Fans of the Month - 2020 |
Céline B. - December 2020
Hello Mr. Criss (or Peter, or Catman... choose one ;)
A few words just for you from a French Canadian girl kind of far from you.
When I got to teenage, I discovered Kiss and of course the Catman (1976). It hit me like a bomb. I was into classical music a lot, I was playing flute, clarinet and piano. But your sound and personality got me addicted to drums. You impressed me so much and even today. I was discovering RocknRoll and I 'll never forget that. I drove my parents nuts, believe me! I even joined a school band as the drummer for one year!!!!! I have learned everything i know about drumming by listening to your sound and your moves and you know what? I was kind of good... I even surprised myself.
I never got to see you in concert with Kiss or in person but still you are my best. I would have loved to shake your hand and see your beautiful smile.
Looking back at some stuff from those years, I realize that you kept me going in a very positive way throughout my adolescence. I thank you for that.
Thank you for reading me.
Take a good care of yourself.
I love you Catman.
Céline B.
Ps : we can see many things by looking at people's eyes... yours are saying a lot. |
Giuseppe D. - December 2020
Peter I cannot express how much you are a part of my life. I am 50 years old now and have loved you since the 70s. The real catman. You have class and charisma and nobody can ever take your place. I looked up to you more than Gene or Paul. I know you are older now and probably don't want to go out to conventions anymore even with this crappy pandemic. Hope to meet you one more time and give you a hug. O remember one time I met you you were so nice and actually gave me a hug and said I was a big dude lol.. I'll never forget that. I still listen to your solo stuff and sing along with them. The original four is the only thing I'll watch and listen too. Watching your early years was the best raw and on fire. Just wanted to tell you this fan still thinks of you and how special you are to me. Ace is funny but you are the best.
God bless you Catman tell Gigi I said hello she is a nice lady too.
Giuseppe D. |
Pamm W. - December 2020
Hi! I was just watching old KISS videos.. I still love Beth most of all, I played that over and over as a teenager. And cried. Of course :) I would have been 16 when I first heard KISS, and in the midst of going from an angel to a devil as my beloved Granny said! Hell, if that had been the worst thing I listened to (in their minds), my parents were lucky ... LOL!
I just wanted you to know that I so very much prefer the original KISS as I first saw them, and you were always my favourite. Not asking for a response, but I do wish you were on Twitter!
Thank you for the music (sorry ABBA!)
Much love,
Pamm W. |
Lesa F. - November 2020
I just happened upon the 1976 Paul Lynde Halloween Special!! As soon as KISS came on, I realized that this was how I was first introduced to KISS, and especially you, Peter. I was immediately thrown back to 10-year old me hearing “Beth” for the first time, and falling madly in love for the first time! That first experience watching you sing that song has never left me, and what a blast to see it again! (p.s. I dressed up as you for Halloween that year)!
Thanks for the memories, Catman |
Paul H. - November 2020
Hello, Peter. I was seven years old when I got my hands on my first KISS album -- KISS ALIVE II. I'd never seen or heard anything like it, and it blew me away. The moment I heard your work on "God of Thunder" I knew I wanted to be a drummer. A few years later I would finally have my own kit -- Pearl, of course, because that's what you played. I've been playing ever since. Thanks for all the great music!
Paul H. |
Jose T. - November 2020 Hello dear Peter, I hope you are very well I am José Luis Muena from Chile, I was born on October 21, 1977, in 1979 I saw Kiss on TV for the first time and since then I have admired his work. In 1995 we formed our own band with my brother Christian, called Hideousmash, combining theatricality with Thrash and Black Metal.
I'm so glad to write you.
God Bless you |
Billy N. - October 2020
Peter – just finished your book. I just wanted to reach out and tell you how much I enjoyed it. My wife is a two-time breast cancer survivor and your story really hits home. Really enjoyed the stories from your career. As a life-long fan, I was amazed at the tales. I hope you are doing well and would be honored to meet you one day. Take care and stay safe.
Billy N. |
Anne B. - October 2020
Hi Peter.
I'm Anne, again. In a previous message I wrote that I would make a drawing.
I hope you like it.
