KISS. Mainly you and Ace. I wanted to be you. Period!! You ARE and ALWAYS will be “The Catman”!!
In Admiration and respect.
David R. |
Francis L . - October 2018
Hello Peter,
Just wanted to say thank you for all the great songs and memories over the years. When I hear an old song of yours, it always brings me back to a great time in my childhood, and you were a big part of it. My Dad had once helped me move some furniture into my new apt, you guys were on MTV, he said” do you know how much money those guys owe me?” I said “who” ? He replied “KISS” “I spent so much money re-doing your bedroom walls when you and your brother were kids, they were plastered floor to ceiling in KISS posters, tack holes, tape, they owe me a lot”…lol …yup, memories, I never saw any KISS shows unless it was all 4 of the original…there is only one KISS in my eyes.
Take care, big fan always
Fran |
Mike P. - September 2018
Hey Peter - Mike P. from Boston here. I am a 51 drummer and singer. Checking out your website and saw that I could email you...I figured, why not reach out to one of my heroes?! :-) You were one of my earliest and main influences, especially being a singing drummer. I absolutely LOVE your drumming on "Alive" and is still an influence on my playing to this day. Also, the first kit I bought with my own money was a Pearl Export kit and I still play Pearl drums, 43 years later!
Thanks for being you, Catman!
Mike P.
Bruce J. - September 2018 Peter,
Chances are I'll never get the chance to have a chat with you in person so
from this email I want to say thank you. You are the reason I chose to pick
up a pair of sticks and continue to play drums, as well as sing, to this day. The only way I can describe your influence really is that you are my
Gene Krupa.
Again thanks for your inspiration!
Bruce J. |
Chuck B. - September 2018
This is long overdue. Peter Thank you. I got my first drum kit when I was eight years old in 1978. It was also the same time I got your solo album. I played to your album thousands of times. You and you only are the reason I wanted and became a drummer. I can't imagine not playing drums, so my most heartfelt Thank you.
Chuck B. |
James B. - August 2018
In honor of you. I've had the plate for a while but now it's on a '93 cougar in mint condition. I was looking at the front of it last night and said, "yeah I gotta send it!" So here it is. If you look a bit closer on the left you'll see my cat in there too. Triple play you could say. You're the reason I play to this day. It's been a lot of days since '73 ;-):-)
Thank you for everything.
James B. |
Frank S . - August 2018
Hi Peter.
My name is Frank from Hamburg/Germany.
I am a 48 years old husband/father and a great Hard Rock Fan.
The first Bands of my music love:….. KISS and AC/DCJ
The KISS Alive!-Album was the first experience of Rock Music.
And til today the rock’n’roll music is deep in my heart since this great Album.
But all people can say what they want….KISS is always at its best with YOU, PETER and….ACE!!!
That’s the true KISS-Spirit.
I loved so much the Re-union in 96.
I was there!!! In Berlin/Germany.
It was absolut amazing…..and thank you for the great music, thank you for your love and spirit on stage.
I like KISS also at this point, but without Ace and you ist’s not the same.
So, I wish you the very, very best for the future. For you and your wife, children and friends…
Best healthy for you and keep on rocking in a free world!!!
Best regards from me,
Frank |
Rich G. - August 2018
I just wanted to say thanks for all the good music, Peter. More importantly, your fight against cancer has been inspiring.
Keep rockin’,
Rich G. |
Eddie C. - July 2018
Hello again Peter!!!!
My name is Eddie. I met you once back in Philadelphia in November of 2014. I emailed you about my experience and you put me on the website. It really made an amazing memory. When I had met you the first time, I had told you that my father says hello because he couldn’t make it that day. He was pretty upset about not being able to meet you the first time. So this past month, I took him to the New Jersey Horror Con, just to meet you. He’s the only person I will ever admit to being a bigger Kiss fan than me. And it really made me feel good to see him so happy while meeting you. I just wanted to send you this email to thank you once again for being so kind to me and mostly my father. When I first met you, you really made me feel like I’ve known you forever and that’s exactly the way it was the second time. My father said the same thing once we left the convention in New Jersey. It really makes me admire even more when I see first hand how kindly you treat your fans and people like me who basically look up to you as a hero. I wouldn’t love rock and roll as much as I do if it wasn’t for you and your unforgettable drumming style. Have a great day. Thank you so much once again. It was great meeting you again!!!
