Fans of the Month - 2017 |
Matthem P. - Decemeber 2017
Hi, this is a wee fan from Scotland, Matthew P. age 6, who chose to be you at his recent primary school Rookie Rockstars concert. He really wanted me to send you his picture. Despite the amateur 'mum face paint' he was chuffed to bits. A wee hello back would absolutely make his day.
Best wishes,
Lynn (Matthews mum) |
Rich S. - December 2017
Hi Peter,
I hope this finds you well..
I just wanted to say It was so great to finally get to see you perform 'Sing Sing Sing' along with alot of your stuff from your solo shows. Truly wonderful.
I spent a number of years performing in a Tribute Band here in the UK and I had the privelidge back in the day of having you play my kit during a Convention Tour of Europe that you undertook.. I was like a kid in a candy store!!!
Over the years you have given your fans nothing but joy and filled us with inspiration. As a youngster I dreamt of being a drummer and playing 100,000 years with that amazing drum solo..I fulfilled that dream and was down to you..Thank You.
Here are a couple of photos of me being you..hope you like them. A TRIBUTE TO THE ONE AND ONLY CATMAN!
Again Peter, thank you for the years and I wish all the very best.
Kind Regards,
Rich S. |
Jessica & Gavin P. - December 2017
Happy Halloween Mr. Criss! My son begged me to reach out to you, to show you his homemade Halloween Costume. He is one of your biggest fans! He told me his wig was nothing like your Catman wig so he probably won't wear the wig for trick or treating. :) thanks for taking time out of your day!
With love,
Jessica & Gavin P.
Lauren C. - November 2017
I'm from Canberra Australia and I'm a fan of kiss but a really big fan of Peter Criss because his music got me threw some hard times in my life he saved my life without his wonderful music to calm me and help me I would not be here today. I hope some day he knows how much of a big part of my life he is.
Lauren C.

Tristan Jack W. - November 2017
Hello Peter! I thought you’d like to see the costume I made for my 8 year old son, Tristan Jack. He asked to be you this year. But not just you, he wanted this outfit! I had to make everything by hand since there was not a costume already available. I hope you like it!
Love Always,
Sara W.
Mark H. - November 2017 Hello Mr. Criscoula,
I became a fan in 1975, and have never left you. I was 8 years old then. I am 50 now. That is a very long time. I guess you are my John Lennon.
I want to wish you and Gigi well, and just let you know you have really been a huge part of my life, for most of my life.
Peace and Love,
Mark H. |
Chris D. - October 2017
Hi Peter,
I hope all is well. A longtime fan here that was hoping you will be doing some appearances and signings. The band has never been the same without you and Ace. I wore your solo album out in Vinal, 8 track, and cassette serious. I wish you all the best and thank you for your many years of rock n roll!
Best Wishes,
Chris D. |
Jeff W. - October 2017 Peter, You are the best of what KISS was. You really made the band special.
Good luck on retiring!
Jeff W.
Darrell L. - October 2017 Just wanted to say thank you Peter for the music and the honesty. Uou're the best! You're the man!
You were and always have been my and my wife Sherri's favorite Kiss member. Loved seeing you here in Louisville at the Phoenix Hill Tavern years ago. You were so kind to talk to me and my brother in law by the bus.
Fan and friend forever,
Darrell L. |
Pedro - September 2017

Chris M. - September 2017
Hi Peter,
I just wanted to say thank you again for being at the KISS Expo in June at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. I know you don't remember everyone, but I was the person at the Meet and Greet who told you that you are the one and only reason that I am a drummer and that you are my hero. It actually brought tears to mine and Gigi's eyes when I was talking to you. When we had our picture taken I told you that you made my day and you told me that I made yours.
I've been a KISS fan my entire life and you were my inspiration when I was growing up and you still are. I have met Ace, Gene, Paul and also Tommy Thayer, Eric Singer and Bruce Kulick and they are all very nice and it was truly an honor meeting them. But you are the member that is most important to me. You never know how someone will be when you meet them, but you were extremely gracious and kind and it was worth every minute that we spent waiting in line. My wife was with me and she continues to tell me how great you and your wife were. It was a long day for you and you mentioned that you were not feeling well, but you made sure that you spent time with you fans. That's says a lot about the type of person you are.
You are an inspiration as a musician, but more importantly as a person. Your previous battle with cancer and all you have done to help in the fight against the disease is truly amazing. It's people like you that make this planet a better place.
I just want to tell you again that it was a dream come true to spend a few minutes with you and to tell you what you have meant to me over the course of my life. I will take that day with me forever. Please take care of yourself and I hope to meet you again someday. I'm attaching our photo just in case you do remember.