Anne B. |
Steve C. - October 2020
I just turned 47 years old and I have been a KISS Peter Criss fan almost all my life. After being a fan of the band when I was younger, I started to read and see videos on you tube about the problems back stage with you guys. I read yours ,Ace’s and Genes. I couldn’t finish Paul’s because the minute he got to the KISS years it was an all out attack on you and Ace so I put it on the shelf and walked away. After years of listing to the mud slinging and crying , I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for being a professional and not engaging in the nonsense. Thank you for killing it night after night for US the fans. Thank you for putting out solo albums all of wich I own. Just Thank you for being my inspiration on the drums, and music in general.
Thank you Cat Man
I hope retirement treats you well. You deserve it
Steve C.
Alice M. - September 2020
Hi Peter! I hope you’re doing well! I decided one day to do your makeup off the first record. I think it turned out ok. It’s a bit sloppy but I think it gets the idea across. I tried to recreate the look you had on your face on the cover. Hope you like it! Love you Peter and hope you’re staying well.
Cheers ,
Alice |
John C. - September 2020 Catman, thank you for the great times y’all gave me with my dad. He introduced me to Kiss. I was in my moms stomach in1976 when y’all played mobile Alabama . In 1996 dad and I chased y’all for 8 shows!! I lost my mom in 01 and dad in 15. He was an army vet with 2 tours of nam with the infantry. Same unit as Forrest Gump haha. 9 inf div. Ace is the reason I play guitar. My 10 year old daughter sings Beth whenever I bring the acoustic out.
Peter, God bless you and yours my friend. Thank you once again For the memories and the music. I’ll light a candle at mass for ya.
John C. |
Chris E. - September 2020
Dear Peter,
Thank you so much for being such a big part of my youth. One rainy Saturday afternoon in 1976 my older sister saw that her then-11 year old brother was bored and said "Come on upstairs. I want to show you something." She grabbed an album from her room and brought it to my little rinky-dink 'stereo' and put it on while I stared at the cover. It was Destroyer and I remember asking her things like "Are those people?" and "Are they men or women?" I didn't know what the hell I was looking at....BUT....I was hooked. From that moment on I became obsessed with KISS. Almost immediately I bought her KISS albums from her. Soon after that I bought my very first new album, Rock and Roll Over. ("Go Baby Driver...I wanna be alone..") Flash forward one year later and my bedroom walls, the back of the door, and even part of the ceiling were covered in KISS pin-ups and posters....mostly of my favorite member, YOU. I used my paper route money to buy every magazine that had KISS articles, including ones like 16 Magazine. (Which is why, to this day, I know way more about people like Shaun Cassidy and Leif Garrett than any straight man should know.) To me you had the coolest look and the best voice. But you were also the drummer. I used to sit on the side of my bed after strategically placing pillows as various drums on my 'drum set' and play along to KISS albums, pretending I was you. A dork, yes, but I was having harmless fun and that's what really matters. 'I Can't Stop the Rain' is still, in my opinion, the best song out of the four solo albums. I went out as you twice for Halloween.
Anyway, I'm sure you've read things like this a thousand times. My story is not unique among the KISS Army (yes, I was a 1977 member and still have my card). But again, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for being my 1970s idol. Ahhhh, the glorious '70s.
Take Care Peter (3),
Chris E. |
Billy D. - August 2020
Peter, thank you for influencing me to pick up drum sticks. Thank you for being a part of music that has gotten me through some difficult times. I’ll never forget discovering the live video for Shout It Out Loud (live at Tiger Stadium) when I was 12 or 13 years old. I knew that I would want to be a drummer. Back in 2014, my father ended his life and most of time, Kiss and Peter Criss music helps me cope. Especially the song Don’t You Let Me Down. I hope you are enjoying life with GiGi and I wish you both the best. God bless to the one and only Catman.
Thank you for everything!
Jameson P. - August 2020
I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you for the years of great music. At 55 I'm no spring chicken any more, and I know I'll never get the chance to see you in person playing live. You were and are still my favorite member of KISS. I was devastated when you decided enough was enough. I dug Eric Carr as a drummer, but he could never replace you. Only follow. Your shoes would be the hardest to fill, and I'll be forever grateful that I still have your music.
A true fan of the one and ONLY, Catman. Hope life is treating you well. Enjoy.
Jameson P. |
Zoran - August 2020
Hi Peter,
My name is Zoran from Belgrade, Serbia.
"KISS" was unknown in my country until the album "Dynasty", and then I heard the song that made me fall in love with this band. One of my life’s wishes was to go to a KISS concert and that wish came true in 1997 after the reunion.