Eddie C.
Doug B. - July 2018
I just wanted to see how your doing. About 31 years ago when I got sober and out of the recovery hospital. You gave me a surprise call and talked with me for a while. You invited me to come and see you but at that time I was just newly sober. I just wanted to let you know that I have never forgot you and that phone call you gave me. I love you man and all your albums. I hope to see you one day to shake your hand and give you a hug for taking time out for me 31 + years ago. Thanks for everything.
Doug B.
Brad and Jacob H. - July 2018
Hello Peter,
I wanted to send a video but will have to make do with a picture of my 13 year old son playing Hooligan on his Grampa's '69 Ludwigs. We are both huge fans and wish you and Gigi much love and continued health and happiness.
God bless!
Brad and Jacob H. |
Alex Z. - June 2018
Hi Peter,
This is your biggest, (smallest)fan Alex. Alex wanted to send you a little note saying how much he loves and wants to be just like you! Alex is 5 years old and started to bang on my pots and pans around 2. I knew he needed to get a drum set just like his mom did. We both have been inspired by you and your drumming. Thank you!, and god bless!!
Much love,
Alexia and Alex Z. |
Mark G. - June 2018
Got the signature done from Mad Monster, Charlotte, and the cat!!!
Thanks Peter!
Joseph E. - June 2018
Hi Peter
This is Joseph. I met you at Mad Monster Party in Charlotte. I just wanted to say thanks for having the chance to see you for the second time! You're my number one idol in the drumming world! You’re the one who REALLY inspired me to become a drummer! Keep rocking out on the drums! I hope to see you again next time! I’ve attached the photo of me and you.
Thank you very much! |
Donna T. - May 2018
Hi Peter,
I’m sure you’ve seen a million photos of your fans dressed as you and I honestly hope you won’t mind seeing one more. This is me, “back in the day,” from October 1977. My friends and I decided to go out trick-or-treating dressed up as KISS. Since you were my favorite band member - still true today - I was going to be The Catman!
I spent hours with glitter and glue to get my outfit just right, not to mention all the time I sat in front of a mirror practicing my makeup. When Halloween arrived I was ready! A pair of drumsticks completed my look and I was quite pleased with the result.
My heart melted the first time I heard the song “Beth.” I thought it was beautiful and sad and romantic - true love’s triple threat! My world stood still. It’s timeless and I feel the same way about it today as I did all those years ago. KISS was such a big part of my life back then and the memories are very special.
One last thing, my favorite album cover from the original KISS lineup is “Dressed To Kill.” So cool. You all look awesome but oh how I love Gene’s clogs!
All the best -
Donna |
Matthew, Melissa and Alex P. - May 2018
It was awesome to see you and GiGi again, and to let us tell you our story of our son was even more awesome. I was looking through some pictures and the fact that you were still wearing your "team alex" bracelet almost brought a tear to my eye. We think you guys are great people and can't wait for the next opportunity to see you again!!!
Matthew, Melissa and Alex P. |
Michael M. - May 2018
Hello Peter I just wanted to thank you for all of the years of great music and for being the coolest CAT I know. The best years of rock & roll were the 1970’s and that is the era I grew up in and you had captured my attention in my childhood and I was hooked and became a serious and loyal fan for life. The best years of KISS were in the 1970’s and growing up I purchased every vinyl album and every magazine I could possibly get. My walls in my room were plastered with KISS posters and pages out of magazines. I always hoped that one day I could meet my rock hero and stand beside him and get to shake his hand and tell him how he had made a huge impact in my life with the music the make up and costume. KISS will always be in my memories of all the good times I had as a child growing up and listening to KISS. I met you this year in New Jersey March 2. I drove two hours to Chicago and flew to Newark then took a train to the nearest station and then took a taxi to the hotel. I met you Friday night and I was beyond excited to meet you. I barley slept a wink the night before. You were such a great host very kind and took the time to talk with me and autograph some of the items I had brought with me. It was such an honor to meet you and your lovely wife. I was very happy to see how much you truly appreciate your loyal fans, I could see it in your smile and your conversation that you appreciate us as we also appreciate you. I have dedicated a part of myself to you to show my appreciation. I finally got my Peter Criss tattoo and it looks amazing it took 5 hours to complete this work of art. Thank you for all you have done and all you continue to do for your fans.