Thank you again and please tell Gigi we appreciated her time and conversation as well.
Chris M.
Jeremy S. - September 2017
You might not remember us (Jeremy & Gerry) from Seattle in 2014, but we met you at the Mad Monster Convention. You signed our arms and we had the autograph tattooed that same night (I've attached a recent picture).
Peter, you are still a huge inspiration, and I will never forget the warm hospitality you and Gigi gave me that day in 2014. I gig every weekend as the drummer in a rock act, and fans are always intrigued when they see the tattoo....and I love telling them the story!
I've been drumming since 1979, after seeing you at Maple Leaf Gardens, in which you left a huge impression on me as a 9-year old (and thanks for also signing that ticket stub I had been carrying around all those years).
Anyways, please give my regards to Gigi. I hope I can meet with you again one day!
Oh, and I think I've finally nailed the live solo for 100,000 Years! My favorite solo ever.
God Bless,
Jeremy S. |
Rob. M. - August 2017
Thank you Peter for what you have done for all of us die hard fans! I had your autograph tattooed right after we met yesterday. Another bucket list item checked!
God bless you and your wife.
Rob M. |
Even M. - August 2017
Took me a few weeks to finish but here it is. Hope you like it.
Lubbock, TX
Scott F. - August 2017
Hey Peter, Remember these ???It took me 2 1/2 years to get the right sizes on ebay, all shells are fiberglass and Pearl . It took awhile to find the 3D wrap as well now just need to put the Pearl badges back on....ROCK ON CAT !!! Sincerely, Scott F.
Peter & Patricia D. - July 2017
Hi Peter, Travelling from Bocholt/Germany to New York/USA to meet you at the New York KISS Expo wasa dream coming true for us! We spent a wonderful time in the Big Apple. And the highlight was meeting you 3 days in a row. Thank you so much for the time you spent with us and all of the people who came to see you. You listened to our words, talked to us, signed our stuff and my leg with no stress. I told you that I have the same first names like you in German… Peter Georg. Altough my parents didn´t know you in 1967… but they did it right ;-) Gigi and you made this event so awesome for us! The Landmark tour also was great! Visiting the “Electric Lady Studios”, “Dressed To Kill” Corner and of course singing “Beth” with you in front of the Madison Square Garden are moments, that we will never forget! The most beautiful memories are in the appendix. Our personal picture with you, our picture signed by you and ... I still can´t believe it ... your signature tattooed on my leg! Great! We wish Gigi and you health & happiness for the future! God bless you… Greetings from Germany Peter & Patricia D

Billy, Mary and Jacob P. - July 2017
Peter and Gigi ,
I want to personally thank you for the best night of my 11 year old sons life as well as my own , it was great talking to you and sharing stories, you truly are one of a kind , the nicest person I've ever met , treating us like we were your family not just fans , truly an amazing night , thank you from the bottom of my heart , you are the one and only Catman !!!!!
Thank you
Billy, Mary and Jacob P. |
Peter, Brendan, & Victoria W. - July 2017
Dear Peter and Gigi,
Thank you so, so much for doing the meet and greet and photos last weekend.
I drove down with my 16 year old son Brendan and 14 year old daughter Victoria from
Manchester, NH to meet you and have our photo taken with you.
Peter W.
Eliana D. - June 2017
To Mr. Peter Criss
I would like to thank you so much for coming to Australia and making my dream come true. I’ve been one of your fans for 42 years and when you sang Beth at the Melbourne Symphony I said I was lucky enough to hear you I felt like all my wishes came true but and I mean BUT then I was lucky enough to meet you and have my photo taken with my idol now all my wishes have truly come true. You listened to my brief words and thanked me. I got to hug you Oh My God I was overjoyed you have no idea. So once again I thank you for making an old girl so happy and making her dreams come true I never once in my wildest dreams thought I could tell you face to face that I loved you and were so nice about it.
Thank you Peter Criss you are a Legend.
Eliana D. |
Greg C. - June 2017
Hi Peter and Gigi,
I just wanted to say thank you for coming to Melbourne. I was so star struck upon meeting you I was so scared to talk to you. It was my first opportunity to meet and talk to anyone famous let alone someone I absolutely admired when I was a kid. Thank you for signing my much loved Bally items. My pinball is my most treasured item I own and I am hanging out to restore my machine and put that back-glass on with your signature. It will take pride of place in my home once it's finished. God bless you
and God bless your Mother in heaven on Mother's Day today.
Regards Greg C.