Initially, I came up with a KISS record thanks to friends who had one or two KISS albums. I copied those records into cassettes and listened to them for years.
The first LP I ever bought was “Dynasty”. Today I have almost all the albums on vinyl, including the 1978 solo albums and the last four albums on CD. I miss just few of them.
Pictures of the band members still hang in my living room.
I am now 53 years old, I play the guitar and I am happy to be able to write to the members of my favorite band.
You were my heroes from my teenage days. My friends were reading comics, and I was pasting KISS posters on the walls of my room.
I watched television for hours waiting for a video of my favorite band to appear, but that, unfortunately, rarely happened.
I want to tell you that is your solo album is my favorite, and the song Beth is my favorite KISS song.
I'm sorry we didn't meet in the backstage in 1997, to get an autograph on my copy of your solo album, but I'm still very pleased to see my youth heroes at the Belgrade Fair live and in the original, while my wife and baby were waiting for me at home.
My life's wish, this time, was fulfilled and that is why I am unusually happy. On this occasion, I would like to greet you and wish you good health.
Best regards from Zoran from Belgrade, Serbia |
Crystal, Marc, and Lorelei - July 2020
Dear Peter,
My family and I are such big fans of yours! We met you a few years ago and we cherish those memories so much.
I wanted to share this photo of our 3 year old little girl, Lorelei Elizabeth with you. She wore KISS makeup for the very first time recently and we chose the catman makeup for her since Beth (Elizabeth) is part of her namesake.
God Bless!
Crystal & Marc
Scott B. - July 2020
Just wanted to say that I love ya man!
Kiss Alive II was my first album I ever got for Christmas when I was 10 years old.
I played the hell out of that album and am actually listening to it right now. Love your drumming and your voice, classic Kiss.
I’m a drummer also and you influenced me immensely in my formative years.
Alright, just wanted to let you know that you affected my life greatly and in amazing ways.
Peace man,
Scott |
Ace C. - July 2020
I hope you are doing well and healthy during these crazy times. I just want to say thank you for all the music and entertainment you have given us. I got to see you during the Kiss reunion tour in 95-96 and I will never forget it. I am also a drummer and try to learn a few things watching you play.
Stay safe and happy catman
Ace C. |
Sean H . - June 2020
Peter I’ve met you several times and Im one of your biggest fans. For an early Father’s Day this year my wife surprised me with a painting she had made of our 3 month old daughter Dru in your makeup. Just wanted to share this with you.
Wishing you and your wife all the best.
Sean H. |
Ray W. - June 2020
Hello :) I was 5 in 1978. That's when mom got me Kiss Alive II. I remember opening the double album up and my little, young mind being just blown away. That's what I want to do forever. Be behind a drumset playing shows like Peter Criss. Sir, without you my life of drums probably would have been completely different. I know you hear the same story all the time. I would have my mom put Peter Criss make up on me lol. It's an honor to write you this message. I first starting playing Pearl because of you too. I just wanted to be like the Cat Man. Now I'm doing my own thing with the drums, but still playing rock. I'm currently in a pretty popular punk band here in Phoenix Az. But I yell ya, there are times i look of video of me playing drums and I see where all the influence from watching you rubbed off.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Peter.
Your forever fan friend Ray W. |
Rebecca B. - June 2020
Hi Peter!
Hope you're doing well. Found some old "artwork" that my mom's been saving since 1976 and thought you might recognize the featured subject. Just wanted to say Kiss has been there since my earliest memories of life. My older brother was a pre-teen fan during your original run so the music and merchandise was always in our home. The first music I remember is Kiss. For Halloween when I was about 4, I remember my dad saying I could have all 4 Kiss masks or 1 Kiss costume. He was like, "Look, you can take turns being all of them if you get the masks." I chose the costume anyway--yours. I always gravitated to the Cat Man. You were my favorite at 2 and you're still my favorite at 45. I know little kid fans probably weren't the rocker cred you guys were going for, but you really filled my childhood with great memories and my brother and I still share a strong bond over it after all these years. In fact, I think it speaks volumes about the magic of a band whose appeal spans small children to 60 year olds and up. I don't know of any other band that can say that. My brother and I never got the chance to see you guys as kids, but at the reunion tour, I swear we both got teary when the set began because we never thought we'd get the chance to see you (original line-up) in concert and it was literally our dream coming true before our eyes. I'm glad I got to share that moment with him because it was a huge deal for us. For a lot of your fans, it goes deeper than just liking your music, or even still liking your music 40 years later. You made our childhoods awesome and that nostalgic comfort has stayed with me all these years.