Peace & Love
Michael M. |
Joseph - April 2018
Hi Peter
This is Joseph. I met you at Mad Monster Party in Charlotte. I just wanted to say thanks for having the chance to see you for the second time! You're my number one idol in the drumming world! You’re the one who REALLY inspired me to become a drummer! Keep rocking out on the drums! I hope to see you again next time! I’ve attached the photo of me and you.
Thank you very much!
Jeseph |
Brian P. - April 2018 Hi Peter! (and Gigi!)
Just wanted to take a moment and say that it was great meeting you at Horror Con NJ the other day. There was so much i would have liked to say, but not enough time! You were truly my inspiration for playing the drums (and singing) and while i just play in local bars, it has changed my life. I had some serious health issues a few years ago and drumming really was my therapy. I'm not sure what i would have done otherwise to help me through it.
You signed my arm when i was there and i did get it tattooed in! You're with me for life! Thanks for being so down to earth and just an all around great guy. Hope to see you on stage one more time!
I've attached the photo of my tattoo so you can see it finished.
Take care,
Brian |
Walter R. - April 2018
Man, I'm a 50 yr old fan in Portland, I will die happy if I can ever meet you, I feel LIke were brothers man, I love only Kiss with you, After I read Paul Stanleys book I threw Out all my kiss stuff except the stuff from 1974-79 the Criss era & that's the Best era The real Kiss, I love you man, I hope I can meet you someday, Ill prob cry like a girl. I hate what Paul said about you in his book, So I don't wanna make you mad I just like writing you, I wish we were friends Man your the coolest & were my fav rock star the first one I ever had in 1974 and still are I'm 50 I had a breast scare but found out it was gynecomastia I cant thank you enough to know if I got it I could and would have you to understand and your support Thanks for being a Bad Ass drummer & Humanitarian sorry if I write to much, I one day dream to make it on the fan wall but I prob cant with my Paul comment but he pissed me off, but who needs negativity, you earned the time to take it easy, I'm glad to see your supporting John Harts book.
Walter |
Sara, Josh & Tristan - March 2018
Dear Peter & Gigi,
We just wanted to thank you both again for your kindness. You were so sweet to give Tristan the cap and the photos! You have no idea just how much that meant to us. He is still over the moon! We truly appreciate everything you did to make his experience meeting The Catman extra special. You both are amazing!! I hope we get a chance to see you again someday. Don't forget, Tristan will make you some hot dogs and chips anytime!
Love, Sara, Josh & Tristan |
Sean and Angela W. - March 2018
Thank you, Peter and Gigi!
I want to thank you both for spending a little extra time with Sean Saturday in Charlotte, NC. My son called me after he spoke to you and Gigi (I was not able to come along), and was in tears, happy tears. Thank you both for being caring and asking him about his medical issues. Sean was very moved and I haven’t seen him smile so much! He already has his picture framed and sitting on his fireplace mantle. Also, thank you for mentioning God to him, Sean has lost some of his faith throughout the years, and hearing you mention this to him while you went through your breast cancer I’m sure sparked his belief again. You and Gigi are wonderful people. Take care, and thank you again. I hope Sean will meet you again in the future.
Angela W.
Steve C. - March 2018
Right this way...
To the MAN of the Day.
Man what a TRIP! :)
Just couldn't miss the chance to meet up, and 'make-up' again for the one and only original Catman himself. And, obviously catch up and take a current photo or 3 while I had the opportunity. And, once again a truly fantastic experience! I've got the coolest hero ever~
Peter: "Come over here Peter!"