Peter Criss = The Cat Man forever |
Clayton W. - June 2017
I have been a fan of KISS since 1975 when I first saw KISS play on Australia TV back then , I was a 14 year old boy back then and to see you all on Countdown watching Rock 'n' Roll All Nite , blow me away and ever since I have been a fan of KISS . You were my favorite member of KISS and you alway have and always will be my favorite member. To here you are coming to Australia, playing your 2nd last concert , I am trying to get down to Melbourne to see you play there . I had the honor to see you play in the reunion tours 6 times and those concerts will forever be a great memories for me. In honor of you and the band you helped make it the greatest band in the world , I got my Yamaha Roadliner 1900cc motorbike petrol tank airbrushed with the 4 original members of KISS . Here are some pictures of the airbrushing I got done for you. I hope you like it as I totally love it. You have helped me though good and bad times in my life with your music and this was my way of honoring you all. Thank you and hope to see you in Melbourne, Australia very soon.
Clayton W.
Svein - May 2017
Hi Gigi/Peter
What do think of my new tattoo?
Svein, Norway |
Mike P. - May 2017
Dear Peter,
For years I have been a huge kiss fan and would like to say that you are one of the greatest drummers in Rock n’ Roll and by far the best drummer kiss has ever had. I hope someday that you and Ace can reunite with Paul and Gene for one last reunion tour.
Sincerely and Rock On!
Mike P. |
Rodrigo - May 2017
Hi Pete!
My name is Rodrigo Luna, I'm from Brazil and I'm a big fan of you! I would like to thank you for your musical carrer and influence on my life! I learned to play drums copying your movements on KISS Alive IV! Since when, I do like to see you playing your songs live and repeat many movements when I hit the drums. I just love the songs you played on LIPS and Chelsea, and many times I like to listen to then while I'm on the pool on the highest volume, of course, so I can freak my neighbours out for a little!
After my wedding (I'm a catholic too) many of your songs were played on the party, I remember to see the people enjoying to listen "You Matter To Me" while the kids were on the dancefloor jumping and moving with the music! It was so sweet!
I read your book, and I have to tell you... it was AWESOME! An incredible book of memories and outbursts. I got so sad when I finished it, I would love to read more and more about you!
I would like to thank you for everything and let you know that I'm gonna pray for you on my daily Rosary! I think you are a great guy and I would love to meet you someday! I don't know if there's any posibility for you come to Brazil someday. I live in Recife, a very beautiful place with many beaches and some of the oldest churches on America.
Have a great day, Pete!
A big hug from a big Brazilian fan!
Sorry for my poor english.
Kind regards,
Ps.: When you gonna finish your solo album? I read something about it, that you're working on it! |
Craig - April 2017
Peter, I know you get thousands of emails and letters a day. Or at least you should. I just wanted to thank you. Because of you I learned how to play drums at the age of 5 self-taught playing to kiss 8 track albums. My parents were to happy when I drew the kiss logo behind me on the wall so I could emulate you and feel like I had the logo behind me.
The thing I really admire the most about you. Is your love for Christi must like others stumbled thru life here and there? But have always found faith and redemption in Jesus Christ. I am glad to hear your healthy from your cancer scare. And finally thank you for helping me find my career. No, its not drums even though I did have a successful band for 5 years. But I am now the owner of Elevate Entertainment which is formerly Dallas Special FX. I get to blow stuff up for a living and it’s all because as a kid I watched my favorite drummer get on a drum riser and have flash pods and explosions going off all around him. No one really picks this field. But it’s all I ever wanted to do and I have been blessed to work with the greats like George Strait and 21 pilots to name a few. But thank you for being someone who people can respect and look up to. The past is the past we don’t have to answer that phone call anymore. God, bless you and your family and all the fans, and your damn right you are the only and original catman.
Craig W. |
Yannick - April 2017
Hi Mr Criss,
I'm writing you from France.
I have read on your website that you will be doing your last live performance soon in Australia, USA.
I'm very sad to read that but I know that now you are at peace with a loving wife you have an other life and other things to do. You have a great career to be proud of : great records, great live concerts, strong solo album, good/crazy memories and you gave a lot to us, KISS fans and I would say Peter Criss's fans.
YOU are the reason why I play drums with my french rock band and trully are an inspiration.Your book is my bible !
You will find a cover-song we recorded in studio on which I play drums on.
You mean a lot to us and that link between you and your fans will never be broken.
I wish you and your family the best and I would be very happy to have news from you.
I also wanted to say that "One for All" was a blast. I read your book and know it was not successfull but it sometimes take some time to understand things and this album was straight from your heart to us and really was strong. The drum sound was huge and your vocals as well as the production were really good.