Anyway, just wanted to share my experience with you. You mean more than you know to your fans, and it's about more than just music. I hope that when this Covid crisis is over you'll plan more meet and greets (maybe somewhere in the southeast please?) because I would love the chance to get a photo with you. Much love to you and your family!
Rebecca B. |
Ken R. - May 2020 Peter,
I've been a fan since I was a kid and I just wanted say thank you for the memories and the music...they've gotten me through some really tough times....and still get me through. As I drive this truck across the country during these crazy times.... ugh, lol... it sure makes the miles go a lil smoother... so from me, my wife, my daughter and Bubby the cat or "fatass" as my wife calls him...
Thank you and God Bless,
Ken R. |
Jason H. - May 2020 Just wanted to let you know that I’ve been a long time fan...Since i was oh, six or so. Ha ha. So that’s for 42 years. Anyway, I now reside in western PA as an Optometrist.......
I thought I would send you a picture of your feline counterpart. His name is....Peter Criss (for obvious reasons).
I hope you and your family are staying safe and sane.
Cheers to you and God bless.
Jason H.
Timo S. - My 2020 Hi,
Man ,it so hard to put words how I feel,just reed your book ..okey maybe 3trd time... I been KISS fan since ,well hard to remeber but long long long time a go... First memories was Love gun tour so it`s been life time....
I just wanna thank you botttom of my heart of what you have done,you know when my dad get sick and that was 1994 november,when i get out of army so.. one snowy night (that night it raining snow so much it was hard to walking out streets ) I putting Destroyer to my walkman ( yeah no cd ) listening Beth and I starting crying...so much pain inside me and it came out out just that night.Never forget it...
My dad got cancer last year and we`re fightin, he feels much better now but everything can chance so fast. But anyway if i dont have get to know your time KISS, maybe i dont be ME, you and your songs have help me so much, so thanks Peter of all what you have done.
Love you man!
Best wishes
TS from Finland
Chris D. - April 2020
Hi Peter,
I've been a big fan since 1976, when i was 8. When my wife was pregnant, one of the songs I'd play close to her belly was Beth. My daughter is now 16 and i recently found her listening to Beth. I asked her about it and she said that it's beautiful and helps her relax and feel that everything will be OK when she's nervous.
Thank you for some beautiful (and rocking!) music.
Chris D. |
Rocky - April 2020
Hey Peter,
Just surfing the web and thinking of the old days when I was a kid. Wishing you and your family peace love and joy! Thank you for all the memories, I still go out on a run and listen to rock and roll over and dressed to kill. Great times, Stay safe and close to God in these times!
Fan since 73'
Rocky |
Billy D. - April 2020
Hi Peter, I just wanted to say thank you for all of the amazing music. KISS is my favorite band and you’re one of the reasons I became a drummer. Whenever I’m not feeling motivated, I listen to and play songs like Watching You, God of Thunder, Strange Ways, etc and instantly remember why I love drumming. My favorite albums are ‘Hotter Than Hell’ and ‘Destroyer’. I can go on and on, but I just wanted to say thank you for always motivating me to play drums.
God bless Catman!
Billy D.
Johnny and Steph K. - March 2020 Hi Peter,
Just wanted to share a couple of pictures of me and my now fiance when I popped the big question to her.
We are huge KISS fans, and although it was only a tribute band, it was a perfect opportunity to ask her to marry me.
She went with the full Catman make-up and I hope you agree that she rocked it!
I thought with all the crap going on in the world these days it would be nice to put something in your inbox that might make you smile.
She's a huge fan of your drumming, and she now keeps asking me to buy her a kit! You've clearly inspired her...
Keep on rocking,
Johnny and Steph K.

David P. - March 2020 Hi there,
You probably get a ton of email but I just saw your photos with John5 and I wanted to say it is great to see you happy and healthy and enjoying yourself.
I grew up on Kiss and your work and I can't say enough good about it. You are one of a kind!
Be well.