Me: "I ain't the man... You are." ;)
So cool... and this time, after presenting him with a few sentimental gifts all of which he didn't have: Gene Krupa CD, Baretta Season One DVD set that he totally loved! And a copy of Rolling Stone with HIM on the cover (loved it as well!) and, well, a few KISS ARMY Tshirts for him and Gigi that he said he'd wear to sleep in! lol. He invited me to sit next to him in the "electric chair" as he called it and said "this is so weird to take a picture with myself" lol.
How special... "You're a good kid Steve." He said with a smile~ awww (*I'm 51 Peter ;) )
So awesome! And taking pictures with the fans of Mad Monster Party and even guests in his representation was a thrill within itself until I found myself in the grips of terror that is. :/ lol.
**also I need to mention the very kind words Peter gave me after we took these awesome photos together, as he gave me mad props for the whole makeup and costuming effort for him and the event again. "Man, once again really great job on everything man. All of it man. Seriously. I know what a bitch that is to go through with all of that. lol. Trust me. It ain't easy that's for sure." Me: "It was my pleasure." This was just before telling me I was a "good kid". Totally worth the trip all the way from Ky. After all. This *is my childhood hero we're talking about. And there's only 1 Peter Criss! :)
Thanks so much for reading everybody! Awesome stuff. Hope to do it again soon!
Steve C./KISS ARMY - The Coolest Band In The World. Thanks again Peter! Always #1. |
William B. - February 2018 Hi Peter
I’m 11 and I’ve been a KISS fan ever since I was 5. When I was 5 I used to put make up on and pretend to play guitar and drums to KISS songs. I’ve just recently started collecting records. Of course my first record had to be was a KISS one! As you can see I bought an original 1974 pressing of Hotter Than Hell. I’m going to try to get all of the KISS LP’s from 1974-1977 because in my opinion that was the best era of KISS. My favourite albums are the first 4 KISS, Hotter Than Hell, Dressed To Kill and Destroyer. I’d like to thank you for all of the great music that you have created over the past 4 decades. My dream is to some day meet you or Ace. Once again thank you for the music.
From William B.
Matt S. - February 2018
Just wanted to say out of the four memoirs from your former band mates, Yours, really resonated with me. It had a real down to earth honest feel to it. Thanks for opening up about a lot of things. You're a survivor, cat.
Bless you brother. keep on rockin'. Met you backstage at a kiss meet n greet in the early 2000's. It was truly a pleasure.
Matt S. |
Tomm H. - February 2018
Hey there Peter,
I just wanted to tell you that you inspired me from an early age...always thought you were amazing...been playing drums since I was 7 (I'm 57 now). I learned everything you did back in the day. I never personally got to meet you, but seen KISS 8 times before you left the band...only seen them once with E.C. Anyway, I know how busy you must be, but just wanted you to know how much you've meant to me all of these years...I love you Brother..Take Care and God bless you and your family...
With Love,
Tomm H

Robert and Mary M . - January 2018
My wife Mary carved this in high. shcool we were dating way back then it
still hangs on our wall you were her favorite.
Happy Birthday,
Robert and Mary M. |
Ben B . - January 2018
Hi Peter,
just want to let you know I’m your biggest fan! To me KISS will always be Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Peter Criss and Ace Frehley! Your the one and only Catman! I became a diehard KISS fan in 1996 during the reunion tour! Thank you for all the great music you brought into my life! You are an inspiration to me as a person and a Christian! I wish I could meet you and Ace someday and have you sign my KISS tattoo! I’ve met Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley, but I need to meet you and Ace Frehley! I love you Peter and I love KISS!
Check out my KISS tattoos!
Ben B.
Leon C . - January 2018
Hello Peter
Hope you remember me at the Melbourne convention I told you the story of how our surnames were similar and that i was one of the most popular kids at school becouse i used to say were related. and Gigi had a big laugh out of that All that said it was an honour to meet you,you were a true gentleman and Gigi was just awesome. .as the catman says to everyone and ill return it to you GOD BLESS YOU PETER CRISS for all the good time.
Leon C.