Now you are doing some "farewell" I would be really happy to hear your rock album you are talking in your book. I think it could rock us in a good way and be well received since you are doing a kind of farewell to KISS fans.
Hope we will get a chance to hear it soon. A fundraising thanks to the fans could be an option.
Here you will find a picture of me with a frame my parents made me as a birthday gift and it's now over my electric drumkit at home ;)
Best regards to you, Gigi and family,
Yannick B.
Jeff - April 2017
I want to sincerely thank you for inspiring me to pick up the sticks 40 years ago. I first heard the Alive album at a friend's house and was blown away ! As I progressed, I discovered Gene Krupa, Buddy Rich, etc and had the opportunity to play in anything from a 17 piece orchestra to countless rock gigs. Playing music has given me so much pleasure over the years and continues to do so. Thanks again for being the spark that ignited a passion for drums!
God bless,
Jeff W. |
Angelo - March 2017
Hi Peter!
Leave Brazil to realize a dream ... meet Peter Criss, the real catman. It was a great pleasure to meet my idol , since I was 13 years old, and to be together with my son, who is also a drummer, at this moment so special. Peter was very friendly, just like Gigi. Unforgettable!
Angelo |
Martijn - March 2017
Dear Mr. Criss,
Since 1979 I became an instant fan of Kiss. Soon I started drumming and you where my great idol. Almost every song I practised to near perfection ( At least I thought : )
When In 1980 discovered your 1978 solo album, I could not stop keep playing it. The groove, the atmosphere and of course the amazing drums and your voice was really a gift to me.
Until this day, You have inspired me in life and music.
With regards,
The Netherlands
Vincent - March 2017
Hi Peter,
I just want to start off by saying I have been a big fan of yours for a long time. I love your voice and can listen to your Kiss classics everyday. Like you I was born in Brooklyn, Italian and raised Catholic. I always admired your toughness and resilience in the face of adversity. You have been an inspiration to millions of people worldwide and a rock and roll legend and truly the one and only Catman. Me in 1979.
Love ya Peter
Vincent D. |
Marina and Carol - February 2017
Hello Peter and Gigi,
We traveled from The Netherlands to the LA Kiss Expo just to meet Peter.
A big thank you to you both for a amazing time. Definately one of the best weekends of our lives. It was a dream come true meeting Peter. Waited so many years for this moment. And the landmark tour was so wonderful. Imagine being on the same bus as Peter Criss,how cool is that! Peter is so wonderful to his fans. It really shows how much he loves his fans and appreciates them. Many artists could learn from Peter on how to treat fans. Peter took all the time to talk to his fans,sign their stuff,hug them,listen to their stories. What a class act!!! You are 2 of the most sweetest persons we ever met. Love you dearly! Thanks for this great experience.
God Bless you both,
Marina and Carol |
Billy K. - February 2017
To the greatest and most inspirational drummers of all time...
Im a life long KISS fan and have been since a young kid. You are one of the reasons I began to play drums. This is my tribute to you and the three other icons you changed my life through music and the comic book characters that were like my superheros. Who's spiderman? The CATMAN is the real hero, PETER CRISS that is. My name is Billy K. from Darwin, Australia and I hope this message gets through to you Peter, godbless!
Billy K. |
Matias B. - February 2017 Gigi & Peter,
Thank u from the bottom of heart to make me live a precious moment in my life. Tons of love and KISSes for u both.
God bless u,
Matias |
Bill F. - January 2017
Hi Peter,
You are one of favorite behind Ringo and writing to you. Happy belated birthday. I'm battling and illness called neurogenic angioedema since 2009 and almost died on 7 times. They don't think ill make it to see 40 and I had less than six months to prove them wrong. I wish one day to meet you and here's a drawing I did on filter paper of you.
One of your biggest fans,
Bill F. |
K William G. - January 2017
Dear Peter,
My life as a drummer began with you after listening to KISS ALIVE 2. Thank you so much for inspiring me to think big and follow my dreams. It has brought me great success in so many areas of my life!!!
Be Blessed,
K William G. |
David T. - January 2017
Hello Peter
I grew up admiring you as well as wanting to be like you . I am a 50 yes 50 year old drummer who took a 35 year break .
Last year I started playing again and my only regret is that I quit when I was young. I have a music room , I encourage all my kids to play . We have a lead guitar , keyboard and 2 drummers very cool.
Tell Gene too bad we are Ace and Peter Fans!!!
Thank you for being you ….even though I’m sure you will never read this it feels good to write it .
Take Care
David T.