David P. |
Jimmy "Boots" F. - March 2020 Hi Peter Criss,
My names is Jimmy "Boots" F. and I love entertainment. Acting runs in my family with my grandfather and my brother as does music. And I love to sing but i am tone Deaf lol... so when i was young people would hear me sing with the radio and one song that was easier for me to sing and i loved was the song, and yes you know it bro, it was Beth. Well they had a band playing at a local night club and people that knew me talk the band in to letting me sing. Great but remember I'm tone deaf lol so I told them I can sing the song just fine if Peter was singing with me. So that's what they did. One of the guys from the band had a cassette tape in his car. So they put these earbuds on me or what ever you called them in the 80s and I had your voice and music in my ear. It was like you was standing right next to me and as I sang I would just picture you and me singing together and it was the next best thing to you being with me!! At the end of the song I did get a standing Ovation!! So for a few minutes I felt what it was like to be apart of you and KISS and the life of a Musician! Thank You!!
Thanks Again Peter Criss from Jimmy "Boots" F.
Keep the Live and Peace!!! |
Dr. Fred B. - February 2020
Hello Peter.
I'm 57 years old and have been a fan of yours since I was 15. I saw my very first KISS concert at the Providence Civic Center in 1978. You quickly became an inspiration and my idol and I even dressed up as the cat man (boy lol) one Halloween. You played the drums with such fluidity, confidence and ease. And your kit was incredible! Always wanted to play on a kit like that. I've always hoped to meet you.
As a boy, I was always fascinated by drums. I started off with the rubber practice pad and got my first set when I was around 12. I played constantly until I joined the Navy in 1981. I served for 9 years. My career was cut short by a knee injury. I got away from playing while in the service for obvious reasons lol. I got another set shortly after I was discharged. Played again for a few years, then went to college and became a sports and rehab chiropractor, practicing almost 20 years now. I had every single KISS album and could play just about every song. I loved your solo in 100,000 years and God of Thunder from Alive 2.
I just bought this Pearl set and it feels great to play again. I'm planning on adding to the kit.
I just want to thank you. You remain my idol and I'm hoping to pick up where I left off and keep going! The drums have been a source of peace, energy and excitement for me and lets face it, its an excellent workout!
I hope you are well and if ever in the need for a good chiropractor, let me know.
Dr. Fred B. |
Dr. John W. - February 2020
I grew up, I’m 55, in Southern Indiana and was forbidden to listen to any “devil” music as a child. I was always intrigued by KISS and as I got older really appreciated your music. I never attended a rock concert, but when KISS announced last year they were doing a final tour I made up my mind to go if you and Ace were in it. Since you were not I didn’t attend. From a fan’s perspective if there is anyway you could join them for either a full show or a few sets per concert I’d certainly enjoy that.
John W. |
Scott G. - February 2020
Mr Criss,
Just wanted to thank you for the amazing impact you had on my life. I was just a shy little boy when I first saw you in KISS. I went on to be a rock drummer, a big cat keeper in a zoo and an actor! In some strange way, you helped a boy you didn’t even know . I found the combination of drums ,cats and theatrics and somehow met the perfect woman during the course of it all!!!! It’s been a great adventure!
Thank you, Catman!
Scott G. |
Nicolas "Chino" P. - January 2020
Hi Peter,
I am Thomas from Argentina... Today my friend Nicolas "Chino" P., passed away. He was 27 years old and was your biggest fan ever. I would love if you can say some words for him. He left 2 beautiful daugthers, and we are debasted... He really loved you, he was drummer becouse of you. Here i send you a photo of me with Nicolas (he is on the drums)
Thank you, I hope you can answer.
Mitch H . - January 2020
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your book—I quote from it in one of my forthcoming. You’re the best.
Your fan,
Jet A . - January 2020
Hi Mr. Peter Criss,
I recently bought and finished reading your autobiography Makeup to Breakup. I’ve read the other members books and I’ve gotta say yours is my favorite. Reading it felt like I was listening to you tell all the stories in person, and I’ve always loved your voice the best out of all the members its the most unique and heartfelt and soulful, and of course your drumming really is the groove that had the early songs sound so great, I love the way your drumming always had a swing feel to it and the ghost notes on the snares and funky hi hat rhythms spiced things up, Im 18 years old so I never really had the chance to see the only real KISS with Peter Criss and Ace Frehley and it bums me out a bit, but listening to the old records always brings me to life, ya know people say Eric singers a great drummer but I honestly always felt his drumming was over simplified and boring, on the other had you always drummed with soul and spice and I love it, anyway reading your book was great felt like the closest thing I could get to seeing Kiss in the seventies.
Thanks for all the great music Mr Peter Criss the Catman!
Jet |